news & events
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January 31 - February 9, 2025 | |
Dear People of Saint Paul's,
This Sunday we will celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of our Lord. The highlight of the gospel reading for the day is the Song of Simeon, or Nunc Dimittis, and the themes of light and hope pervade the whole day.
On Saturday we'll celebrate one of the great modern prophets of light and hope: Martin Luther King, Jr. Bishop Logue will join Episcopalians from all local parishes in marching in the Augusta MLK Day parade (rescheduled to this Saturday). Everybody will gather at Saint Paul's between 9 and 10 in the morning for coffee, pastries, community-building, and an opportunity to make signs to carry as we walk. We'll then caravan over to the parade site to line up by 11:00.
Also on Sunday, the Sunday Forum begins our annual series on Women of the Bible. Check out the details of that session below, and join us for all of this rich, holy weekend.
At this year's Annual Meeting, we elected a Junior Warden and four Vestry Members. Charlie Tudor was elected Junior Warden from the current Vestry. Erick Montgomery will complete his term as Junior Warden Easter Monday. Jerry Ashmore, Tom Cathey, Linda Hardy, and Tom Robertson were elected to the Vestry. Bryan Hawkins, Ian McQueen, and Rex Teeslink will complete their Vestry terms Easter Monday, April 21st.
The Parish Meeting was also a chance to honor several parishioners who have recently concluded long terms of leadership in our ministries and committees. Minta Nixon (Linen Guild) was presented a new fair linen for the altar, Monty Osteen (Finance Committee) was presented with a flyer for the new H. Monty Osteen Planned Giving Seminar, and Carolyn Dolen (Lay Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors) was presented with a pyx for use at the Eucharist. We give thanks for their decades of faithful leadership among us.
The annual report is available here and printed copies are available in the Narthex and the rack outside the parish office
Summer Mission Experience
Mission dates: June 5 - June 17, 2025
Deadline to join the trip: Friday, January 31
You are invited to join Saint Paul’s parishioners, family, and friends on a mission experience this summer to Ecuador, June 5-16, 2025.This would include a 4-day retreat to the Galapagos Islands.
An information sheet is available here. If you would like additional information about Quito, Ecuador, the mission work, and trip details, please contact Gene or Rose Helmich, or call 803-640-3405. The deadline to join the trip is January 31, 2025, and a $100 deposit is due.
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EVENTS THIS WEEKEND | February 1 | |
MLK Jr. Parade Rescheduled
Saturday, February 1, 9 AM, Tyler Hall
Episcopal Churches in the Augusta area are marching with Bishop Logue in the MLK Jr. Day Parade this year, Saturday, February 1, 1 PM. Join us for a sign making party in advance of the event in Tyler Hall at 9 AM. Buona Caffe coffee and pastries will be provided. PM. Parade line up begins at 11 AM. Let us know if you'll be joining us by signing up below.
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Zentangle Workshop
February 1, 9:30 AM - 12 PM, The Berlin Room
Martha Arrington, artist and Saint Paul's parishioner, offers two Zentangle Workshops in the Berlin Room this February. Zentangle is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing patterns. Anyone, young or old, can create a Zentangle drawing if they can write their name. Two classes available: February 1st (Zentangle Reversed) or February 22nd (Zentangle Renaissance. Contact Martha Arrington for class descriptions and cost.
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EVENTS THIS SUNDAY | February 2 | |
Rectors' Discretionary Accounts
First Sunday Offering— Your generous non-pledged offerings (cash and designated checks to Fr. Biddy’s discretionary and Mtr. Kimberly’s Discretionary) on the first Sunday each month support our clergy’s Discretionary Account. These funds are used to meet urgent needs within our community, to further the ministries of the church when other funds are not available, and to support community programs and institutions that serve those in need.
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The Nursery will be open Sun, February 2
9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
We are pleased to announce that the Saint Paul’s nursery is open for children 6 months to 4 years of age. The nursery will be available this Sunday morning beginning at 9:00.
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Sunday Worship Schedule for 2/2/25
8 AM Rite I
11 AM Rite II
11 AM Facebook Live
11 AM YouTube Live
5:30 PM - Celtic Evening Prayer and Communion
All of our Sunday worship services are in-person.
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Biscuits for Breakfast
Sunday, 9 - 9:30 AM
Busy morning? Breakfast with your friends at Saint Paul's instead! We have McDonald's biscuits, burritos, and hash browns for breakfast this Sunday in Tyler Hall at 9 AM. Donations welcomed.
