- THIS WEEK IN PNEC September 26, 2024
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September 30 through October 4 - for Administrative Staff continuing education
There will not be an issue of "This Week in PNEC" on October 3, 10, & 17
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Ruth Schaefer Obituary
Ruth Catherine (Rahn) Schaefer was born December 29, 1930, at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Reading.
Ruth was licensed in April 1988 to be pastor of Christ’s Church at Lowhill UCC in New Tripoli, and retired in March 1998. The church was served by her father for 55 years. She was active in each church where her husband was called to be the pastor. She served as a camp counselor at the Lutheran Camp of the Ministerium, where her husband was the director; served on the training committee for the Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod; served on the Penn Northeast UCC Conference Committee; and, with her husband, served the Farmers Advocacy Resource Ministry for the Northeast Lutheran Synod. She served and supported both denominations wherever she was called.
A memorial service will be held Saturday, September 28, 2024 at 1 p.m. at the chapel at Phoebe Berks, 1 Reading Blvd., Wernersville, PA 19565. A visitation will be held from 12-1 p.m. Burial will be private at the convenience of the family.
Stitzel Family Funeral Homes & Crematory, Inc., Laureldale is in charge of arrangements. For online condolences, visit www.StitzelFamilyFuneralHomes.com.
Click Here for full obituary
Bonnie's Letter
“For surely I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord, “plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.” Jeremiah 29:11
Dear friends,
After a few gloomy, gray, and rainy days, I am ready for some sunshine. How about you? Yet, I know the earth needs the rain, the brown grass tells me that is so. The cycles of weather and seasons are often unpredictable in this age of Climate Change and Global Warming and yet, we hope for the weather we desire – not the weather we receive.
I wonder if sometimes our prayers indicate the same thing. We want God to answer our prayers AND we want our prayers answered in the ways we choose. After all, we are doing the asking. Can’t God just give us what we want? I can remember reading, and I cannot locate the source, that God always answers prayers. Sometime God says yes. Sometimes God says no and sometimes God says wait. I don’t know about you, but I can be impatient in the waiting stage. I am sure the Israelites felt the same way when God gave the words noted above for Jeremiah to proclaim. They were in exile, craving to go home, and seeking the wisdom and presence of God. Jeremiah’s words are meant to reassure them that God was still with them and that even if they could not see the fulfillment of God’s plans in their lives, God’s fulfillment was coming.
Our challenge is that we have become a society which focuses on instant gratification, and sometimes even entitlement. We want what we want, as we want it, and when we want it. We are not very patient in our waiting. And yet, the seasons of our planet remind us that there is a time for plants to surrender to fall and winter, a time for dormancy of growth, a time for new growth to spring forth and a time to celebrate the fruition of growth. Oh, that we would relax into the seasons. And that we would relax into the embrace of God when we are uncertain, afraid, or anxious.
I want to make it clear that while I believe God has plans for us, we, too, have a role in those plans. Our lives and choices are not preordained, and we have the free will to choose from a variety of paths laid before us. In my own life, God continues to open doors and new pathways for me, and I make decisions which paths to take. Then God in wisdom provides additional new pathways for me and the process begins again and again. Sometimes I wish I knew all the consequences of each path I might take and yet, I think the learning comes in the making of choices and the learning from and living into the consequences. Life might be easier if God were more directive, but the God I love is not a puppeteer, but a Creator of opportunities, pathways, and movement. May you be blessed in the knowledge that God is with you, has plans and pathways for you, and is openly loving no matter the pathways we take.
Blessings, Bonnie
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Christmas Card Project
Dear friends, Greetings. This is Rev. Jeffrey Mensendiek, mission co-worker serving with Common Global Ministries in Japan since 1990. I am in touch with you again to gather a group of churches this year to join in the Christmas Card Project with our partner churches in Japan. This project was started in 2012 following the great earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster that devasted northeastern Japan. At the time, I was serving at the Emmaus Center in Sendai, and my workplace became a national disaster relief center for our partner church, the Kyodan. Global Ministries was deeply involved in working with the Kyodan to meet the needs of the survivors, and accompany the churches that sustained damages. We have strong historical ties to the churches Japan, and this project represents an effort to connect our churches through prayer during the Advent season.
