-- Winter Share Week 6 --

Good afternoon Trevor-


I'll keep this week's newsletter short and to the point:

1) Feature Items - Kraut and Kielbasa. See a great recipe below.

2) OCP Specials. Need something before your pickup this week? OCP is open today from 10 AM to 3PM and has several sales for the end of the year.

3) FFM Promotions - All cheese 15% off and feature pierogies on the site

4) Eggnog. It's bad when you bump into people at the gas station and they ask if you'll have more I felt guilty and made one last batch.

Thank you for a good 2024 and Happy New Year


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OCP Specials - Today until 3 PM

The way our weeks fell this year we weren't able to do any special promotions for New Years.

If you are looking for something special to eat today or tomorrow, please stop in at Ohio City Provisions.

Ohio City Provisions

3208 Lorain Ave, Cleveland

Hours: 10 AM to 3 PM Today

Closed New Years Day

They have several promotions, including:

Ready to Reheat Pork and Kraut "Drop Bag"

Sales on Pork Butt Roasts

Cut to order pork chops, coppa steaks, and more

Grassfed Ground Beef - Sale $6 per lb

Sausage Sale - Buy 3, get 4th free

For a link to their newsletter and features, see here: OCP New Years Specials

Weekly Promotions

Cheese Sale - 15% off all cheeses

We have a great selection of cheeses this week, including some more specialty cheeses that we don't usually carry.

Check out:

Black Radish Creamery (Columbus) - Blankston and Pious Eddy, both bloomy rind soft cheeses

Marchant Manor (Beach City) - a variety of triple creme, bloomy rind cheeses. rich and decadent. Enjoy them now before any new year's resolution... Or try the very unique homemade cottage cheese.

Old Forge Creamery (Kent) - cave aged hard cheeses like clothbound cheddar, alpine, and tomme

Homemade Pierogi

2 flavors to chose frome this week:

Kraut and Onion

Potatoe and Cheese

Both are sold in 6 packs, simply boil and pan fry to a finish.

Bacon - Limited Stock

Bacon is our most popular pork cut; sadly, we only get about 15 lbs per hog. It goes much faster than the shoulder roasts, sausage, and everything else on the hog.

So I know we've been out of stock recently on it, but we did finally get some back in. It will be gone again soon.

Next time we'll make bacon will be January. Right now our processor doesn't do any custom processing in December because of deer season. OCP has their own bacon they make in house, but you should call before going down to make sure it is in stock. They sell out weekly as well.

Eggnog - Last Call

I thought I was done making eggnog, then the phone calls started to both OCP and FFM. Then I got texts on my personal phone. Then I bumped into a customer at the gas station who cornered me about eggnog.

As they say, the squeaky wheel gets the oil. This week, the squeaky wheel gets Eggnog. Back for one last small run.

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Kielbasa and Kraut Casserole Recipe

I was srolling thru the archives and found this recipe from a few years back. It's easy and incorporates ingredients in this weeks bag.

Kielbasa and Kraut Casserole Recipe



Raw Sauerkraut

Gold Potatoes



Apple Cider



Ground Chicken

Smoked Kielbasa


Raw Sauerkraut

Gold Potatoes



Apple Cider



Frozen Blueberries

A2 Guernsey Yogurt




Gold Potatoes



Acorn Squash

Choice: Pasta or Bone Broth/Stock

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