Louise Martin photography collection to be digitized
Leonian Grant supports archival projects
In July we reported that we received a grant from the Phillip and Edith Leonian Foundation to archive our photography collection. Chief among this collection are some historic photographic works by Louise Martin, an African American photographer from Brenham, Texas, who ran her own photography studio in Houston during the late 1940s for nearly 45 years. She was known for tinting her portraits by hand, a notable skill that added a special touch to portraits before color photography.
CAC Assistant Director April M. Frazier reports that the archiving project is off to a great start with the receipt of three boxes of Martin’s collection from Dr. Sarah Trotty, CAC board member and co-founder, that are filled with hundreds of negatives, slides, silver gelatin prints, as well as Martin’s personal scrapbook from her record of Dr. Martin Luther King’s funeral in 1968.
Trotty and Martin were close friends, and when Martin died in 1995, Trotty acquired much of her works to save for posterity.
“All items are being sorted and prepped for digitization to properly honor the legacy and rich history of Louise Martin’s photography,” Frazier explained.
“Recently I visited the Brenham Heritage Museum where Martin was born in 1911 to view her amazing exhibit on display there.”
When the digitation project is completed, selected works will be available for public viewing.