Membership Meeting at Taylor's Sayner Pub - Tuesday, February 11 | |
St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club
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President’s Message
The trails in Vilas County officially opened on January 17th! You will read and hear that the trails are in "early season riding condition". That means there is limited snow cover but usually a substantial base. The groomers continue to go out and do the best they can with what they have to work with. At some road crossings they even truck snow in to fill ditches. It is remarkable what they have been able do. Thank a groomer driver when you see one. Early season conditions also mean you may encounter icy corners, curves, and approaches to road crossings as well as an occasional bare spot. The safest way to navigate early season conditions is with caution, slower speeds, and riding your side of the trail. With limited snow cover, your snowmobile may not get enough snow to cool the engine and lubricate the track slides. If your snowmobile is overheating, the natural tendency is to go off-trail for more cooling snow. Don’t do it. Many of our trails cross private property. These landowners are gracious enough to let us use their property. If you ride off the trail you may damage their property. It is also trespassing to ride outside the trail markers. Please respect our landowners and thank them for the privilege to use their property. Enjoy the trails in St. Germain and patronize the businesses that make it possible.
Thank you to Karen and Tony Cantele for representing the Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club in the “Ride with the Cup” event to promote safety and snowmobiling in North Central Wisconsin. Thank you to everyone who came to the Snowmobile Hall of Fame and Hamblen’s Arrowhead Groomers to support the festivities.
Congratulations to Ava Hamblen who was selected as this year’s World Championship Snowmobile Derby Queen. Besides being a Bo-Boen member and volunteer, she is also a member of K.A.O.S., the AWSC organization Kids and Adults On Sleds and has been the representative for Vilas County.
Thank you to Peggy Ausloos for organizing the Cookout at Premier Powersports and Marine, and to the volunteers who made it successful. Thank you to Brian and Wendy Siekierzynski for hosting us in your business and for the generous donation you made to the Club. And, a big thank you to everyone who came out and supported us.
Don’t forget the Groomer Show coming up in February, and the election in March. We are grateful for your membership, support, and efforts making the St. Germain Bo-Boen trails the best in Wisconsin. I hope to see you on the trails.
Roger Klein, President
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Thank you to Gary, Laurel and Rochelle for hosting us at Sportsmen's Chalet for our January meeting. | |
February Membership Meeting
Tuesday, February 11th
Taylor's Sayner Pub
Doors Open: 5:45 pm**
Cocktails: 6 pm
Dinner Payment Due: 6:45 pm
Dinner: 7 pm
Menu Selection
- Broasted Chicken
- 1/2 Rack Ribs
- Deep Fried or Blackened Fish
All dinners are $25, and include salad, roll, dessert, coffee, tax, and tip.
Members are responsible for payment of their reservation whether they attend or not. Make checks payable to Taylor's Sayner Pub.
Please RSVP by Thursday, February 6 using the below button, or call Shelby Szott at (715) 614-2240.
If you don't receive an email confirmation, we likely did not receive your reservation, so please call or email Shelby at
**As a reminder, doors don't open until 5:45; please don't arrive before then as the restaurant staff is still setting tables etc. in preparation for the night. Thank you!
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Officers are elected to a one-year term. Officer positions are President, President-Elect, Treasurer, and Secretary. A President may serve not more than two consecutive terms. There are two Director positions open each year, and Directors are elected to fulfill a three-year term. The slate of candidates will be presented by the Nominating Committee at the February Membership meeting. Nominations from the floor will also be accepted at that time. A sample ballot and statements from the candidates will be published in the March newsletter. The election will take place at the Membership meeting on March 13, 2025.
Anyone interested in either a Director or Officer position should contact one of the following Nominating Committee members for more information. Nominations need to be in by February 11th.
Bob Ausloos, Chair 920-420-4520
Nancy Szott 615-617-0068
Doug Christensen 210-823-6370
Jim Harold 715-892-2873
Anne Pare
The Tellers Committee will be provided with a membership list, and members attending the March meeting will be asked to register with them upon arrival to receive a ballot. Voting will take place during the meeting, which follows the dinner, when the President calls for ballots. The ballots are tabulated, and the winners are announced before the end of the meeting. The new officers and directors take office and assume their duties at the April Board meeting
Anyone wishing to vote by absentee ballot must request a ballot from the Secretary in writing. An e-mail will do; send your request to Roxanne Platz at up to ten days prior to the election (March 3, 2025). No requests for absentee ballots will be accepted after that date. Absentee ballots must be returned in the envelope provided, sealed and mailed. If you receive your ballot via e-mail, please be sure your return envelope is marked ATTN: Ballot.
