What a Summer!

I hope your summer was even 10 percent as eventful and fun as mine was! South Dakota, Poland, New Orleans, and finally, ChosenCon in Orlando, in essence a gathering of The Chosen TV series fans. There were so many highlights, it's hard to remember them all. I will share this video from ChosenCon, and my dancing will show you why, well, I'm a writer, not a dancer.

Anyway, it definitely was a summer I'll cherish for a long, long time. I hope yours was as well!

On the Nightstand: Iscariot: A Novel of Judas

Judas has been on my mind a lot the past month or so because... was he that different from us? He thought he knew what was best, and didn't agree with all of Jesus's decisions. Sound familiar? I'm really excited to start reading Tosca Lee's fictional take on the man who betrayed Jesus.

Tosca spoke twice at the American Christian Fiction Writers' conference I attended at the beginning of September. Then two weeks later, Judas was front and center at several panels and conversations at ChosenCon. The next season of The Chosen will focus on Holy Week. The actor who plays Judas said he wouldn't have wanted any other part.

So, as I said, Judas has been on my mind. May we not meet his end. May we learn from him.

What's on your nightstand?

Falling Forward

My friend Liz Cox Schiavone and I on behalf of the Arlington Diocesan Council of Catholic Women will be presenting on this Wednesday, 2, 5:30-7:30 p.m. on the Four Women Doctors of the Catholic Church. We're grateful the Women of St. Ambrose parish have asked us to share with them at The Paschal Lamb Catholic Books and Gifts in Fairfax, VA. All are invited to this free event; the materials were approved by the Diocese. Light refreshments! You'll be able to buy books about and by Teresa of Avila, Catherine of Siena, Therese of Lisieux, and Hildegard of Bingen... and engage in some thoughtful conversation. Please let Mary DeSantis of St. Ambrose (wsa(at) if you're coming.

I'll also be prepping for a retreat and for exhibiting at some holiday markets, but more on those things next month. I'll be spending a lot of October working on a Christian novel that a publishing house has shown some interest in. More if anything comes to fruition.

May October's weather, bright blue or otherwise, be delightful wherever you are! Blessings, Melanie

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