NFMT 2025 January Exhibitor Update

Schedule at a Glance

Review the Schedule at a Glance for additional important show information.

Move In:

Monday 24th 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Tuesday 25th 8:00 am - 10:00 am

Expo Hours:

Tuesday 25th 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Wednesday 26th 11:30 am - 3:30 pm

Thursday 27th 10:30 am - 1:30 pm

Move Out:

Thursday 27th 2:31 pm - 9:00 pm

Friday 28th 8:00 am - 10:00 am

Event Floor Plan

You can view the floor plan online

The online floor plan is updated as activity happens. If you see a location you would prefer or if you are near a competitor and want to move to a different location, please contact your account representative.

Exhibit Space Rental Includes:

  • In-line space will have black and white 8´back-wall and 3´black side rail drape
  • Company Identification Sign
  • Online profile on the Exhibitor List 
  • Listed in show directory and show app with company name and booth number
  • 24 hour perimeter security
  • Post Show Attendee List (contact, company, title, physical address)

Carpet, furnishings, lead retrieval device, shipping, material handling, and electrical services are NOT included in your booth package.

Edlen is the official provider of electrical services.

Freeman is the official decorator. Carpet, tables, chairs and more can be rented through them.

Hotel Reservations - Have you reserved your hotel room?

The hotel discount deadline is February 14th and subject to availability. The housing bureau will NEVER call you to make a reservation.

The ONLY way to book a hotel for NFMT is to go through the Visit Baltimore Housing Bureau via the link posted on the event website and below.

Warning! The following are NOT with the NFMT Visit Baltimore Housing Company and have NO affiliation with the Event:

  • Convention Experts calling from 702-509-7473
  • Any emails from

Please use the link below for the official NFMT housing information & to make reservations.

Hotel Information 

Exhibitor Registration

Your Exhibitor login password will be emailed to the main point of contact (who was on the space contract) along with the registration link. Anyone that secured space prior to 12/17/2024 would have received the email on 12/19/24. Anyone that secures space after 12/17/2024 will receive their password the Friday after securing space. The email would come from

If you do not receive the password Email, sometimes it is blocked by spam/junk filters, please email for your password.

Exhibitor Registration Login

Official Contractor List & EAC Form

Official Contractor List

The NFMT Official Contractor list contains the various contractors that are either exclusive contractors for the building or have been selected by NFMT.

Exhibitor Alert!

Please be careful if you are contacted by a third-party vendor posing or leading you to believe that the work on behalf of NFMT.

Some that use this tactic would be contacting you for hotel reservations or attendee list rentals.

If you are contacted by a company that is NOT on the Official Contractor List, and you want to check the legitimacy of any communication you receive, please contact


If you have contracted with a firm other than those on the official Contractor list, you must complete the EAC form and submit along with your EACs Certificate of Insurance by February 24.

It is your responsibility to inform your contractor of the rules and regulations of the event.

If you are not using an outside contractor, you do NOT need to submit this form.

Displaying a Vehicle

If you are displaying a vehicle, golf cart or piece of equipment that would drive into the expo hall, you will need to submit a Vehicle Display Authorization form, read the rules on fuel and fill out Freeman's mobile spotting form.

Vehicle Display Authorization DUE 2/21/25

Rules & Regulations

Exhibit Display & Event Regulations
Union Rules & Regulations
Space Contract Rules & Regulations
Height Rules  In-line & Linear Booths
Convention Center Rules & Regulations 
Height  Rules Island Booths 


Official Decorator/General Contractor for NFMT.

Flooring, Furnishings, Material Handling, Signs, I&D and Rigging

Order Online by 2/24/25 for the maximum discount

If you have not ordered from Freeman online in the past for any event, you will need to create a login.

Freeman Online 

Shipping & Material Handling

Note! The Baltimore Convention Center does NOT have a business center to ship to.

Advance to Warehouse Label

Advance to Warehouse

Can not arrive prior to February 24 and must arrive by March 17th.

Shipments to the warehouse after March 17 will incur an additional fee.

Direct to Show Site Label

Direct to Show Site

Can not arrive prior to

March 24, 2024

Directions to Marshalling Yard- give to your Carrier
Material Handling Rates

Material Handling

Freeman is the exclusive provider of material handling services.

Shipments to the warehouse or show site will incur material handling charges.

Visit Freeman Online for estimated costs.

MOVE IN and OUT Instructions

All Exhibitors are no longer permitted to walk through the Pratt St. Entrance during move in and move out due to Baltimore Convention Center safety regulations.

If you plan to bring your items to the center (and not shipping them), you will want to review the move in & out instructions in the link bellow.


Other Contractors for NFMT

Audio Visual: AV One order by 3/14/25
 Cleaning   ACC  order by 3/14/25
F&B Levy order by 3/3/25
Security TBD 
Photography  Pure Light Images order by 3/7/25
Utilities - Edlen order by 3/04/25

Lead Retrieval CompuLead Early Bird: 1/22/25

Advanced: 2/07/25


Internet & Phone Cox Hospitality Network

 order by 2/24/25

WIFI Hotspot Form
Wired Internet Form
Voice & Video Form

Company Profile on Mobile App

for Platinum, Gold, Silver & Bronze Sponsors

Watch for an email from on 2/18/25, containing an invitation to set up your company profile in the NFMT event app. Customize your listing by adding your company bio, social media handles, upload documents, and more. Please update your profile by 2/28/25.

Sponsorships Still Available

Drive Traffic to Your Booth and Increase your ROI!

Limited inventory and deadlines approaching so feel free to reach out to your NFMT team member if you would like additional details.

Here are some highly visible options remaining:

  • Ad in the Onsite Directory
  • Daily Cash Prize Sponsor - ballot box in your booth as a traffic driver, gain list of those that enter to win and join us on stage each day
  • Five (5) Minute Interview in your booth - you gain the video and we include in a post-show enewsletter to 40,000 
  • Lanyards
  • Tote Bags 

If you have any questions, please contact any member of the NFMT Team.

Exhibit Sponsorship and Sales

Debbie Hanamann

National Sales Manager

Companies A-B, H, V (plus numeric)

Direct: 414.368.6903

Ashley Clark

Director of Event Sales

Companies N-U, W-Z

Direct: 414.368.6853

Laurie Vega

Facilities and Commercial

Cleaning Group Publisher

Companies C-G, I-M

Direct: 414.368.6885