Hello Jack,
With the holidays now behind us, I hope you are refreshed and ready to move on to another great year in golf. The game is still booming, and I expect it to remain that way throughout 2025 and beyond. Our space and time are limited with the boom, but we thank you PGA Professionals and club members for supporting our programs.
Already we have 13 events in the books with 22 more to go. The “FALL SEREIES”, the first of three series throughout the season is already nearing completion with the final event being held a Palatka Golf Club on January 12, 2025. PGA Professional Andy Heartz and staff treat the kids like royalty and I’m so happy we have this great relationship, as we do with so many local professionals. The Palatka Men’s Golf Association buys food for the kids every season and the 3rd Street Charities group sponsors the two day “Junior Azalea” where each year, in early March as many as 100 juniors compete to earn one of four fully paid exemptions into the “AZALEA”. The “Azalea” is one of the largest and longest running amateur events in the nation.
The talent pool that has matured through the North Florida Junior Golf Programs is simply amazing and it all starts with caring PGA Professionals and caring club members who offer their course to grow the game from our youngest on up by supporting junior golf.
The PGA Junior League, USKids, and the North Florida Junior Golf Foundation and the five tours associated are the steppingstones for what makes our juniors competitive on the state and national levels and annually recognized as the nation’s best.
The NFJGF winter Middle School Golf Programs and now the summer programs identify juniors interested in learning the game and through two 8-week instructional programs they learn the game. In 2024 twenty-two PGA Professionals taught over 200 middle schoolers at 12 area clubs the basics fundamentals so they could move on to one of the three steppingstones to become a part of the competitive field.
We’re looking for sponsorship to strengthen our effort and our special events. Give me a call and let’s discuss all the possibilities of how you can support junior golf.
Thanks, and have a great 2-25.
Jack Aschenbach, PGA