Learning and Growing

The RE Bulletin for the

First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton

Holiday Edition

Devin's Reflections

This year, our Christmas Pageant will be a little different - we are going it no-rehearsal style. No-rehearsal style means that we won't have a formal, required rehearsal.

There will be only one optional rehearsal which will take place on December 15th following the worship service. Joining for this rehearsal would be a great idea if you like to know what to expect or you want to try your hand at a speaking role - or at least one that feels more involved. More involved roles include: Narrator, Caesar, Mary, Joseph, Leader, Manager, Angel, and Wise People. (Don't worry, Jesus will be there but we're likely to use a baby doll for the role of Jesus.)

There are different ways you can be involved in the pageant this year! Some of you will take part in the story and help us to see and experience this familiar story as a living story, a story we all can be a part of. There will be four points in the story when we will pause and ask for volunteers to play parts in the story. If you wish to be a part of the story, all you have to do is listen closely, raise your hand, and you'll be invited up.

Whether new comer or long timer, whether young or young at heart, your presence and participation is welcome and wanted in this year's pageant. No matter if you come up or not, everyone is a participant in this service, for witnessing its creation is as vital as playing a part in it.

I am really looking forward to seeing you on Sunday, December 22nd at 10:15 AM for our Annual Christmas Pageant - if I don't see you at the rehearsal on Sunday the 15th after worship or sooner! We'll have costumes ready for you if you want to go all out or you can bring your own. I would never say no to a cameo appearance from a beloved stuffed animal either.


Parents Night Out (FREE!) - Friday, December 13, 2024, 6-9pm

Want to drop your kids off somewhere while you have some much needed time to yourself? Is free childcare a dream come true?

The Member Services and Religious Exploration Committees have worked together to offer FUUSN Parents and Caregivers free childcare for ages 6 months through 5th grade at FUUSN once a month between December and May, starting on December 13.  Youth are welcome helpers!

Reserve space for your kids today and plan that date night because RSVP is required so we can have the right amount of materials and resources for the variety of activities we plan to offer.

The next Parents Night Out will be Friday, January 10th.

Soul Collage®: Images, Intuition, and Insight with Isabel Phillips, Ed.D (Program for Adults)

- December 14, 2024, 9am-1pm

Take a break from your thinking brain and rest in your imagination and creativity! Follow what fascinates you. There will be images galore, meditative music, and grace-filled time to follow your curiosity and wonder.

SoulCollage® begins with the process of choosing and then combining images on a 5” x 8” card to create your own personal deck of SoulCollage® cards. What you learn from each new card draws you more deeply into your own wisdom, intuition and self-discovery. 

Gift yourself with breakfast followed by three hours of spaciousness in community and see what you might bring into being!

Space is limited to 10 people, and the cost is $25 which includes breakfast and all card-making materials. Please email Devin to reserve your spot today. Reservation is not complete until payment is received. 

Youth Group Activities in the Month Ahead

On Saturday, January 4th, 2025 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM, our Junior Youth Group (6th-8th Grade) will ring in the new year with new and old friends from First Parish in Waltham held at First Parish in Waltham. There will be a pizza dinner, build your own ice cream sundae bar, and games! Please RSVP to Devin if your youth would like to attend.

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