It's Time to Dump and Scrub to Prevent Mosquitoes

It appears as if the rain has stopped, at least for now, but that wasn't the case in recent weeks. Days of rain including what weather forecasters call an atmospheric river caused flooding, landslides, and a host of other issues, including standing water in front and backyards in Contra Costa County. And as any amount of standing water, even as little as what can fit into a water bottle lid can produce mosquitoes, it's critically important to make sure you dump and scrub any item holding water in your front or backyard to reduce the risk of mosquitoes and the viruses they can spread.

Contra Costa County is home to 23 types of mosquitoes. There are winter mosquitoes, which are out right now; West Nile virus (WNV) mosquitoes which are mostly active during late spring, summer, and early fall; tree hole mosquitoes that can transmit dog heartworms; and more than a dozen other types of mosquitoes, each with its own unique habits.

There is another type of mosquito that is not native to California but has already changed the quality of life in Southern California and the Central Valley. In August of 2022, Contra Costa Mosquito and Vector Control District (District) employees found this mosquito, Aedes agypti (the yellow fever mosquito) in Martinez, and then again in 2024, we found these mosquitoes in Concord and Antioch.

These mosquitoes are particularly dangerous because they can transmit the viruses that can cause Zika, dengue fever, yellow fever, and chikungunya. Similar to WNV mosquitoes, these mosquitoes are most active in late spring, summer, and early fall, but unlike WNV mosquitoes, Aedes aegypti, also known as the yellow fever mosquito, will bite during the day when people are more likely to be outdoors, and are "sneaky" biters, so you may not be aware of the bites until they start itching afterward.

West Nile virus Mosquitoes

Aedes aegypti Mosquitoes

Lay egg rafts which are many eggs stuck together. These egg rafts float on water and when the water is dumped out, the eggs can dry up without developing into new mosquitoes.

Lay individual eggs on the sides of containers just above the water line. Anything that can hold water is a

potential egg-laying site, including plant saucers, jars, buckets, bird baths etc. These eggs can remain capable of developing into adult mosquitoes for 6 months or longer and are not removed by simply dumping out water.

Are most active during the early morning and early evening. Will bite any exposed skin.

Are most active during the daytime. Fly low to the ground and most commonly bite people below the knee.

Can transmit West Nile virus.

Can transmit the viruses that cause dengue fever, yellow fever, Zika, and chikungunya.

When a ‘West Nile’ mosquito bites a bird infected with West Nile virus and later bites a person, the mosquito can transmit the virus to the person and make the person sick. Humans are considered a "dead-end host" for West Nile virus; a mosquito cannot transmit the virus directly from person to


When an Aedes aegypti mosquito bites a person infected with dengue, yellow fever, Zika, or chikungunya virus, it IS able to transmit the virus to the next person it bites. Humans are NOT 'dead-end hosts" when it comes to the viruses transmitted by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Although these viruses are not native to the United States, people travel, and infected people returning from trips overseas can pass these viruses on to others in areas where Aedes aegypti mosquitoes are present.

In Southern California, Florida, and Texas, where Aedes aegypti have been established for years, people who did not travel abroad have contracted dengue fever after being bitten by local mosquitoes. In 2024, 18 people in Southern California contracted dengue from local Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. That's why it's so important to dump out any amount of standing water, prevent the container from getting wet again if possible, and scrub the inside of the container with soapy water and a brush to remove the mosquito eggs and

prevent them from growing into adult mosquitoes capable of spreading viruses.

By dumping and scrubbing at least once a week, you can help the District reduce the risk of this dangerous mosquito continuing to spread and help us Protect Public Health together.

Contra Costa Mosquito and Vector Control District, an independent special district and public health agency, is located at 155 Mason Circle in Concord. Contact the District to report mosquito and vector problems online or at (925) 685-9301.

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