The Clean Water Pod

Season 3, Episode 3:

Interstate Collaboration to Reduce Phosphorus Pollution in Lake Champlain

Join podcast host Jeff Berckes to explore the Clean Water Act!

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Lake Champlain

View of Lake Champlain from Vermont with New York's Adirondack Mountains in the distance.

Lake Champlain is shared by New York, Vermont, and Canada, requiring a uniquely collaborative approach to implementing the states’ Total Maximum Daily Loads for phosphorus reduction. In this episode, hear about the history and cultural significance of the lake and vital partnerships working to improve water quality. The conversation emphasizes the importance of community engagement to enhance management of this water resource.

About our guests:

Eric Howe is the NEIWPCC program director for the Lake Champlain Basin Program.

Karen Stainbrook serves as the director of the Bureau of Water Resource Management at the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.

Emily Bird is the Clean Water Initiative Program manager with the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation.

Listen here.

About the Clean Water Pod

Through perspectives and stories from across the country, the “Clean Water Pod” explores the challenges and successes of restoring and protecting water quality. Season three is focused on innovative solutions within the Clean Water Act 303(d) Program.

This podcast is funded by a grant through the U.S. EPA and produced by Flip the Field and NEIWPCC.

Share Your Clean Water Success Stories!

NEIWPCC is collecting and producing stories highlighting Clean Water Act 303(d) program successes as part of an EPA grant. Contact Beth Malcolm to learn more about opportunities to share your success stories.

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NEIWPCC is a regional commission that helps the states of the Northeast preserve and advance water quality.

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