September 2024

Case Manager's Corner

Care and Case Management (CCM) System News

Update to CCM Service Plan Screen

Effective September 11, 2024, the “Staffing Date” field in the “Assessment/Support Plans: SERVICE PLAN” on the CCM Service Plan screen has been relabeled to “Level of Care Certification Start Date”.  

CCM Job Aids, Known Issues and Release Notes

Job Aids, Release Notes, and Known Issues can be found in the CCM Documentation link under your user profile in the CCM System. Unfortunately, these documents have not been updated since July 30, 2024. AssureCare is working on a process to update these documents in the CCM.

The Job Aids, Training Recordings, and Release Note documents are currently being added and updated in the Training Google Drive. HCPF will delay the removal of all proprietary information (including job aids, recordings, and release notes) from the Training Google Drive until further notice.

Access Role Issue and new 3rd Party User Access Request Form

An issue has been identified with the CMA-Billing role in CCM. Users who are currently only provisioned for this role are encountering a black screen upon logging in to the CCM. The Department will be reprovisioning those users to a different role with similar access. There is no need to submit a new 3rd Party User Access Request form.

The 3rd Party User Access Request form was updated to remove the CMA-Billing role from the available options. Please discard any previous versions of the form and use this most recent updated version.

Other News for Case Managers

Waiver Service Utilization: Wellness Education Benefit

At this time, the distributor of the Wellness Education Benefit (WEB) is working on their per member, per month billing with the Department. While this is in process, the Bridge will not reflect utilization of the WEB for members as shown below; however, members should still be receiving their WEBs as scheduled. 


CMAs are advised not to send Notice of Action/803s to members during this transitional period for members receiving Wellness Education Benefit services. Providers for all waiver services are given one year from providing the service to submit billing. The Department will send out a communication to CMAs once the provider has begun successfully billing. 

A screenshot of the Bridge

Reminder Regarding Notice of Action Service Recoupment Language

Members have the right to continue receiving services during their appeal period and are not responsible for paying back any of the funds allocated to services during the appeal period. An attempt at recoupment will not be made, regardless of the outcome of the appeal.

Notice of Action templates no longer contain outdated language warning members that payment for services received during an appeal period may result in recoupment if their appeal is not successful.

When explaining the appeal process to members, case managers must explain their right to continue to receive services during an appeal and not state or suggest, verbally or in writing, any risk of recoupment to the member.  

ARPA 5.04 Care-Case Management Best Practices Project Training Announcement

Since 2023, John Snow Research & Training Institute (JSI) has been working under contract with the Department to conduct a stakeholder-informed process improvement initiative to improve communication, collaboration, and coordination between case management agencies (CMAs) and regional accountable entities (RAEs).

One of the final contract activities is for JSI to deliver training to CMAs and RAEs on the findings from the project and the implementation of best practices.

Two trainings will be offered in October:

The initial training will cover the primary functions of a CMA and RAE, and how the two organizations coordinate to improve member care and experience. The training will also review best practices identified during this initiative.

The second training will provide more detail on the identified best practices, including implementing processes for communication and collaboration; creating and executing memoranda of understanding (MOUs) and data agreements; and utilizing a shared online workspace.

CMA-RAE Collaboration Training #1

When: Monday, October 14th, 10:30 a.m. to noon.

Register on Zoom.

CMA-RAE Collaboration Training #2

When: Monday, October 21st, 10:30 a.m. to noon.

Register on Zoom.

Both trainings will be interactive, with polls, breakout sessions and opportunities to ask questions. They will be recorded to be used in the future when new staff join the CMAs and RAEs.

Training attendees should include both supervisory and entry-level staff who are engaged in the shared CMA and RAE work. Participation in the training is strongly encouraged for all levels of CMA and RAE staff.

Contact your CMA RAE Liaison for more information.

Member Correspondence Letter Improvements

HCPF will hold two virtual stakeholder meetings to present information about upcoming improvements to member correspondence.

At the meeting, HCPF staff will share 

  • improvements being made,
  • timelines for making changes,
  • plans for future letter improvements, and
  • opportunities for stakeholders to stay involved.

Attendees will be able to submit questions to be answered live when possible. All questions and responses will be sent out to attendees following the meeting. 

Meeting dates and times: 

Wednesday, October 9, 2024, from 2-3 pm

Register on Zoom

Wednesday, October 9, 2024, from 5-6 pm

Register on Zoom

These meetings will be in English and Spanish. ASL interpretation will be provided.

For those who cannot attend the meetings, you may request a recording.

Meeting Accommodation and Language Access Notice: Auxiliary aids and services for individuals with disabilities and language services for individuals whose first language is not English may be provided upon request. Please notify the Stakeholder Engagement Section at at least one week prior to the meeting to make arrangements. 

If you have general questions, please email for more information. 

Colorado Requesting Extension for Expanding the Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Continuum of Care Waiver

Colorado is requesting the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) extend the current 1115 “Expanding the Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Continuum of Care” Waiver. HCPF is proposing an extension to the current SUD demonstration, implementing all pending amendments, and including presumptive eligibility for long-term services and supports (LTSS PE). Accordingly, HCPF is proposing to rename the demonstration, “Comprehensive Care for Colorado.”

The renewal is currently posted on HCPF’s 1115 Waiver website and is open for public comment until October 10th, 2024, at 5 pm MST. Please direct 1115 questions to this email.

Visit the LTSS PE website to find updated program information, as well as an opportunity to register for a meeting to learn about updates to the LTSS PE program related to the 1115 public comment period.

Telligen Office Hours

Telligen is hosting office hours for case managers to answer questions regarding Utilization Review Utilization Management (URUM) reviews for:  

  • Qualitrac Submissions 101 
  • Over Cost Containment (OCC) 
  • Supported Living Services (SLS) Exception  
  • Procedure Codes 
  • Requests for Information (RFI) 

Please submit any office hours topic requests by using the Telligen Support Request form no later than November 1, 2024.  


When: November 14, 2024, 1:30 to 3 p.m.

Register on Zoom.


Each attendee should register individually. Questions and answers from previous office hours are on our webpage under Telligen Office Hours. 

Consumer Direct for Colorado

The training vendor for the IHSS and CDASS programs has introduced a new role, the IHSS & CDASS Liaison, held by Edel Castillo, who invites case managers to reach out with any inquiries or concerns regarding the IHSS and CDASS programs. This position aims to provide enhanced support and knowledge about these self-directed programs.

Additionally, case managers are encouraged to visit the updated website. It has more information and resources, easier access to register for training sessions, and a better layout so you can find what you need faster!

Upcoming Trainings:

SLS CDASS Case Manager Training

When: October 10, 2024, 10 a.m. to noon

Register Here

IHSS Case Manager Training (Refresher)

October 24, 2024, 1 to 3 p.m.

Register Here

CDASS & IHSS Case Manager Training

November 7, 2024, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Register Here

Support Resources

Previous email blasts can be found here.

To request support for a CCM system issue, including to be assigned as a CMA to a member with no current CMA assignment, call CCM Support Center (888) 235-6944 or complete a CCM Support Request Form. Also see: FAQs page.

For User Access to CCM, Bridge, PEAKPro, please complete a 3rd Party System User Access Request Form, to include obtaining required signatures from your agency management, and submit to

To request MEUPS Password Reset please email

To request assistance for Bridge, including if you cannot see a member in the Bridge, please email

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