I am writing to inquire whether your church would be interested in participating in the Christmas Card Project this year. For the past twelve years we have had an average of 40 UCC and Disciples churches join in reaching out globally through prayer. Even as the whole world feels the overwhelming effects of natural disasters, pandemics, and or political unrest, God calls the church to reach out and care and connect in the name of Christ.
Register now for Keystone Study Group Town Halls
Due to the complex nature of the possible merger, town hall meetings on the subject have been broken into three topics:
1. Timeline, Staffing, Finance
2. Timeline, PA UCC Mission Focus
3. Timeline, Associations.
There are four opportunities to attend a webinar on each of the above topics. They will be hosted by different conferences, but you can attend any. The schedule is below; click the date and time to register. You can also find this information on our website on the Keystone Study Group page under Resources.
Timeline, PA UCC Mission Focus
Hosted by PCC - Tuesday, Oct. 1 at 6:30p
Hosted by Penn West - Tuesday, Oct. 22 at 1:00p
Timeline, Associations
Hosted by PSEC - Tuesday, Oct. 15 at 6:30p
Hosted by Penn Central - Wednesday, Oct. 23 at 3:00p
Hosted by Penn Northeast - Thursday Oct 10, at 6:30 pm - Below is the zoom link for the meeting,
but first please register through the link above. Thank you.
Hosted by Penn West - Thursday, Oct. 24 at 6:30p
Topic: Keystone Town Hall hosted by PNEC
Time: Oct 10, 2024 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 835 8537 1949
Passcode: 616176
One tap mobile
+13052241968,,83585371949#,,,,*616176# US
+13092053325,,83585371949#,,,,*616176# US
Dial by your location
• +1 305 224 1968 US
• +1 309 205 3325 US
• +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
• +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
• +1 646 931 3860 US
• +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
• +1 689 278 1000 US
• +1 719 359 4580 US
• +1 253 205 0468 US
• +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
• +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
• +1 360 209 5623 US
• +1 386 347 5053 US
• +1 507 473 4847 US
• +1 564 217 2000 US
• +1 669 444 9171 US
• +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 835 8537 1949
Passcode: 616176
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdlOo3OUM5
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Bulletin Inserts to share in Services of Worship
Keystone Working Group Communications
Bulletin Insert #1 Bulletin Insert #2 Bulletin Insert #3 Bulletin Insert #4
STAR Church Coalition Resolution
The PNEC Board affirmed our support and addition of our name to this resolution. When we gather for the Fall meeting of the Conference on November 9th, we are also asking the Conference to affirm this resolution.
The Small Town and Rural Church Coalition (STAR Coalition) grew out of the virtual General Synod in 2021 when a small group of individuals met to share experiences with small town and rural ministry. They lamented the lack of resources available, but they also celebrated the vibrancy and depth of ministry and worship exhibited within those churches. Further, the group noted that that STAR Churches are often assumed to be dying churches. That is not the case. The startling fact is that, as of the UCC Statistical Profile of 2022, almost 65% of UCC churches are designated as small town and rural, contributing to their communities in unique, creative, and important ways. “Small Town and Rural” is roughly defined as areas with populations of less than 25 thousand. The STAR churches in the Coalition largely come from much smaller communities, some with fewer than 100 persons, and the largest with less than 10,000 people. Most of these churches are in areas where agriculture is the dominant industry, making them closely tied to the land, surrounding community, and growing seasons.
Ministry is different in small town and rural settings. Many churches are not in larger towns so the question of, “who is my neighbor?” takes on wider meaning. Ministry takes on different forms in community that encompass farms, ranches, and large geographical expanses, rather than blocks of houses or apartments or neighborhoods. While some problems experienced in urban and metro areas may be similar, they express in different ways. For example, homelessness is not people sleeping on sidewalks, instead it is couch surfing, living out of cars, and children who bounce between homes. And children who, during fall harvest, disappear from classrooms. Drug and alcohol abuse is a large problem, in areas that are generally underserved by hospitals and clinics, and with too few medical and mental health practitioners. Most of these churches are in digital deserts, with little or no access to internet, spotty and very slow connections when they are available, and limited accessibility even if they can afford connections.
