9:30am - Godly Play Sunday School for kids. Grounded in the Montessori tradition, Godly Play uses special materials and storytelling to invite children into scripture and church tradition. For more info, contact Laura Myers. | |
Greening the Church
This Sunday, December 22, 10:30-11:30am
Stay after church this Sunday and help decorate for Christmas! If we all pitch in, it won't take very long to make our church festive and welcoming for all our Christmas Eve visitors. Thank you in advance!
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Posada at St. Mary's
Sunday, December 22, 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Join us for a bilingual Posada celebration at St. Mary’s. Please arrive promptly at 1:00pm. We will sing the story of Joseph and Mary as they searched for a place. We will process around St. Mary’s, singing and remembering this sacred history. The celebration will end with a joyous party that will include a piñata and candy for the children. We'll distribute gifts from our Giving Tree. Come, join us as we celebrate this Christmas tradition as a community!
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Pledge Campaign Update
We did it! We reached our goal!
We are happy to report that we have $77,230 in pledges, which surpasses our goal of $77,775! Currently 27 families and individuals have pledged to support St. Mary's in 2025. Thank you! If you missed have not pledged yet, you can either pledge online or drop your pledge card in the offering plate. Updated numbers regarding our progress will be shared at announcements during worship.
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Remember a Loved One at Christmas
You can help decorate the church for Christmas by donating online and choosing “Christmas Flowers" as the fund. Please email your dedication "in memory of ___, or in honor of ___" to Mother Hannah by Monday, December 23. Thank you!
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Church Office Closed
In observance of the Christmas and New Year’s holidays, the church office will be closed on December 25, 26, 31 and January 1. We will reopen on January 2. We wish you happy and safe holidays!
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Children’s Epiphany Camp 2025
Children in grades 3-6 are invited to explore the joy of Camp Stevens… in WINTER! Participants will stay in Blum lodge, eat delicious Camp Stevens food, make new friends, and grow in faith and love. Together we will think about all of the ways we let our light SHINE as we hike, roast s’mores, play games, and laugh with new friends. Maybe there will even be SNOW! Learn more.
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Join the Bishop's Committee (BC)
The BC is a fun group of people who lead our congregation. We're looking for at least three people to serve in 2025. To learn more, contact Mother Hannah or our bishop's warden Deb Lewallen. Thank you for your prayerful consideration.
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Please remember the following in prayer:
- Cathy, skin cancer surgery
- Guillermo, son of Chila, who had his leg amputated.
- Carol, seasonal sadness
- Richard Zimmerman, for the repose of his soul
- Jorge, new moving truck
- Charlene, recovery from sickness
- Shirley Comfort, breast cancer
- Everyone struggling with sobriety
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- Our new 12-step Bible study
- Laura, health
- Molly, health
- Jude, mental health
- Stanley Smith, health
- Bob Kezer, blindness and depression
- Sherri, macular degeneration
- Tom Callard, eye issues
- Sue, cancer treatment
- Jim, health concerns
- Colton, child with cancer
To add a request, email Mother Hannah.
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December 25 - Christmas Eve, 5pm - 6:30pm
Family-friendly, no-rehearsal pageant, candlelight service
December 25 - Christmas Day, 10am
Wear your pajamas and enjoy breakfast in church!
January 26 - Annual Meeting - no, it's not the Super Bowl!
February 9 - Bishop's Visitation
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Mailing Address: St. Mary's Episcopal Church, PO Box 491, Ramona, CA 92065 | |
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Livestream services Sunday at 9:30am
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