Online@JSU this Week | 10.07.24

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Preparing Your Fall B and Block 2 Courses

Fall B and Block 2 2024 are fast approaching and it will be here before you know it! Here are a few things to consider as you prepare your courses for the upcoming semester.

Please Read!

Tips for Expediting Requests

When submitting Course Enrollment Merge, Course Copy, and Special Course Access requests, please first ensure you are entering correct CRN information for the intended term by verifying this information in Banner and/or Canvas. Course section CRNs may be the same in some cases, but often change from term to term. Providing us with the correct CRN for the intended term will help us process your requests much faster. Your cooperation is appreciated as we strive to assist all faculty with these types of requests as efficiently as possible.

Submitting Midterm Grades with Grades to Banner 

When grading is open by the Registrar’s Office, grades can be submitted, modified, and resubmitted as many times as needed prior to the deadline. Midterm Grading is currently scheduled to open on Tuesday, October 8, 2024 at 9:00 am.

After loading Grades to Banner, letter grades will be pre-populated in the “Midterm” column based on the course’s grading scheme. Review/Modify grades and click “Submit” to push Midterm grades from Canvas to Banner.

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Questions or Comments?

Visit our website, email us at, or

call us at 256-782-8172.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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