Before long, you will be celebrating Valentine's Day. So ask yourself, "What would Jesus do for Valentine's Day?" Do you think Jesus would send His mom a pretty card? Maybe He would make her a card out of construction paper. Maybe He
would get chocolates for all His disciples. Or maybe, just to show how much He cares about them, He would sit down and eat with them. Jesus would ask them how they were doing. He might tell them a funny story or pray for them as He listened to some of their problems.
Jesus was a master at seeing things most people couldn't see. People who were hurting, lonely, and sad were the kinds of people Jesus loved to be around. He knew if He could show them kindness and compassion, He could show them God's love. The Bible says in 1 John 4:18, "God's love drives away all fear.” The love that comes from God isn't some kind of mushy romantic love. It's a love that gives you peace and puts a smile on your face.
There are kids in our schools and neighborhoods who don't have much to smile about. No one is asking them over to play. No one is hanging out with them at recess. No one is saying anything nice to them. They are lonely and in need of a friend. What would Jesus do on Valentine's Day? Jesus would be a friend to the boy or girl who seems to have no friends. Jesus gave away love by doing something to put a smile on someone's face and making them feel special.
Talk to your kids about how they can follow Jesus' example to love others. There's no better role model to follow than Him. Do what Jesus would do this Valentine's Day! Show His love to someone who really needs it!
All for the children,
Jenna Morris
Children's Ministry Director
"Let the little children come..." Matthew 19:14
This devotional was borrowed from