Weekly Newsletter of the
First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton
October 9, 2024
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Worship Service:
The Desert Spirit
Rev. Joel Miller
Sunday, October 13, 2024 at 10:15am
I've found a journey into the heat and loneliness of the desert might become a pilgrimage into the spirituality of hospitality. And that can be an experience of being a host, a guest, or sometimes both of these simultaneously.
You may also join us on Zoom: https://bit.ly/fuusn-worship-2024-2025
Submit your Joys and Sorrows here.
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RE This Week
There will be no Elementary-level Sunday AM RE Programs this weekend because of the Indigenous Peoples Weekend and the Ferry Beach Retreat. Nursery care for children four years old and younger will be available.
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FUUSN Office Closed on Monday, October 14, 2024
In observance of Indigenous Peoples Day, the FUUSN office will be closed and no staff will be present on Monday, October 14, 2024. Please plan accordingly.
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Reminder: Sign Up for Appreciative Inquiry with Revs. Debra and Joel
Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is defined as “an asset-based approach to organizational and social engagement that utilizes questions and dialogue to help participants uncover existing strengths, advantages, or opportunities” in their organizations, including congregations. We will create questions to help identify FUUSN’s strengths and opportunities. We want to hear what works well, when was FUUSN at its best, and what draws you to this congregation. We also hope that you’ll get to know us better as well. These conversations will help set the stage for our work with the congregation on mission, vision, governance, and strategic planning.
Please plan to attend only one session. Register here.
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Ferry Beach Attendees: Please Support This Week's Split Plate
For the next two weeks, the Sunday collection at worship will be split between FUUSN and the UUA Disaster Fund. Because so many of you will be enjoying Ferry Beach, please take the time to make your weekly offering when you are away this weekend.
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We are splitting our offering to help the congregations so badly affected by Hurricane Helene and Milton.
The UUA Disaster Relief Fund receives donations from congregations and individuals who want to support Unitarian Universalist congregations and their wider communities in need after a disaster. We are especially concerned that UU congregations in Florida, Georgia, and North Carolina have been badly damaged after the recent hurricanes. Grants from the Disaster Relief Fund help congregations care for their buildings and the needs of their members, as well as supporting people in the wider community, especially those who may not be eligible for other grant programs.
Please give generously between now and October 21st. All offerings will be split between our congregation and those devastated by the hurricane. Text FUUSN to 73256 or give online at https://onrealm.org/FUUSN/give/sunday
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UU The Vote - Get Involved
UU the Vote (www.uuthevote.org) is our national UUA Side with Love initiative to help empower voters in key states on issues protecting our democracy. Strictly non-partisan, it is issues based. Help turnout young, low income, and otherwise disenfranchised voters this November to protect the right to abortion, LGBTQ+ rights, fight climate change, and promote racial equality.
Each week, Rev. Debra will post information about how you can volunteer in the coming week to protect democracy. When you sign up, please identify yourself as a member or friend of FUUSN. If you'd like to take a bigger role in the next two months in organizing FUUSN members to write postcards, make calls, or visit battleground states, please reach out to Rev. Debra at rev.debra@fuusn.org.
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Social Action Speaker Lunch: Short-Term Hosting of Immigrant Families
Sunday, October 13, 2024, 12-1:30pm
Everyone is invited for our monthly free lunch after coffee hour in the Alliance Room. UU Rev. Kathleen McTigue will speak about her experiences with short-term hosting of small immigrant families who are desperate for privacy and support. Learn more
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Thursday, October 10
10:30am-12pm: Appreciative Inquiry, online, register here
4:30-6:30pm: Creationdance Rehearsal, Headstart Room
Friday, October 11 - Monday, October 14
6-6:30pm: Ferry Beach Retreat, Saco, ME
Saturday, October 12
7am-12pm: Meditation Group, Headstart Room
Sunday, October 13
12-2pm: Social Justice Action Presentation: Short-Term Hosting of Immigrant Families, Alliance Room
Tuesday, October 15
6:30-8:30pm: OWL Meetings, Headstart Room
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Thursday, October 10
6-7:30pm: RE Committee, online
Tuesday, October 15
7-9pm: Operations Council, Chapel
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Newton Green Expo - October 20, 2024, 11am-4pm
The Newton Green Expo will take place on October 20th. We could have a table if we have folks who can help staff it. It's a great way to get FUUSN's name out in the community. If you're interested, please sign up here.
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Submit Poetry and Life Events for the Wheel of Life Service - October 27, 2024
The lay ministers have begun preparing for this year’s Wheel of Life service, which will center on the theme of “deep listening.”
If you would like to have one or more life event shared in the order of service at this service, please complete this form by Oct 20. Answer only the questions relevant to you. If it is not apparent, please make sure to include how the person is related to you. We may alter or edit the formatting to increase consistency within the order of service. If you prefer to email your events, you can send them to Ellen Metzger. FILL OUT IN GOOGLE FORMS
We want to include poetry that seems meaningful and appropriate, especially poetry written by members of the congregation. In this context, we are focusing on inter-generational listening, what we have heard and learned both from our elders and those younger than us, whether easy or challenging to hear. If you have poetry you’d be willing to share for this purpose, please contact Nancy Mattei.