The STAR Coalition formed around the desire to share experiences and best practices, and the realized need for specific and targeted resourcing from the UCC national setting and elsewhere. The STAR Coalition desires to share the wisdom and experience of more than half of all congregations in the United Church of Christ with the National Setting (and all settings of the UCC) in a recognized manner as a “Self-Created Group.”
At times STAR churches are a lone progressive voice among their immediate peers. In other cases, they are solidly conservative and solidly UCC. Labels are challenging. Small Town and Rural Churches are not monoliths. Census and Voting data show that rural areas lean more conservative than liberal. This reality highlights one of the real strengths of STAR churches: they have learned to live together amid social and political diversity. Community relationships are vital. Community matters. Relationships matter. This is the wisdom that the STAR Coalition desires to share with the UCC National Setting by being recognized and being granted voice and a permanent place at the table in hopes of informing and shaping the future of the United Church of Christ. (Shared by Amelia Price, Penn Central Conference)
Please take the time to read the STAR Church Coalition resolution HERE
“How to Church” video 5 is now live: https://youtu.be/6RpQYIGkGx4
In this episode of the "How to Church" video series being produced cooperatively by the Local Congregational Support Working Group and the Congregational Vitality Team, we explore the purpose and benefit of utilizing ministry coaches as a helpful resource to congregational life and decision-making.
A Timely & Important Offering from the Institute for Youth Ministry
We’re pleased to share that we’ve designed an accessible, affordable training event that seeks to help youth workers, parents, teachers, coaches, and senior leaders navigate these critical questions, and we hope you will share this news with the people in your community. On Saturday, October 5, from 12-5pm Eastern Time, the Institute for Youth Ministry is hosting our second annual Online Forum on Youth Ministry. This year’s theme is “Blessed are the Peacemakers,” and we’ve invited some of our favorite peacemaking theologians and pastors to lead us in this daylong training event: Rev. Dr. Montague Williams, Dr. Elizabeth Corrie, Dr. Stephanie Mota Thurston, and more. Please see the attached flyer that you are encouraged to distribute to the people in your networks. Individuals can register for $79 per person, and groups of 3 or more get a discounted rate of only $40 each! (See our website’s FAQs for transparency around the financial model for this self-funded event, and please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions.) Please note that the entire event—including every workshop—is recorded and will be available for people who’ve registered, whether or not they are able to attend synchronously.
Registration closes on October 1. Don’t miss out on the opportunity for us to learn together!
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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
9am – 3pm (in person and via Zoom)
St. John’s UCC, 575 Grape Street (Fullerton), Whitehall
Listening When it Hurts: Talking Through Differences in Love
Cost: (in person) $35 (Zoom) $20
(Attendance for the day will count as either the Cultural Competency requirement or 4 hours of continuing education.)
Schedule for the Day
8:30 Registration & Breakfast
9:00 Welcome & Devotions
9:30 Presentation – Dignity
10:30 Break
10:45 Small Group Conversations
11:30 Large Group Discussion & Questions
Noon Lunch & Fellowship
1:00 Presentation – Keystone Project (Questions & Discussion)
2:00 Closing Worship with Communion
(for those joining us remotely, please have your communion elements prepared.)
CLICK HERE for Registration flyer
To Register on tithe.ly click on the link: https://tithe.ly/event-registration/#/9189764
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UCC National Setting - UCC Webinars
These webinars are designed to help you enhance your local church ministries. Most are free to attend. Check out the calendar here.
Living Our Extravagant Welcome, A Two-Part Series
Sep 26, 2024 | 3:30pm - 4:30pm
Community Safety Training Series
Sep 30, 2024 | 8:00pm - 9:00pm
Race to the Polls: Preparing the UCC for the 2024 Election
Oct 1, 2024 | 3:30pm - 4:30pm
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Theology with a Twist: Faith & Upcoming Elections Revisited
The next Theology with a Twist, Oct. 1 at Kutztown Tavern, will feature Dr. Lee Barrett on the topic "Faith & the Upcoming Elections Revisited." The passions generated by the presidential elections are intense and notoriously polarizing. The strength of such passions is fueled by deep-rooted convictions about nothing less than the meaning of life. We will explore the religious sources of these seemingly political commitments, tracing the ways that they manifest themselves in specific policy proposals and electoral strategies. Click here for more information.
