- State Senator Bill Dodd Recognized for His Outstanding Achievements
- STA Board Releases Draft 2025 Legislative Platform and Priorities
- Rio Vista Mayor Edwin Okamura Joins STA Board
- Special Thanks to Mayor Kott and Mayor McConnell
- STA Board Appointments to Outside Agencies
- STA Co-Hosts Suisun City Mobility Hub Ribbon Cutting
- STA Board Approves 2023-24 Annual Audit
- STA Board Approves Final Recommendations from Solano Transit 2030 Policy Committee
- Solano Mobility Programs for Seniors, ADA, and Veterans Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2023-24
- Get Involved with STA Advisory Committees
- STA Staff Update
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State Senator Bill Dodd Recognized for His Outstanding Achievements | |
State Senator Bill Dodd is concluding his term as State Senator for Solano-Napa-Yolo Counties. During his tenure, Senator Dodd has consistently supported and advocated for priorities of the STA and its eight member agencies. Senator Dodd attended the December STA Board meeting where the Board recognized him for his outstanding achievements as a member of the State Senate and former member of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC).
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STA Board Releases Draft 2025 Legislative Platform and Priorities | |
STA staff updated STA’s Legislative Platform and Priorities in preparation for the new year's legislative session, and the STA Board authorized the release of the 2025 DRAFT Legislative Platform and Priorities for 30-day public review and comment. STA’s main priorities in 2025 include advancing projects such as I-80 Corridor Freight and Mobility Improvements, access to Travis Air Force Base, Canon Road Overcrossing (Fairfield), Parkway Blvd. Overcrossing (Dixon), SR 37 Corridor Improvements, developing a Project Initiation Document (PID) for Mare Island, I-80/I-680/SR 12 Interchange Package 5, Vaca Valley Parkway, electrification of freight and all Solano County transit operators, and EV charger infrastructure.
Written comments may be submitted prior to the STA Board meeting on January 8, 2025. To view STA’s Draft 2025 Legislative Platform and Priorities, please click here.
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Rio Vista Mayor Edwin Okamura Joins STA Board | |
City of Rio Vista’s new Mayor, Edwin Okamura, joined the STA Board.
STA looks forward to working with him on projects such as State Route (SR) 12, Rio Vista Delta Breeze, and programs and projects that are important to the City of Rio Vista.
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Special Thanks to Mayor Kott and Mayor McConnell | |
The STA extends our heartfelt gratitude to the City of Rio Vista Mayor, Ron Kott, and City of Vallejo Mayor, Robert McConnell, who have dedicated significant time and energy serving their respective cities and the STA Board. We thank them for their vision, leadership, and years of devoted service. | |
STA Board Appointments to Outside Agencies | |
At the December 11, 2024, STA Board Meeting, the STA Board approved a series of a appointments for STA Board members to several regional and state policy boards. Below are the appointments: | |
STA Board Chair and Solano County Supervisor, Mitch Mashburn, has been appointed as the Solano County MTC Commissioner. MTC serves as the metropolitan planning organization for the nine-county Bay Area, including Solano County. | |
The STA Board appointed current Board Members City of Dixon Mayor, Steve Bird, and STA Vice Chair and City of Suisun City Mayor, Alma Hernandez, to continue to serve on the CCJPA governing board; and City of Fairfield Mayor, Catherine Moy, will serve as the Capitol Corridor Board alternate. The STA is a member of the Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority, which provides intercity rail service connecting San Jose to Sacramento, with stations located in Suisun City (Solano Rail Hub) and Fairfield (Hannigan Station). | |
The STA joined the California Association Council of Governments (CalCOG) in 2015. CalCOG represents councils of governments and transportation agencies throughout California. STA Board Member and City of Benicia Mayor, Steve Young, was appointed to continue to serve as the STA representative on the CalCOG Board. | |
The STA Board unanimously re-appointed City of Suisun City Mayor and STA Vice Chair, Alma Hernandez, as the Ex-Officio member for the SolTrans Board. STA, in addition to the cities of Benicia and Vallejo, is a member of the SolTrans Joint Power Authority and contracts with SolTrans to operate the Solano Express bus service. | |
STA Co-Hosts Suisun City Mobility Hub Ribbon Cutting | |
On December 4, 2024, STA co-hosted a ribbon-cutting event for the new Suisun City Mobility Hub Project. The STA partnered with Suisun City leadership and engaged residents to develop equitable, accessible, and multi-modal transportation programs and projects. This multi-use mobility hub was designed based upon feedback received from the community during a Community-Based Transportation Plan meeting.