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Bylaws Update
The Board of Directors has been working on revisions to the Bylaws, which were last updated in 2017. The primary goals were to modernize the document to reflect organizational and technological changes that have occurred since 2017, and to bring the Bylaws into appropriate form in anticipation of the Club applying for 501(c)3 status. The proposed changes will also allow for more flexibility going forward, by not requiring the Bylaws be revised each time that committees or duties change with the times.
The Bylaws require that proposed changes appear in the newsletter, be presented at the next membership meeting (February 11th), and presented for approval at the second membership meeting following publication (March 13th). Please review the changes found in this link and be prepared to vote at our membership meeting on March 13, 2025.
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Hear from our experienced drivers on meeting the groomer on the trail;
The do’s, don'ts, and most importantly, the why’s!
Trail groomers ALWAYS have the right of way. It is the snowmobiler’s responsibility to get out of the path quickly and safely.
Depending on the setup, the Tucker with the Arrowhead drag weighs about 45,000 lbs. My length is 45 feet and width is 9.5 feet. It's going to be very difficult to pass on a narrow trail. What should YOU do?
First of all, as soon as I see you, I begin looking for a passing solution. If you are behind me, keep following me and get your group together. Stay behind me so I know you plan to pass. If I lose sight of you, I may think you turned around. As soon as I see a suitable spot, I will stop. I know the trail very well and may need to drive a mile to locate a good spot. Usually, I find a spot within a few hundred feet. Do NOT pass me while I am moving.
When I am ready for you to pass, I may dim or flash my lights. I will turn on my cab light so you can see me. My rig will go into neutral.
Why can’t I pull off the trail? There are hidden objects like stumps just below the snow and my machine will find them. I will move over as much as possible. After I stop, slowly move around me. You may have to ride in deep snow. You can do it! Take your time; I'm not in a rush.
If you approach me from the front, I don't have the luxury of looking for the greatest spot. If one presents, I will stop, and you can go around. When you see me, stop immediately so I have more distance to look for a passing lane. Don't pull off the trail, I cannot pass you. You may have to turn around and go back to an intersection or wider spot.
Why can't I pass you? My machine and drag can throw rocks, ice, and even big branches. More importantly, the drag can unexpectedly slide sideways. You don’t want to be pinched between the drag and a snow bank; at 45,000 lbs versus your sled’s 500 lbs, the drag will win every time. If you decide that that is the ONLY way for us to pass, you must be far enough from me where I think it's safe (more than 10 feet). I can back up but it's rather difficult. Look at any boat ramp in the summer and try to imagine doing it in the snow, dark and with trees everywhere.
Once past the groomer, if you find a ribbon of freshly groomed trail, slow down and minimize your impact. It takes time for the fresh-groomed snow to set-up and become firm. Do not spin your track. Do not lock up your track. Accelerate slowly. Brake gently.
Finally, do not ride right down the middle of the trail as that creates a trench, please keep to the right side of the trail.
If you see any branches hanging over the trail, we would appreciate it if you can break and move them. It's difficult to get out and take care of these obstacles in the middle of the night.
Give me a wave or a thumbs up as you go by. It makes my job worth it!
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Bo-Boen Trail Ambassador Program
The Bo-Boen Trail Ambassador Program is intended to create positive visibility for the Club while providing navigation assistance and club information to snowmobile riders on our extensive network of trails.
- Volunteer: teams of two Club members
- No set schedule: Friday thru Sunday and Monday holidays
- Volunteers wear safety vests, carry trail maps and club information
- Ride Bo-Boen (funded) trails: park at busy trail intersections
- NO enforcement: call 911 if necessary
- Fill out brief report when finished
If interested, please contact:
~ John Lindberg, Sign Master
847-682-9110 |
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Pop Up Cookout at
Premier Powersports & Marine
Saturday, January 18, 2025, was our cookout at Premier Powersports & Marine. This was a very successful event thanks to the many people who stopped by to have a delicious brat or hot dog and the many generous donations we received from them. Speaking of generous, Premier Powersports & Marine presented the club with a very generous donation at the end of the day.
None of this could happen without the many volunteers that helped set up on Friday, baked, and worked on Saturday grilling, serving, cleaning up and socializing. It was heartwarming to see so many happy customers. Stay tuned for our next event!