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Lehigh Conference of Churches
There is so much happening here at the Conference! I wanted to pass along details of upcoming events as well as some opportunities to get involved. Please feel free to share with anyone who may be interested.
Sacred Spaces Interfaith Action Pop up Event is October 3-4, 2024 https://touchstone.org/festival_unbound/twilight-with-touchstone/ and we are looking for volunteers! We are searching for 8-10 people to assist with set up/clean, greet guests, facilitate art, conversation starter, performance presenters, and general support. I have much more information about the volunteer roles. Even if you cannot volunteer please plan to stop by the Bethlehem Rose Garden Oct. 3 or 4 to show support.
National Week of Hunger & Homelessness Awareness is November 17-23, 2004. The Conference for the third year has a week of events in place and I personally invite each of you to attend. If you are interested in sponsoring now is the time. Information is attached and can be found on the website https://lehighchurches.org/hhaweek/
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Peace Island, Kakata, Margibi County, Liberia, West Africa
The motto is “Education is the Key to Success.” And indeed, that’s what’s happened in the 11 years since our school was founded through our Wipe the Tears, Inc., a 501(c)(3) ministry of Jordan United Church of Christ, Allentown.
Wipe the Tears is the result of the vision of Robert and Teelah Momolu, members of the church, with US citizenship but deep roots in their native Liberia. Every trip they took “back home,” they felt the pain and heartache of children whose families could not afford school fees, those whose illness or death could have been prevented with a simple vaccination, and so many who didn’t feel the result of massive international government relief efforts in their communities. In order to assure accountability and non-profit status, we formed parallel organizations in both counties, and traveled to Kakata in March 2013 to register and launch the NGO there. Click Here to Read More...
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A National Summit: Guns, Race, and America's Love Affair with Killing
Saturday, October 5, all-day
At the Historic Metropolitan AME Church in Washington, DC and Online
Click Here for Details & Registration
“Fractured Lives, Fractured Churches” Saturday, October 12 - 9 AM to 3 PM Church of the Good Shepherd UCC, Boyertown
This workshop is being presented through the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center and is designed to address the estrangement we’re experiencing from each other in the world that has now filtered down to our local churches, and how the church can be a place that heals and restores rather than a place that simply mirrors our divided world. The basis of the workshop is family systems theory, something I learned briefly about in seminary, but was introduced to more thoroughly by a lovely Lutheran couple that befriended this new pastor in the late nineties. I often say that two things changed my life for the better – Jesus and GPS – but it’s really three things: the third was understanding that churches are like families, with all the positive and negative dynamics that happen with those we love and struggle to love. Knowing this truth changed my personal life, and it forever changed my ministry with the churches I served. Whether your church knows how to handle the estrangement and division well, or is struggling to do so, this workshop is for you, both laity and clergy. It’s free and you can bring as many people as we can fit into the room. Join us! You can register yourself and a group from your church right here.
Rev. Kevin McLemore, PSEC Associate Conference Minister for Search and Call
Kirkridge Retreat Center, Bangor, PA
CLICK HERE for events happening at Kirkridge
White Antiracist Practice Group:
Election Series
Wednesdays, noon-1:30pm, Oct.6-Nov. 20
Timed to unfold just before, and then just after, the 2024 U.S. Presidential election, this series will help participants grapple with all of the ways that racism and white privilege are likely to be playing out this fall. Come gather with other white people as we come into greater alignment with our highest selves to act with integrity this election season and beyond.
Register by clicking on this link..
October 22-24, 2024
Playing and Praying with Clay
with Denise Griebler
December 6-8, 2024
Queering Spirituality
with Maki Ashe Van Steenwyk
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Crossroads Lay Leadership Program: Compass with Jeremy Lau Begins Oct. 17
At Compass, discern your gifts, passion, and style. Explore, articulate and hone your personal sense of call as a lay person. Click Here for Full Information
Pennsylvania Academy of Ministry:
Theology: Leadership and Community
Tuesdays, 6:30-8 pm
Oct. 15, 22, 29, Nov. 5, 12, 19, 2024
Held online via Zoom for real-time distance learning. Taught by Eric Seibert, PhD
This class examines church, missions, and ministry, exploring how theology impacts the community. Focuses on the human condition, Christian hope, the church, ministry, and mission.