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The Suisun City Mobility is located near the historic Suisun City Train Depot and scenic downtown waterfront to support future micromobility options, such as shared e-scooters and e-bikes, which will encourage active modes of transportation and support the local economy. STA will utilize one corner of the Mobility Hub to house and charge electric Suisun Microtransit vehicles, secure the Safe Routes to School van and trailer, and provide parking for the new STA building. Over 60 public-use parking spaces will be available for Suisun City community events and residents. It will also host two level-2 electric chargers to encourage greater EV vehicle adoption and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. | |
STA Board Approves 2023-24 Annual Audit | |
On December 11, 2024, The STA Board unanimously approved the STA Annual Audit for Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-24. The FY 2023-24 evaluation resulted in an audit process on matters involving internal control over financial reporting and its operation to be considered of any material weaknesses, which resulted in the issuance of an unmodified (clean) opinion on STA’s comprehensive financial statements for the fiscal year ending on June 30, 2024. STA now has nineteen consecutive fiscal years of no reportable deficiencies or material weakness that will adversely affect its primary missions.
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STA Board Approves Final Recommendations from Solano Transit 2030 Policy Committee |
The Solano Transit 2030 Policy Committee met on November 20, 2024, to finalize a series of recommendations to the STA and SolTrans Boards. These recommendations consist of
six recommendations pertaining to Intercity Transit (Solano Express), three recommendations pertaining to Solano Mobility Programs, and one recommendation pertaining to Transit Agency Collaboration.
On December 11, 2024, the STA Board unanimously approved the Solano Transit 2030 Policy Committee’s final recommendations to clarify interagency communication, partner roles, and responsibilities.
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Solano Mobility Programs for Seniors, ADA, and Veterans Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2023-24 | |
STA’s Solano Mobility program staff presented its year-end update for mobility programs for older adults, people with disabilities, and veterans. Due to increased outreach by Solano Mobility staff and increased website traffic, the utilization of Solano Mobility Programs continues to grow. The Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-24 updates can be viewed below:
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Travel Training:
A total of 774 Travel Trainings (Individual, Field Trip, and Classroom) were conducted. Twenty-one presentations were conducted, with 562 audience members in attendance; 1,782 individuals received information during 37 outreach activities.
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Countywide In-Person Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Evaluations:
A total of 483 ADA evaluations were conducted in FY 2023-24.
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The Intercity Taxi Card Program Utilizing PEX:
The Intercity Taxi had a total of 2,685 trips taken in FY 2023-24.
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Medical Trip Concierge program with GoGo Grandparents:
Fiscal Year 2023-24 had a total of 20,316 rides—an increase of 8,768 rides from the previous fiscal year. Additionally, 2,185 Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle (WAV) rides were provided this fiscal year, compared to 201 provided in the previous year.
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Veterans Mobility Program:
There was a total of 1,040 rides provided this fiscal year, with 94 veterans currently registered in the program.
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Get Involved with STA Advisory Committees
The STA currently has open positions on our Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC), Pedestrian Advisory Committee (PAC), and Paratransit Coordinating Council (PCC).
The BAC and PAC advise the STA on the development of bicycle and pedestrian facilities as an active mode of transportation in Solano County. To accomplish this, committee members assist the STA to develop countywide transportation plans and projects and provide funding recommendations for active transportation projects.
The PCC works on countywide senior and disabled transit issues as required by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and makes recommendations on transit and paratransit funding, claims, and coordination.
We are currently looking for the following representatives:
Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC)
- City of Dixon
- Member-At-Large
Pedestrian Advisory Committee (PAC)
- Member-at-Large (Solano Community College)
Paratransit Coordinating Council (PCC)
- Member-at-Large
- Public Agency – Education member
- Social Services Provider
For more information on the BAC Open Positions, click here, click here for more information on the PAC Open Positions, and here for information on PCC Open Positions.
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After 20 years of successful employment with the STA managing the STA’s budget, audits and expenditures, Susan Furtado, Accountant and Administrative Services Manager, has announced her retirement effective December 30, 2024.
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The STA successfully recruited Nguyen La as the new STA Finance and Budget Manager. She will be supervised by the Executive Director and will be managing a staff of two. | | | | |