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Newton Food Pantry to Honor Jackie Colby - October 17, 2024
Our own Jackie Colby founded the Newton Food Pantry. At this upcoming event, Jackie will be recognized for her outstanding contributions to this organization and the greater Newton community. Congratulations, Jackie!
If you would like to attend this delicious event, "where guests can experience the tastes of some of Newton's best restaurants, while also giving back to their community," you may purchase tickets here.
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Over 60s Presentation: Common Sense Mindfulness in Challenging Times
Sunday, October 20, 2024 at 12pm, Alliance Room
Presenter: Marty Lowenthal, author of twelve books, senior teacher at the Dedicated Life Institute, practitioner.
We will explore how Common Sense Mindfulness can help us to live and even flourish in these challenging times, as Buddha did in his time of warring fiefdoms, caste structures and turbulence. Marty will emphasize how to be present, engaged, and live in a challenging world with consciousness, love and service in everyday as well as spiritual life. Buddha presented an ennobling path of meditation and virtues that supports the development of personal and communal dignity, well-being, and inclusion. Small bites for lunch provided.
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UU Plant-Based Eating Club Potluck - October 20, 2024, 6-8pm
The UU Plant-Based Eating Club is hosting a plant-based potluck dinner on Sunday, October 20, at 6pm at First Parish UU in Waltham. While we intentionally welcome newcomers and anyone who is interested in eating more plant-based food regardless of where they are on their journey, all items brought to our potlucks must be completely plant-based and contain no cheese, dairy, eggs, etc. Recipe suggestions are available, and you are welcome to bring a friend! Our theme is Thanksgiving food!
Please register to attend at PBEC OCTOBER 2024 POTLUCK. Attendees must be vaccinated and boosted for COVID.
Join our Club’s e-mail list at uu-plant-based-contact-us@googlegroups.com to sign up for an event. After sign-up, registrants will receive info about locations, menu themes, potluck contact info, and other topics.
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Teen Depression Workshop for Trusted Adults - Tuesday, October 22, 6:45-8:15pm
The First UU Society in Newton will be partnering with Families for Depression Awareness (FFDA) to offer loved ones and other trusted adults an opportunity to learn about teen mental wellness and how to support the teens in their lives. Families for Depression Awareness helps families recognize and cope with depression and bipolar disorder to get people well and prevent suicides.
Register for the Workshop
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FUUSN Yard Sale Returns on Saturday, October 26, 2024!!!
It’s back: the FUUSN Yard Sale, also known as an incentive to clean out closets and recycle stuff. Drop off begins after church on Sunday Oct. 20th. Donations should be put on the stage in Parish Hall.
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We welcome treasures of all kinds in good condition: toys & games, household goods, purses & scarves, holiday decorations, linens, artwork, crafts, tools & garden items, jewelry (to be sold in December), holiday decorations, etc.
Please do NOT bring clothes, computers, monitors, big sports equipment, junk and/or anything broken or dirty. Kindly wait for the December Fair to donate books. For more information on donations, see our web page.
Volunteers are the magicians who make the yard sale possible. We invite you to sign up here to help for as much or as little time as you'd lik:
- Thurs. Oct. 24 from 6:00 to 7:30pm - set up tables and shelves and move goods from stage
- Friday Oct. 25 from 9:30am to 8:00pm - sort and price
- Saturday Oct 26 from 9:00am to 2:30pm - Sell to the public and clean up
The team who work on this are motivated by providing low cost goods to the wider community and keeping stuff out of the waste stream. Plus, we have fun working together. We invite you to join us and donate or work - or both. Thank you.
Co-chairs Denise Bousquet and Connie Stubbs.
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Halloween Family Fun and Games - Friday, November 1st, 5-9pm
Not just for kids! Come in your costumes or PJs. More details coming soon.
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Election Events at FUUSN
Election Night Viewing Party, November 5th, 7:30 pm to ?, location TBD
Join Fellow FUUSN members and friends to watch the election results together. Bring a dessert and beverage to share.
November 6th, 1 - 2:30 pm, Election Post-Mortem, location TBD
Join Rev. Debra & Rev. Joel for a post election day gathering. More information to come.
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Co-Ministers' Installation - April 6, 2025
We're excited to announce the date of Rev. Joel's and Rev. Debra's installation. Please mark your calendars now. Dr. Janice Marie Johnson from the UUA will deliver the installation sermon.
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Kudos to those involved in last weekend's Coming of Age Retreat: Eric Moore, who handled the backend logistics for the COA retreat, Barbara Niles and Jen Van Campen for supporting a brand new approach to the COA retreat, the mentors who drove to the Cape for the retreat and were joined by 13 dedicated mentors, and the youth for opening their hearts and minds. | |
Have a news item you want to share? Want to schedule a FUUSN Event? Please use our web forms! Note that any event using physical space at FUUSN must be approved by Fran, and until you receive confirmation from her, that event will not be scheduled or added to our Events calendar.
Submissions for each newsletter must be sent in by the preceding Tuesday at 9am.
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First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton www.fuusn.org | 617-527-3203 | | |
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