The FUUSN Chime

Sunday Reminder

First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton

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 A simple beige book cover with thin red lines on the left and right sides, which reads, "ON TYRANNY - TWENTY LESSONS FROM THE TWENTIETH CENTURE - TIMOTHY SNYDER."
A book cover depicting a red silhouette of a man standing on a pedestal with his left arm upraised and pointing to the left, overlaid on a black and white photo of a large crowd of people, mostly men in suits and ties, with the words, "STRONGMEN - WITH A NEW EPILOGUE - Mussolini to the Present - 'A TIMELY ANALYSIS OF HOW A CERTAIN KIND OF CHARISMA DELIVERS POLITICAL DISASTER' - TIMOTHY SNYDER, AUTHOR OF ON TYRANNY - RUTH BEN-GHIAT"

Sunday, January 12, 2025 at 10:15am

Worship Service: For a Time Such As This

Rev. Dr. Debra Haffner

The inauguration is January 20th. How can we prepare ourselves for the changes to come? Rev. Debra will offer lessons from two books – On Tyranny and Strongmen – to consider how Unitarian Universalists might need to respond. She will share why she believes that our social justice efforts must be directed to protecting democracy and our neighbors.

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A stylized logo in teal of two cupped hands holding three simple human figures, with the letters, "JFS"

Split the Plate: JFS of MetroWest

In January, the Board and Ops Council have approved an experiment with a new way to do the offering called “Split the Plate.” Each month, except for our Stewardship month, a new task force will choose one local, national, or international organization to share our collection. Half of the funds we raise during worship or that are  contributed to the collection online during the month will go to that organization and half will go to FUUSN’s annual budget. If you are interested in becoming part of that task force or if you have ideas for organizations to support, please email Rev. Debra.

January's recipient is JFS of MetroWest, which is working diligently to settle as many refugees and asylees as they can before the next administration takes office. Rev. Debra had the opportunity to meet and listen to their executive director at a meeting on immigration convened by the Massachusetts Council of Churches in December, and an urgent appeal was made for funds.


Since 1979, JFS has helped newly arrived refugees, asylees, and their families in our area achieve self-sufficiency and adjust to life in their new country. JFS work with refugees to provide pre-migration support, housing support upon arrival, enrollment in medical, food and cash assistance, and development of individualized resettlement plans to create a path to self-sufficiency. JFS also offers free assistance to anyone granted asylum in the United States including enrollment in employment and ESL services, medical, food and cash assistance and general case management support.


Recent immigrants may be endangered in the coming month and the doors to our country for those fleeing persecution may be closed soon. During the past year, 100,000 people emigrated legally to the US; in the last year of the last Trump administration, it was only 12,000. I hope you will be generous with our collection this month so that we may help these new neighbors settle legally before they can no longer do so.

Events This Sunday

Community Lunch

Sunday, January 12, 2025 at 11:30am

On Sunday, Jan. 12th, immediately after the service (~11:30), we will offer three different all-you-can-eat soups (Portuguese kale, white bean and tomato, and cold cream of butternut squash), salad, bread, and fruit for the congregation for $5 each (kids under 12 are free). (Vegan, Vegetarian, and Gluten Free options available.)

To make this happen we need volunteers, ESPECIALLY CHEFS!  Please sign up to help.

UU Plant-Based Eating Club Small Group Potlucks

Sunday, January 12, 2025, 6-8pm

The UU Plant-Based Eating Club is hosting small-group potluck dinners to be held on Sunday, January 12th at 6pm. We will host these plant-based potluck dinners in the homes of multiple PBEC members, with each group comprised of 7-10 people. If you are a PBEC member, please RSVP to Dede Vittori by the end of the day Thursday January 9th if you would like to attend. If you are not yet a PBEC member and would like to be, or are not sure if you are on the list, please send an email to

Sunday, January 12

11:30am-12:30pm: Community Lunch, Parish Hall, Alliance Room and Chapel

11:45am-1pm: Band Rehearsal, Sanctuary

3:30-5pm: JourneySongs Rehearsal, Children's Chapel

6-8pm: UU Plant-Based Eating Club Small Group Potlucks, members' homes

Submit News and Events

Have a news item you want to share? Want to schedule a FUUSN Event? Please use our web forms! Note that any event using physical space at FUUSN must be approved by Agatha, and until you receive confirmation from her, that event will not be scheduled or added to our Events calendar.

Submissions for each newsletter must be sent in by the preceding Tuesday at 9am.

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FUUSN Contacts

First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton | 617-527-3203

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