BUILDING SERVICES - Upgrades include refinished hardwood floors and new flooring in the big room at Mallinckrodt. Additionally, at Community Recreation Center, fitness studio and gym floors were refinished, enhancing these key recreational spaces. Thornwood and Mallinckrodt parks had ice rinks available on January 10 - January 17.
RECREATION - Winter registration and event highlights including: Skate with Santa welcomed 450 attendees, collecting over 500 non-perishable items for a local food pantry. Over 400 letters to Santa were collected, bringing joy to community families. Youth Basketball enrollments reached 852 participants, maintaining robust interest from last year. Winter Break Camp served more participants this year despite a shorter session. Pop-up cardio tennis saw four sold-out sessions. Dance teams are competing at Disney World for the January Imagination Campus experience.
SUSTAINABILITY - Progress on the Sustainability Plan continues, with highlights including: 93% of 2024 plantings were native species, exceeding the goal of 85%. Rain Garden installations at Shorewood and Thornwood Parks. 110 new trees planted in 2024, doubling the annual objective.
SOUTH BEACH OPERATIONS - Wilmette Park District with the help of Public Communication Inc. (PCI) hosted four community discussions over the course of January 21-22. 36 community members helped provide feedback on operational talking points. Insights will be shared at the February 10 board meeting.