Seeking IRB Community Members
The IRB is made up of diverse members including those from the community who are not affiliated with UK and those who are non-scientists. If you know research participants, friends, and/or family members who may be interested in serving as an IRB Member (i.e., in an unaffiliated and/or a non-scientist role), please share the information below.
The non-scientist member is vital – research review cannot proceed without a non-scientist member present. This member’s role is to ensure that research materials are readable and that participants will understand what they are volunteering for. This committee member must be:
A non-scientist (education, training, background, and occupation are in non-scientific fields);
- Able to prepare for and attend most committee meetings; meetings are set for a particular weekday and are held about once every 3-4 weeks;
- Able to attend occasional education sessions; and
- Comfortable with basic computer operations.
***Non-scientist Member Brochure [PDF]***
The unaffiliated member brings a unique community perspective to the table. This member’s role is to represent the general public’s concerns – to serve the community’s interests rather than those of the university. This committee member must be:
- Not affiliated with the University of Kentucky, either directly or through an immediate family member;
- Able to prepare for and attend most committee meetings; meetings are set for a particular weekday and are held about once every 3-4 weeks;
- Able to attend occasional education sessions; and
- Comfortable with basic computer operations.
***Unaffiliated Member Brochure [PDF]***
The Office of the Vice President for Research and the ORI appreciate volunteers and are always looking for interested and committed members. Contact Pam Stafford for more information (859-323-7399 or