Friday, February 21, 2025

In Today's Newsletter:

  • Graduation 2025
  • State Assessments
  • Make-A-Wish
  • Study Abroad Spring Break 2026
  • 2025 President's Award Scholarship
  • Advising
  • Rising Star Scholarship
  • Campus Tour Dates
  • Clubs
  • Accountability Committee
  • Enrollment 2025/2026
  • Student Pickup Traffic Map
  • Employment Opportunities
  • Spirit Wear
  • Acts of Kindness
  • Tutoring Help
  • King Soopers Rewards
  • Parent Committee
  • Appointment Reminder
  • Scholarship Information
  • College/Career Opportunities
  • Social Media

Helpful Links:

Graduation 2025

Graduation 2025 Update:  

Important action items! New items added as of 2/11/25!

  • Mandatory Graduation Fee Due February 28th 

If $50 fee is not paid, graduates will not be able to walk or receive their diploma. You can pay this fee at the front office with credit card, cash or check. Or log into Infinite Campus to pay electronically.  

  • Graduation Ceremony Ticket Information: Each walking graduate will receive 15 guest tickets. These tickets will be distributed at the Mandatory Graduation Celebration Event (see below).


  • Yearbook Information: We are collecting freshman photos (candid or class photos can be used) as well as quotes for the graduate pages of the yearbook. The deadline for submitting is February 28th. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Campbell via email:


Please submit freshman photos! Click HERE 

Select Colorado Early Colleges Douglas County - Castle Rock (be sure to add your name and state this is a freshman photo in the "Fast Tag"). 

Please submit your quote! Click HERE


  • Cap & Gown: Order cap and gown from Jostens! Click HERE  

Graduates participating in the ceremony must be in the required cap and gown. Since this is our first Castle Rock Graduation, a previous cap and gown cannot be used due to color inconsistencies. 

Decorating graduation caps: Please see page 22 of the Castle Rock Student and Family Handbook (Click HERE) for graduation adornment policy. All graduation caps must comply with CEC’s dress code requirements for your graduate to be able to wear their cap in the ceremony. If your graduate’s cap is deemed inappropriate, your graduate will not be able to wear their cap at the ceremony. If you would like administration to approve a graduation cap in advance, please visit the front office prior to May 16th.

  • Graduation Regalia/Cords of Distinction: CECCR will order and provide cords for those graduates that are eligible. Cords of distinction are based off of final GPA’s as of Fall 2024 semester. These will be distributed at the Mandatory Graduation Celebration Event (see below).

  • Graduation Slideshow Photos and Information: Click HERE  

Due date is April 30, 2025  


  • Save these important dates: 

May 8, 2025: 5:00-6:30pm MANDATORY Graduation Celebration at CECCR 

CEC- Castle Rock Graduation Details: May 19, 2025 

Graduates arrive: 10:30am Guests arrive: 12:00pm Ceremony begins: 1:00pm


Location: James R. Sullivan Events Center/Douglas County Fairgrounds 


Address: 500 Fairgrounds Dr. Castle Rock, C0 80104

State Assessments

Colorado Early Colleges Castle Rock High School

State Assessments - Important Information for Parents/Guardians

We hope this message finds you well! As we prepare for the upcoming state assessments, we wanted to share some important details with you regarding the testing dates and procedures.

Upcoming State Assessments:

  • Juniors (11th Grade):
  • CMAS Science Assessment – April 4th, 2025
  • College Board's SAT Assessment – April 16th, 2025
  • Sophomores (10th Grade) and Freshmen (9th Grade):
  • College Board's PSAT Assessment – April 17th, 2025

Important Dates:

  • April 4th, 2025 – CMAS Science Assessment for Juniors (Classes will still be in session for all other grade levels).
  • April 16th and 17th, 2025 – SAT for Juniors on April 16th, PSAT for Sophomores and Freshmen on April 17th (There will be no regular classes on these days).


Why These Assessments Matter:

Participation in these assessments is of the utmost importance. To meet state requirements, we must test at least 95% of our students. Your student's participation ensures that CECCR remains compliant with state mandates and continues to provide valuable educational opportunities.


Opting Out:

If you would like to opt your student out of these assessments for this year, please ensure the Opt-Out Form is completed and signed by a legal guardian (as listed in Infinite Campus), and returned to Gayla Power, the CECCR Assessment Coordinator, by March 28th, 2025.


Completed forms should be sent to


What’s Next?

As we approach the testing days, additional information will be provided to ensure students are prepared. We will continue to keep you updated on any relevant details.

Following are links to three such resources you may use to guide you through the test preparation process.

Attention CECCR Juniors:


The SAT is coming up for all Juniors Wednesday April 16th, and you need to decide whether to take the SAT with or without the Essay. If you want to opt into the SAT with Essay, please complete the linked form for Ms. Gayla Power by Monday 2/18 at noon. If you do not want to take the Essay, no action is needed.


