Tale Feathers Newsletter

December 2024

On behalf of our Board and staff, we wish you all
a joyful, safe and happy holiday season.

Director's Message

Amy Weeks

Every day we are reminded of how important our mission is. You are among the thousands

of people, of all ages and from all across the region, who seek us out to learn about nature.

Continuing our vital work depends on generosity from people like you. As a result, every year St. Louis Audubon Society (SLAS) reaches out to our friends to ask for support through our Annual Appeal. The dollars that are donated to SLAS through the Annual Appeal represent the most important funds we receive all year— operating dollars that will help us focus on our priorities:

Your generosity ensures that on-the-ground conservation and education efforts are focused right here in our own community. Any amount will help us engage our community in the protection of birds, wildlife, and their habitats!

We are very grateful for your help.
Donate Here

The St. Louis Audubon Society is an independent 501(c)(3) charity.

Your contribution is tax-deductible as allowed by law.

Ornithological Forecast & Christmas Bird Counts     

December 2024 

Bill Rowe

December is winter, without a doubt, but that doesn’t mean that the birds are static. Many of them are still very much on the move—waterfowl in particular, which continue to come south and accumulate wherever there are wetlands that remain unfrozen (as is often the case in early winter). Our area is now hosting some of the reintroduced Trumpeter Swans that have found Missouri to be a good wintering site, accompanied by their (usually) less numerous relative, the Tundra Swan, and by a wide assortment of ducks and geese. Gulls, too, may accumulate here and there, wherever conditions are good for flock formation (namely, plenty of fish and places to rest). We may already see a Lesser Black-backed Gull or two among the Ring-bills and American Herring Gulls, and as the weeks go by and it gets colder to the north, chances increase of seeing the first Iceland or Glaucous Gulls. The woodland birds are now settled into their winter pattern of moving about in loose multi-species groups, with lots of titmice, chickadees, woodpeckers, and maybe Yellow-rumped Warblers, plus some kinglets, creepers, wrens, and Purple Finches. Meanwhile, brushy and weedy areas are best for sparrow diversity, with ten or more species possible through the winter, and open fields are always worth checking for Horned Lark and Lapland Longspur flocks, for raptors soaring around or posted in an isolated tree, or for the possibility of a rare visitor like a Snowy Owl or a Northern Shrike. And December also brings us a group of special birding events, namely…


Christmas Bird Counts, probably the first and the longest-running citizen-science project in the world. They were started in 1900 by the ornithologist Frank Chapman as an alternative to a Christmas tradition called the “side hunt,” his idea being that instead of hunting birds, you would find and count as many as you could in one day within a defined area. The process was standardized long ago and now involves around 80,000 participants on over 2600 counts, each taking place within a 15-mile-diameter circle somewhere in the Western Hemisphere. One person, the “compiler,” organizes the count circle by assigning individuals or small groups to cover various subsections of it. They count, or estimate, the numbers of every bird species they can find within their section and report the results to the compiler, who adds everything up and enters the data on a website run by National Audubon. In the aggregate, these data can reveal a lot about trends in bird populations in the early-winter period of December 14 to January 5 (the “count period” within which all of them occur).


There is a lot more to explain about CBC’s, but the bottom line is that they are among the outstanding birding events of the year: fun, exhilarating, and useful as well. Here at St. Louis, there are CBC’s covering traditional circles in various parts of the area. If you have never taken part in one but might like to try, the key thing is to contact the compiler well ahead of time to see where your help may be needed. And if you are unsure about covering an area by yourself, the compiler may be able to set you up with more experienced birders.


We have a handy electronic document that explains more about procedures and provides basic information about several of the St. Louis area CBC’s, including date, location, and the name and email of the compiler. If you would like to have this information, please send your request to If you still have questions after reading the document, feel free to contact me at

Photo above: Tufted Titmouse

At Home Ecology, Curated Conservation

December 2024

Shannon Callahan

The weather may not have made up its mind yet, but we are, in fact, heading into winter! This may be the start of some much-needed downtime for gardens and gardeners alike, but that does not mean your garden is asleep! Critters of all kinds, especially native insects, thank you for sharing space with them and giving them a place to overwinter. Winter also provides us with the chance to appreciate plants for their dormant traits! Native prairie grasses, such as big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii), switch grass (Panicum virgatum), and little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium), are attractive additions to a winter garden for a subtle pop of color and can work as a four-season visual barrier similar to evergreens. Shrubs like ninebark (Physocarpus opulifolius) and American beautyberry (Callicarpa americana) have interesting bark and berries that add color and texture. If you took advantage of fall planting, be sure to add a layer of straw or leaves/leaf mulch to help insulate newly planted root systems, decreasing the likelihood of winter damage once the temperature drops. Lastly, keep an eye on those seed heads for hungry songbirds visiting your yard for a winter buffet!

Photo above: American Beautyberry


Fall 2024 Recap

This fall’s BirdSafeSTL collision monitoring was a success and provided a lot of useful data. Surveys ran from 9/1/24 to 10/31/24 and for the first time, we conducted a full season of monitoring at two separate sites. The sites were in downtown St. Louis and downtown Clayton.

During the survey period, 69 surveys were conducted between the two sites (31 in downtown St. Louis, 38 in downtown Clayton). In that time, a total of 291 collisions were documented: 225 in downtown St. Louis and 66 in downtown Clayton. The most frequently encountered species in downtown St. Louis was the White-throated Sparrow, Zonotrichia albicollis, while the most frequently encountered in downtown Clayton was the Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Archilochus colubris.

A final report detailing the results of our 2024 surveys (spring and fall) will be completed and made available on our website by the end of the year. The report will be used to spread awareness of the issue to a larger audience and to advocate for improvements.

Planning is underway for our spring 2025 collision monitoring. If you are interested in participating in 2025, please email and I will add you to our interest list. We will also share updates in Tale Feathers and on social media as spring approaches.

I also want to take this opportunity to thank our amazing group of current BirdSafeSTL volunteers. Without their hard work and dedication, our understanding of collision risks in St. Louis would be incomplete. Thank you for everything you do to make St. Louis a safer place for all birds!


Join others who share your interests in nature, birds, and wildlife!

More Beginner Bird Walks and Field Trips

will be added to the calendar soon!

January 4 - Beginner Bird Walk - Forest Park

February 1 - Beginner Bird Walk - Forest Park

Winter Party with WGNSS - January 26 - Riverlands

Photo Credit: Elaine Collins
Full Calendar


Next meeting: Tuesday, February 11

Please Note: Most Board meetings will be held by Zoom. If you have an interest in joining our volunteer Board, please contact one of the officers or staff members.

Officers & Staff

Ellen Harmon, President

Michael Meredith, VP of Conservation

Stephanie Schroeder, VP Education

Gail Saxton, Secretary

Nick Eaton, Treasurer

Amy Weeks, Executive Director

Dan Pearson, Director, BCH

Shannon Callahan, Outreach Specialist, BCH

Matt Barton, Urban Conservation Specialist