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Children's Choirs Rehearsals
Sunday, 9:25 - 10 AM
The Canterbury Choir (children in grades 3-9) and the St. Nicholas Choir (Pre-K through grade 2) will rehearse as scheduled, 9:25-10:00 AM.
If you or any family or friends are interested in the choir program, please email Director of Music, Keith Shafer or call (706) 724-2485 ext. 215.
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Women of the Bible at the Sunday Forum
Beginning Feb. 2, 9:30 AM, The Berlin Room
Our Spring "Women of the Bible" Adult Christian Formation Series returns for 3 sessions in Epiphany (February 2, 9, 16). As in the past, this short series will focus on the lives and significance of stories of women in the Bible.
This Sunday: Ruth - Loyalty, Loss, Love, and Legacy, led by Robin Merriman. Robin suggests reading the book of Ruth and ponder God’s providence and redemption in the book but also in their lives. Links to the four short Chapters are available below.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
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Godly Play (grades pk4-2)
Sundays, 10-10:45 AM
St. Francis' Room, CMC
The Godly Play class will continue to learn stories from the Bible in an engaging, Montessori format. Kim Butler and Sara Dimsdale will lead our younger children in the Saint Francis Room (Godly Play Room). If your child is in the Saint Nicholas choir, they will transition from choir to formation.
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Weaving God's Promises
Upper Elementary Class (grades 3-5)
Sundays, 10-10:45 AM
St. Patrick's Room, CMC
Our upper elementary children will continue lessons structured around the Holy Eucharist. Kitty Gordon and Jackie Pingel will lead our older children. They will meet in the Saint Patrick Room (large classroom across from the office). If your child is in the Canterbury choir, they will transition from choir to the formation class.
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Middle School Formation (Grades 6-8)
Sundays, 10-10:45 AM
St. Benedict's Room, CMC
Our Middle School class will resume studying the book Half Truths: God Helps Those Who Help Themselves and Other Things the Bible Doesn't Say by Adam Hamilton.
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Children's Parent and Volunteer Gathering
Sunday, February 2, 12:30 PM, Tyler Hall
In order to make our Children and Youth spring programs the best it can be, please join Aubrey at a Parent and Volunteer gathering in Tyler Hall. We will discuss programming and how you can engage with our growing program.
Food provided so be sure to RSVP.
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EYC Game Night
February 2, 5:00-7:00 PM, off-site
Let the games begin! EYC (Episcopal Youth Community, grades 6-12), will gather with our friends at St. Bart's (471 W Martintown Rd, North Augusta, SC) for a game night. Invite a friend and let Aubrey know your headcount. Email Aubrey for more information.
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Celtic Evening Prayer and Communion
With Prayers for Healing
Sundays, 5:30 PM
Celtic Evening Prayer and Communion is a candle-lit service that emphasizes the contemplative side of worship, features some of Augusta’s best Celtic musicians, and offers prayers for healing for those attending, for others, and for the world. Come as you are and enter into a place of rest, prayer, and reflection.
Robyn and Don Macey are our guest musicians this week.
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EVENTS NEXT WEEK | February 3 - February 9 | |
Tuesday's Music Live
February 4, 12 noon, Nave
Tuesday’s Music Live continues its 36th season Tuesday, February 4, with a free concert by The Charlestones. More information at TuesdaysMusicLive.com or by calling the Box Office at (706) 722-3463.
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KIDS Monthly Meal
February 5, 6 PM, The St. Patrick's Room
No Grownups Allowed. (😉Except those supervising). Our First Kids Monthly Meal is just for Kids. While parents enjoy the Men's Monthly Meal in the River Room, our children are invited to share a meal together in the Saint Patrick's Room (upper elementary classroom located in the CMC). We will have a lesson and share a kid-friendly meal together. So that we will have enough food, please let Aubrey if you can attend
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Mmm... (Men's Monthly Meal)
February 5, 6 PM, The River Room
Join us for our next Men’s Monthly Meal (Mmm!) scheduled Wednesday, February 4. (Men gather at 4 PM to cook, the parish gathers at 6 PM for dinner.) We have a baked potato bar on the menu with chili, nacho cheese sauce, bacon, broccoli, black beans, cheese, sour cream, Greek yogurt, chives, and sauteed mushrooms and onions. Chocolate brownies and lemon squares for dessert. PLEASE RSVP on the website, so that we may be a good host.