CEC Juniors SAT w/ Essay Sign Up 2025


What is the SAT Essay? The SAT Essay requires you to read and analyze a written argument, then write a response in 50 minutes. It is scored separately from your main SAT score and does not affect your composite score (400-1600).


Should I Take the SAT Essay? The SAT Essay is optional, but some colleges, like those in the University of California system, require it. Others, such as Duke, Amherst, and Colby, recommend it. If you're unsure which schools you will apply to, it’s safer to take the Essay to keep your options open. Once you decide not to take it, you can’t go back and add it later—you would have to retake the whole test.


Keep in mind that while some schools don’t require the Essay, they may recommend it. If a college recommends it, we suggest following that advice.


You cannot withhold your Essay score if it’s lower than you’d like. It will be sent to colleges along with your SAT scores.


Let us know your choice soon!


Have you ever wanted to change someone's life? I know I have – that's why we are

participating in the 2025 Kids For Wish Kids® and raising money for our local Make-AWish

® chapter. And we want you to join us!

Together, we can raise money to help grant the wishes of children with critical illnesses.

Their wishes and afflictions may vary, but something unites each of them: the need to feel

optimistic and to think about something greater than their next medical treatment.

Will you join us as we raise the much-needed funds to support Make-A-Wish?

We really believe that wishes change lives. A wish gives children renewed energy and

strength, brings families closer together and unites communities. Together, we can make

more stories like this happen.

If you're unable to join us in fundraising, you can still support Make-A-Wish by visiting our

personal fundraising page and making a donation toward the school goal of $7,500.00.

Please visit our fundraising Web page to donate today! Click Here

Thank you for your support!

Study Abroad Spring Break 2026

President's Scholarship Award

DEADLINE: Submit to Head of School by 4 p.m. Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Click here for more information and to enter.


  • Advising is working with the Academic Dean to create the Fall course grid.  Advising for fall will start in March.


  • CEC will be co-hosting a Career Fair with ACC in April! More details coming soon!

Rising Star Scholarship

Town of Castle Rock Rising Star Scholarship

The Rising Star Scholarship is all about celebrating high school seniors who have made a real impact in the Castle Rock community. Whether it’s through helping friends, making a difference at school, volunteering in the neighborhood or being active in clubs and organizations — if you’ve been doing great things, we want to hear about it.

A panel of judges representing the Castle Rock Youth Commission will review all applications. This is your chance to show them why you deserve this award! 

Applications are open from Feb. 10 through March 14.

Apply for the scholarship

Eligibility criteria

  • Be a senior in high school, graduating in the spring
  • Live in or attend a high school in Castle Rock. Homeschool students living in Castle Rock are encouraged to apply 
  • Explain how you’ve been involved in community service or made other positive community contributions

Application requirements

  1. Online application: Complete the form 
  2. Personal statement: Tell us who you are. Include your strengths, goals and how you plan to achieve those goals. Share your contributions to the community, the positive impact of the project and what Castle Rock means to you. This could be in the form of writing, photo journal, slide deck or video essay
  3. Letter of support: Submit a letter from someone who can vouch for your community impact. Let them brag about how awesome you are. This can be a teacher, coach, neighbor or even a peer
  4. Media release form: Complete and upload the form 

Award details

  • Recipients will be notified by April 7
  • Recipients will be celebrated at an award ceremony during the Town Council meeting on April 15, which begins at 6 p.m. 
  • Up to two winners will receive a $1,000 award each
  • Scholarships will go directly to higher education institutions and are nonrenewable

Let’s celebrate the remarkable contributions of Castle Rock’s youth. Apply today and share your story! For more information, email Youth Commission Coordinator Becca Schnorr at

Campus Tour Dates

Prospective Student Tour Dates:

  • March 3rd & 13th
  • April 1st, 17th and 30th

All Tours start at 3:30pm


Accountability Committee

Please attend and participate in CEC-Castle Rock's School Accountability Committee (SAC)! We want to hear from you, the CEC-Castle Rock Community and we want to share the latest and greatest news that is happening at your student's school. SAC meetings happen four times a year and are always virtual!

Please click on the date to join the meetings.

All meetings are from 5:30-6:30pm

Date: 4/15/25

Enrollment 2025/2026

Spread the word!

Invite your friends and family to join CEC Castle Rock!

Enrollment for the 2025-2026 School Year is open! Go to our website and complete your application to start the enrollment process for CEC Castle Rock. We look forward to having you!


FAFSA Form Ready: Help Students Create a account now

The new 2025–26 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form is expected to be available before Dec. 1, 2024. Submitting the FAFSA form is the first step to getting federal student grants, scholarships, work-study opportunities, and student loans.


Who is eligible for federal student aid?

