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Thursday Night Service | 6:30pm

Sunday Services | 8:30 and 10:15am

One Thing | Luke 10:38-42

Five verses. That is how long our story is this week. Just a literal handful. It’s funny how this story always seems so much longer in my mind. Maybe it’s larger than life because it appears in other gospels. However, that is not true either. The tale of Mary and Martha is only found in the book of Luke and is just a few verses. Maybe it is so big in our minds because we are well acquainted with it and have heard it referenced and preached on. Or, perhaps it seems bigger because every one of us can identify with it. In worship this week, we are going to talk about the overarching themes happening here and why this passage resonates with us. 

Being in weekly worship is a joy! The Lord most high has invited us to gather together to lift up the name of Jesus. What an honor to raise our children and teenagers to praise God, as we come each week to put God first in our lives. In this new year, I pray you are continuing to draw near to our Savior, who promises to meet with us every time we do so. 

As we meet this week, let us come to lay down our burdens and be expectant to be filled with the Spirit. 

With gratefulness to the Lord,

Pastor Colleen

“Statistics suggest that when customers complain, business owners and managers ought to get excited about it. The complaining customer represents a huge opportunity for more business.”

Zig Ziglar

“If you have never had any distractions you don't know how to pray.”

Thomas Merton

“Because of Christ, our Father and Judge does not look upon us with wrath, but he still parents us with justice. . . . God’s discipline is his justice without wrath.”

Jen Wilkin

Jesus says, "I want you to follow me so fully, so intensely, so enduringly that all other attachments in your life look weak by comparison”

Augustine of Hippo

Thursday Night Service

Tonight, 6:30pm, Sanctuary

Tonight for our Thursday Night Service, we will sing and pray together before hearing from Pastor Colleen in her sermon, "One Thing," from Luke 10:38-42. If you have a busy weekend, this is a great option for you! We hope to see you there.

Highlighting Our Missionaries

Wayne and Vicki Galler

Wayne and Vicki Galler are longtime members of our church who serve with “A Touch of Love” Foundation in India and partner with the Free Methodist church. With the goal of developing sustainable village development, “A Touch of Love” is committed to working with local leaders, employing local workers, and supporting the local economy in their work. 

While the foundation has projects around the world, their work in South India includes an orphanage originally started after the 2004 tsunami and partnering with the Free Methodist Church. The home provides food, medical care, and clothes. Their teachers and tutors give children the education they need to succeed. Since its beginning, the home has seen children go on to become college graduates and to work in engineering, nursing, and business.

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Beautiful Things by Gungor

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Upcoming Events

Spring Encounter

Sunday, 11:45am, Upper Room


Membership Classes

Jan 26th & Feb 2nd at 4pm

Feb 9th at 12pm


SB Mission Conference

February 1st


Parent's Night Out

February 7th, 5:30pm


Transition House

February 10th


Save the Date: Women's Retreat

April 4th & 5th

More Ways to Connect

Connecting Families

Sundays, After 10:15am service,

Red Picnic Tables

Senior Lunch

First and Third Thursdays of the month, 11:00am, Upper Room

Conversations With God

Wednesdays, 12:00pm, Sanctuary

Give to Food for the Kitchenless

Box in the foyer

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Community Events

Vigil For Survivors

Wednesday, January 29th, 5:30pm

Let’s remember the more than 235 survivors of trafficking in Santa Barbara County. Join us on Wednesday, January 29 at 5:30pm at De La Guerra Plaza for an interfaith vigil to commemorate these survivors and those who have yet to be identified. Join us as we stand in solidarity and commit to action together.

All are welcome, ages 10+. Email for more information.


Are You Sick or Having Surgery? Do you want to talk to a Pastor about a spiritual life issue? Are you in need of prayer? We are here for you.

Please call or email us. We are a family and we sincerely want to walk with you through difficult times.

(805) 965-1338

For Pastor Colleen: x223 (

For Pastor Doug: x224 (

For Pastor Danielle: x232 (

For Pastor Nikki: x225 (

For Pastor Jake: x227 (

The on-call phone number is 805-694-6982

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On-Call Days

Monday: Pastor Colleen

Tuesday: Pastor Doug

Wednesday: Pastor Nikki

Thursday: Pastor Danielle 

Friday: Pastor Jake

Pastor Nikki is on-call this weekend.

The phone number to reach the on-call pastor is 805-694-6982.

Contact the pastors HERE.

"By the power of the Holy Spirit and with the transforming love of Jesus, we will draw people to Christ, disciple them in the faith and equip them for ministry."
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