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Compline - ZOOM
Wednesdays, 8 - 8:15 PM
Join Zoom
Meeting ID: 595 177 454
Dial-In: (646) 876-9923
Password: Email the Parish Office to request.
Compline is a beautiful, simple, and quiet service to end the day together in prayer with God. This service is led by members of the parish using an on-screen bulletin so everyone may pray together.
Following the prayers, those who gather through Zoom have an opportunity for a mid-week visit.
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Mid-Week Eucharist
Thursdays, 11:30 AM, Chapel
A mid-week Eucharist in the Chapel begins at 11:30 AM. Lunch in Tyler Hall follows at 12 noon with a weekly Bible study (more information below.) Join us as your schedule allows: Come for Eucharist and lunch, lunch and Bible study, or stay for all three. (So that we may honor mid-day schedules, lunch is scheduled for 15 minutes and will continue through the Bible study conversations.)
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Lectio at Lunch
Thursdays, 12 Noon, Tyler Hall
Every Thursday in Tyler Hall you’ll find a lunch combo that can’t be beat! We offer a tasty meal with a generous helping of fellowship, plus a lively discussion arising from the Gospel of Luke. Our text is N.T. Wright’s Luke for Everyone which takes this Gospel in small bites, reflecting on each week’s reading with relevant and important insights. We finish promptly at 1:00 PM and invite you to join us as your schedule allows. You may bring your own lunch or share in the meal provided. Donations accepted.
Questions? Contact Kitty Gordon or Susan Yarborough
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Dates for your calendar
February 11 - W.E.E.M.
February 16 - Winter Family Dance
February 17 - Vestry Meeting
February 18 - Tuesday's Music Live
February 19 - Senior Lunch
January 18 - MLK, Jr. Parade
February 22 - Zentangle
February 23 - Bishop Logue's Annual Visitation
February 27 - Caring Prayer
March 4 - Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner
March 5 - Ash Wednesday
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Enjoy a Super Bowl of Chili!
Sunday, February 9
Pick up a quart of chili on Super Bowl Sunday, February 9. We’re hosting a fundraiser to help defray costs for this summer’s mission trip to Ecuador. We’ll be on the Portico following the 8:00 and 11:00 services ($18 per quart). Sign up to reserve your quart using the link below.
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Winter Family Dance Party - A Fundraiser for our Youth
February 16, The River Room
Save the Date! February 16th, Saint Paul's youth are proud to present the Winter Family Dance. Children 3k-5th grade are encouraged to attend with a loved one. The proceeds from this event will go to support our youth for upcoming retreats and missions.
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New Issue Forward Day by Day
The new Day by Day issue for February, March, and April has arrived and is available in the Narthex. Forward Day by Day is a booklet of daily, “page-a-day,” inspirational meditations each reflecting on a specific Bible passage from the daily lectionary readings of the Episcopal Church. The meditations are rich in substance and offer a wide range of witness and experiences. These meditations are also available online on the Forward Movement website.
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The New Saint Paul's Pod
We are excited to introduce Saint Paul's Pod, a weekly podcast where faith is nurtured, and the love of God is shared with all. Each episode will feature the previous Sunday's sermon and words of encouragement and inspiration. Tune into Saint Paul's Pod on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music and iHeartRadio.
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A NEW Outreach Partnership
Goodwill Collection Bin in Tyler Hall
You will find a LARGE Blue Bin in Tyler Hall for your donations to Goodwill. As you begin spring cleaning, we invite you to share your donations for Goodwill using this new bin. Saint Paul’s will receive five $50 vouchers for each filled bin. Our clergy can share these vouchers, which may be used at Goodwill, with those seeking assistance. Contact Mtr. Kimberly for more information.
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Spring Program Guide COMING SOON
"A Church for the City -- A Church for You!
Keep an eye out: our new Spring Program Guide will be available soon.
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Gifts to Saint Paul's Church | |
"All that we are and all that we have comes from God. In gratitude, we honor him by giving of ourselves and our gifts to care for his world."
--Saint Paul’s Vestry Theology of Stewardship
Gifts can be made using the link below, on-line at saintpauls.org/giving, or by mail to Saint Paul’s Church, 605 Reynolds St., Augusta, GA 30901. Thank you for your generosity.
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Are we missing your birthday?
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