Make the form submission as easy as possible by doing two things. First, have students create a account now. Second, if they're under 24 years old, have their parent to create their account before December 1 as well.


1. Have students Create a account or make sure that they can access an existing account by signing in to

 2. If under age 24, get a parent to create their account. Check this chart to confirm whether a parent or spouse also needs to have an account before submitting a FAFSA form.

What does a student need to create a account?

· Name (exactly as it appears on a Social Security card)

· Date of birth

· Personal email address

· Social Security number (if available)


Remember: Students will only have one account to use for the rest of their life, so make sure that they use an email address that they’ll have access to even after graduating from school or changing jobs.

How do I know if a parent or spouse also need to create an account?

· Check this chart to see whether any other contributors, like a parent or spouse, also need to create an account before submitting the FAFSA form.

· If you’re still not sure whether a parent should sign the form, confirm whether you are an independent or dependent student.

· If a dependent student, the student and parent can use the Who’s My FAFSA Parent wizard to figure out which parent, guardian or spouse also needs to create an account.

What if a student or parent doesn't have a Social Security number?

· If there is a SSN, they must provide it when creating an account.

· All students must have an SSN to create a account unless they are from the Freely Associated States (Micronesia, Marshall Islands, or Palau). Check eligibility here.

· If a parent or spouse who does not have an SSN, you can still create a account to contribute to a student’s FAFSA form. When creating an account, leave the SSN field blank and select “What if I don’t have a Social Security number?”

· If only one parent has an SSN, that parent is the one who should create an account and join the student's FAFSA form as a contributor.


Note: If you get a message saying the SSN entered is already in use, make sure the SSN is entered correctly. If the SSN is correct, then it’s likely an account was previously or someone else (such as a parent) created for you. Try logging in first rather than creating a new account. If you think you may already have an account, and are having trouble accessing, you will need to recover your account. You can use this page: Recover Your Account | Federal Student Aid. If you’re sure an account has not already been created, contact the office of Federal Student Aid for more help. Do not attempt to use an ITIN or other value in place of an SSN for online account creation.


CDHE also has resources to assist in setting up FSA IDs. See the YouTube videos below which walk through the process. In addition, the Department has created a 12th Grade FSA ID Creation Dashboard by County. You can easily track your county's progress weekly.


FSA ID Creation Dashboard by Count

Learn More

Student Pickup Traffic Map

Employment Opportunities

CEC is Hiring! 

Looking for the perfect job or know someone who would be a great addition to our team? 

Check out our Careers page here!

Current Job Openings at CEC Castle Rock

  • Substitute Teacher - Part Time


Join the CEC team! Click the button below for more information and to apply.

Click To Apply

CEC Spirit Wear

The CEC Spirit Store is taking orders! Shop online at:

Acts of Kindness

Has someone in the CEC community shown you or your student an act of kindness? Click here or use the QR code provided to give them a shoutout! It can be big or small.

Tutoring Help

Click the link below.

King Soopers Rewards

Sign up for our King Soopers Community Rewards to help us raise funds for student activities!

What is King Soopers Community Rewards?

This program makes fundraising easy by donating to local organizations based on the shopping you do every day. Once you link your Card to an organization, all you have to do is shop at King Soopers and swipe your Shopper’s Card.

How to add Colorado Early Colleges Castle Rock to your King Soopers Shoppers Account:

  1. A digital account is needed to participate in King Soopers Community Rewards. If you already have a digital account, simply link your Shopper’s Card to your account so that all transactions apply toward the organization you choose. If you do not have a digital account, click here to set one up.
  2. Sign in to your digital account.
  3. Search for your organization here.
  4. Enter "Colorado Early Colleges Castle Rock."
  5. Select the organization from the list and click “Save”.



Parent Committee

Appointment Reminder

To better serve our parents and visitors please be sure to make an appointment before visiting CECCR. Our goal is to ensure every visitor gets the time and attention they deserve, and an appointment allows us to reserve that time solely for you! Emails are the most efficient way to contact staff members. All staff members emails are formatted with (

Scholarship Information

Scholarship List

Click here to access the full list of scholarships.

Scholarship Resources for All Grades

Did you know that it is never too early to start applying for scholarships? High School Freshmen to College Seniors should always be on the lookout for different scholarship opportunities.

Here are some resources to help get you started:

College/Career Opportunities

Professional Digital Portfolio!

Students can build a professional digital portfolio through Tallo, an online platform that connects high school and college students to jobs, internships, scholarships and colleges. Major companies recruit from this platform for highly competitive internships through Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Wal-Mart and more. 

Go to to learn more!

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Create a great offer by adding words like "free," "personalized," "complimentary," or "customized." A sense of urgency often helps readers take action, so consider inserting phrases like "for a limited time only" or "only 7 remaining!"

Social Media

Stay Connected With Us!

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

Visit our website