How to Support Our Children in Learning About the World Around Them
It is so important for our children to learn about the world around them in developmentally appropriate ways, and it can be difficult to know how to approach the discussion of politics and current events. Below are some resources for how to teach our children to be engaged in civics and their community.
Engaging Young People in Politics
8 Ways Students Can Get Involved in Politics (and Why They Should)
Ways to Get Young People Involved in Elections
If your child can use any support in study skills, organization, time-management, test preparation, or executive functioning support, tutors are available to help in all academic subjects.
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We will continue to be available in home, in libraries, and online. All of our tutoring is customized, and we also have tutors with Special Education backgrounds and certifications; all of our tutors are experienced in implementing IEP/504 modifications.