Enroll Today
Massachusetts Council of Churches
Resources for Ministry
Click Here
2024 Financial Ministries Webinars
4th Wednesdays of the Month – 7:30pm Eastern (6:30 Central)
October 23 – End the Year Strong: Making the Most of Year End Giving
November and December can be the strongest months for giving in charities. How can we make the most of this generous time in our culture? The conversation will lift up ideas and messages to promote giving to congregations.
Scranton Stories - Fall 2024 Update
Oct. 21 at The Geisinger School of Medicine Main Auditorium (6:30 pm)
Hispanic/Latinx Voices: Screening and Panel Discussion
This event will highlight the Hispanic/Latinx oral histories with a screening of three of the videos followed by a panel discussion. This program is at the Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine. Special thanks to Alejandra Marroquin for her leadership in coordinating this event and to the interviewees and Byron Maldonado for participating in this program. Flyer attached and RSVP at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Hispanic-LatinxVoices.
PATHWAYS offers online theological education that is inclusive, open-minded, and welcomes your doubts and questions. If you are sensing a call to authorized ministry, here is a route you can take while keeping your home and work life intact. If you want to deepen your theological understanding or develop new leadership skills, there is a course for you.
A short 4-week course, Singing the Bible, begins October 9, 2024.
New 6-week courses beginning on October 16 include: Understanding the Bible, Intro to New Testament, Old Testament Hermeneutics, Intro to Storytelling, Preaching, & Proclamation, Writing about Faith & Religion for the Public, Variety of Beliefs within Christianity, and Ecological Theology.
The next UCC History and Polity course begins January 8, 2025.
For more information, go to the PATHWAYS Theological Education website, pathwaystheological.org
Think Differently About Church, Unlock Community Transformation
Read More
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Workshops on the Problem with Plastics
In less than a week the first of 3 Workshops on The Problem with Plastics will take place. It is a problem we created and we can do something about it.
Please register for one of the three workshops. The insight and awareness this will bring you will change how you see things and how you can make a difference everyday to reduce the use of plastic.
Pick One of the Three Tuesdays in October 2024 and JOIN US!
• Tuesday, October 1, 2024- 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM Register at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1022002997477?aff=oddtdtcreator
• Tuesday, October 8, 2024 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM Register at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1022046828577?aff=oddtdtcreator
• Tuesday, October 15, 2024 – 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM Register at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1022050098357?aff=oddtdtcreator
Learn about the industry that is making single use plastics and its health risk to all- with Dr. Ned Ketyer, Founder of Physcians for Social Change will discuss the industry continuing to make single use plastic and its health risk to every living thing. Ms. Krsitin Shevis and Deborah Burns, from the Speakers Bureau of Beyond Plastic offer ways we can advocate for change in community, state and nationally. Making her third year of presentations and awareness on simple ways to reduce the use of plastic in your home, work and life, Ms. April Clisura from the Pittsburgh resistance to plastics. Strong advocates who are taking a stand against plastics in our air, land and water.
Sign up for The Plastics Reduction Challenge October 22-November 29 with April Clisura. Register separately for the “Challenge" by emailing bdavidsmith2@gmail.com with a note saying you will commit to reducing plastic.
Thank you for taking action to preserve and protect all of life. Together we can take steps to make for a healthier environment.
B. David Smith, Founder, Crossroads and Connections, Building Relationships and Community with programs on the environment, racism, gun violence and mass incarceration.
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Disaster Ministries
For information on available resources to protect places of worship, please visit:
September ReadyPA Monthly available online now... Click here for the newsletter. Please share this information with your congregations to help keep everyone safe and prepared.
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- THIS WEEK IN PNEC September 26, 2024
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The Penn Northeast Conference Office WILL BE CLOSED
September 30 through October 4 - for Administrative Staff continuing education
There will not be an issue of "This Week in PNEC" on October 3, 10, & 17
Thank You!
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Ruth Schaefer Obituary
Ruth Catherine (Rahn) Schaefer was born December 29, 1930, at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Reading.