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Ride with the Cup
We celebrate Club members Tony and Karen Cantele, our representatives for the Ride with the Cup. Tony, a groomer driver, and Karen, who loves to volunteer at Club events, joined the Cup Tour as it passed through St. Germain on its way to Eagle River. The Cup made stops at the Snowmobile Hall of Fame and Arrowhead Groomers. Tony and Karen, along with supporting Club members, took the hand-off from the Sayner Barnstormers Snowmobile Club and later passed the Cup to the Sugar Camp Survivors Snowmobile Club.
Thanks to our sponsors St. Germain Chamber of Commerce, Snowmobile Hall of Fame, and Arrowhead Groomers, along with our participants. For more pictures and information, visit the Ride with the Cup Facebook page.
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From The Trail Boss
We are glad to have the trails open. Even though they are not as good as in the past, it is a start.
Our groomers have been out and will go out as needed. We can only work with what we have. It is very difficult at this time. The groomer operators are itching to make our trails world class. Again, we need more snow!! Our maintenance crew has been working to keep our equipment in tip top shape, but they can't make snow! Thanks to the maintenance crew and groomer operators for everything they do.
When you ride the trail system, please respect it and stay on the marked trails at all times. We need our landowners.
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
Fred Suchy, Trail Boss/Vilas County Director
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The Apple Dumpling Gang
The January overnight trip has been rescheduled to February 18-20. We have blocks of rooms at three destinations. We will choose based on conditions at that time.
While we wait for trail conditions to improve, we continue to meet for lunch on Wednesdays by car. The location is broadcast via email each week.
Once we are able to ride snowmobiles, we meet at the groomer barn and depart at 9 a.m. every Wed.
Wayne Ax, Leader of the Gang
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Boo-BBB's News
Since we are still in a battle with Mother Nature over a lack of snow, our group has been meeting for lunches on Wednesdays at various map advertisers by car. Thank you to Francine Suchocki for organizing these events. So far, we have been to Timbers, Pine Knot, Sayner Pub and Slo’s. To get on the email list, contact Francine at
We are still hoping to take our overnight trip to the Great Northern in Mercer on February 12th and 13th. Our block of rooms has been filled but if you would like to join us there may be some rooms available. If you plan to ride, please let Janelle Ewen know when you book a room at
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Exciting New Milwaukee Tools Raffle | |
Following a generous donation from Wisconsin Building Supply of Eagle River, the Club has launched a Milwaukee Tools Raffle to help with our fundraising for grooming and maintenance. This raffle is intended to compliment the annual Cash Raffle that supports the Club and its efforts. Four prizes will be awarded:
- Oscillating Multi-Tool
- 1/2" Drill/Driver
- Inflator
- Radio
Each item is battery operated. Tickets are 1 for $5, or 3 for $10. They are available at all of our events and activities. The drawing will be held at the end of May. Thank you to Wisconsin Building Supply of Eagle River.
Contact Robin Lindberg ( or 847-226-1834) for your tickets.
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Did you know that our annual cash raffle is one of our largest fundraisers each year? With many of our fundraising events being weather-dependent, we rely on our annual raffle to get us through the year. Please consider supporting your Club by purchasing a ticket or two. New this year - winning tickets will be re-entered for the remaining drawings!
Out-of-towners can contact Francine at to find out how to purchase tickets, or to reserve tickets to purchase when you are in town. Tickets can also be purchased at the following map sponsors:
Bauer’s Dam
Clearview Supper Club
Fibber’s Bar & Restaurant
Knocker’s Pizza Co.
Mar-Li’s Bar
Pine Knot Tavern
Premier Powersports & Marine
Rock’s Rent-All
Rustic Manor Motor Lodge
Sister’s Saloon
Sportsmen's Chalet
St. Germain Sport Marine
St. Germain Rentals/Service
The Timbers Bar & Grill
19th Hole Sports Bar and Grill
Thank you for your support!
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Sunshine Report
A get well card was sent to Tom Nampel who is recovering from surgery. Sympathy cards were sent to Glenn and Donna Miller on the death of their father Bob Bauer, and to Kathleen Eliason on the death of her husband Donnie.
Please contact Judy Schell at or (715) 542-2321 when you have information on births, members who are ill or hospitalized, or in need of a bit of cheer, sympathy, or encouragement.
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Mark Your Calendars
February 4 - Board Meeting
February 5-6 - Arrowhead Groomer Show (see flyer in this newsletter for details)
February 11 - Membership Meeting at Sayner Pub
February 15 - Scavenger Hunt/Family Fun Day
& Membership Meeting- CANCELLED
March 4- Board Meeting
March 13- Membership Meeting & Election at Knockers
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