Ruth was licensed in April 1988 to be pastor of Christ’s Church at Lowhill UCC in New Tripoli, and retired in March 1998. The church was served by her father for 55 years. She was active in each church where her husband was called to be the pastor. She served as a camp counselor at the Lutheran Camp of the Ministerium, where her husband was the director; served on the training committee for the Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod; served on the Penn Northeast UCC Conference Committee; and, with her husband, served the Farmers Advocacy Resource Ministry for the Northeast Lutheran Synod. She served and supported both denominations wherever she was called.
A memorial service will be held Saturday, September 28, 2024 at 1 p.m. at the chapel at Phoebe Berks, 1 Reading Blvd., Wernersville, PA 19565. A visitation will be held from 12-1 p.m. Burial will be private at the convenience of the family.
Stitzel Family Funeral Homes & Crematory, Inc., Laureldale is in charge of arrangements. For online condolences, visit www.StitzelFamilyFuneralHomes.com.
Click Here for full obituary
Bonnie's Letter
“For surely I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord, “plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.” Jeremiah 29:11
Dear friends,
After a few gloomy, gray, and rainy days, I am ready for some sunshine. How about you? Yet, I know the earth needs the rain, the brown grass tells me that is so. The cycles of weather and seasons are often unpredictable in this age of Climate Change and Global Warming and yet, we hope for the weather we desire – not the weather we receive.
I wonder if sometimes our prayers indicate the same thing. We want God to answer our prayers AND we want our prayers answered in the ways we choose. After all, we are doing the asking. Can’t God just give us what we want? I can remember reading, and I cannot locate the source, that God always answers prayers. Sometime God says yes. Sometimes God says no and sometimes God says wait. I don’t know about you, but I can be impatient in the waiting stage. I am sure the Israelites felt the same way when God gave the words noted above for Jeremiah to proclaim. They were in exile, craving to go home, and seeking the wisdom and presence of God. Jeremiah’s words are meant to reassure them that God was still with them and that even if they could not see the fulfillment of God’s plans in their lives, God’s fulfillment was coming.
Our challenge is that we have become a society which focuses on instant gratification, and sometimes even entitlement. We want what we want, as we want it, and when we want it. We are not very patient in our waiting. And yet, the seasons of our planet remind us that there is a time for plants to surrender to fall and winter, a time for dormancy of growth, a time for new growth to spring forth and a time to celebrate the fruition of growth. Oh, that we would relax into the seasons. And that we would relax into the embrace of God when we are uncertain, afraid, or anxious.
I want to make it clear that while I believe God has plans for us, we, too, have a role in those plans. Our lives and choices are not preordained, and we have the free will to choose from a variety of paths laid before us. In my own life, God continues to open doors and new pathways for me, and I make decisions which paths to take. Then God in wisdom provides additional new pathways for me and the process begins again and again. Sometimes I wish I knew all the consequences of each path I might take and yet, I think the learning comes in the making of choices and the learning from and living into the consequences. Life might be easier if God were more directive, but the God I love is not a puppeteer, but a Creator of opportunities, pathways, and movement. May you be blessed in the knowledge that God is with you, has plans and pathways for you, and is openly loving no matter the pathways we take.
Blessings, Bonnie
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Christmas Card Project
Dear friends, Greetings. This is Rev. Jeffrey Mensendiek, mission co-worker serving with Common Global Ministries in Japan since 1990. I am in touch with you again to gather a group of churches this year to join in the Christmas Card Project with our partner churches in Japan. This project was started in 2012 following the great earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster that devasted northeastern Japan. At the time, I was serving at the Emmaus Center in Sendai, and my workplace became a national disaster relief center for our partner church, the Kyodan. Global Ministries was deeply involved in working with the Kyodan to meet the needs of the survivors, and accompany the churches that sustained damages. We have strong historical ties to the churches Japan, and this project represents an effort to connect our churches through prayer during the Advent season.
I am writing to inquire whether your church would be interested in participating in the Christmas Card Project this year. For the past twelve years we have had an average of 40 UCC and Disciples churches join in reaching out globally through prayer. Even as the whole world feels the overwhelming effects of natural disasters, pandemics, and or political unrest, God calls the church to reach out and care and connect in the name of Christ.
Register now for Keystone Study Group Town Halls
Due to the complex nature of the possible merger, town hall meetings on the subject have been broken into three topics:
1. Timeline, Staffing, Finance
2. Timeline, PA UCC Mission Focus
3. Timeline, Associations.
There are four opportunities to attend a webinar on each of the above topics. They will be hosted by different conferences, but you can attend any. The schedule is below; click the date and time to register. You can also find this information on our website on the Keystone Study Group page under Resources.
Timeline, PA UCC Mission Focus
Hosted by PCC - Tuesday, Oct. 1 at 6:30p
Hosted by Penn West - Tuesday, Oct. 22 at 1:00p
Timeline, Associations
Hosted by PSEC - Tuesday, Oct. 15 at 6:30p
Hosted by Penn Central - Wednesday, Oct. 23 at 3:00p
Hosted by Penn Northeast - Thursday Oct 10, at 6:30 pm - Below is the zoom link for the meeting,
but first please register through the link above. Thank you.
Hosted by Penn West - Thursday, Oct. 24 at 6:30p
Topic: Keystone Town Hall hosted by PNEC
Time: Oct 10, 2024 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 835 8537 1949
Passcode: 616176
One tap mobile
+13052241968,,83585371949#,,,,*616176# US
+13092053325,,83585371949#,,,,*616176# US
Dial by your location
• +1 305 224 1968 US
• +1 309 205 3325 US
• +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
• +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
• +1 646 931 3860 US
• +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
• +1 689 278 1000 US
• +1 719 359 4580 US
• +1 253 205 0468 US
• +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
• +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
• +1 360 209 5623 US
• +1 386 347 5053 US
• +1 507 473 4847 US
• +1 564 217 2000 US
• +1 669 444 9171 US
• +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 835 8537 1949
Passcode: 616176
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdlOo3OUM5
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Bulletin Inserts to share in Services of Worship
Keystone Working Group Communications
Bulletin Insert #1 Bulletin Insert #2 Bulletin Insert #3 Bulletin Insert #4
STAR Church Coalition Resolution
The PNEC Board affirmed our support and addition of our name to this resolution. When we gather for the Fall meeting of the Conference on November 9th, we are also asking the Conference to affirm this resolution.
The Small Town and Rural Church Coalition (STAR Coalition) grew out of the virtual General Synod in 2021 when a small group of individuals met to share experiences with small town and rural ministry. They lamented the lack of resources available, but they also celebrated the vibrancy and depth of ministry and worship exhibited within those churches. Further, the group noted that that STAR Churches are often assumed to be dying churches. That is not the case. The startling fact is that, as of the UCC Statistical Profile of 2022, almost 65% of UCC churches are designated as small town and rural, contributing to their communities in unique, creative, and important ways. “Small Town and Rural” is roughly defined as areas with populations of less than 25 thousand. The STAR churches in the Coalition largely come from much smaller communities, some with fewer than 100 persons, and the largest with less than 10,000 people. Most of these churches are in areas where agriculture is the dominant industry, making them closely tied to the land, surrounding community, and growing seasons.
Ministry is different in small town and rural settings. Many churches are not in larger towns so the question of, “who is my neighbor?” takes on wider meaning. Ministry takes on different forms in community that encompass farms, ranches, and large geographical expanses, rather than blocks of houses or apartments or neighborhoods. While some problems experienced in urban and metro areas may be similar, they express in different ways. For example, homelessness is not people sleeping on sidewalks, instead it is couch surfing, living out of cars, and children who bounce between homes. And children who, during fall harvest, disappear from classrooms. Drug and alcohol abuse is a large problem, in areas that are generally underserved by hospitals and clinics, and with too few medical and mental health practitioners. Most of these churches are in digital deserts, with little or no access to internet, spotty and very slow connections when they are available, and limited accessibility even if they can afford connections.
The STAR Coalition formed around the desire to share experiences and best practices, and the realized need for specific and targeted resourcing from the UCC national setting and elsewhere. The STAR Coalition desires to share the wisdom and experience of more than half of all congregations in the United Church of Christ with the National Setting (and all settings of the UCC) in a recognized manner as a “Self-Created Group.”
At times STAR churches are a lone progressive voice among their immediate peers. In other cases, they are solidly conservative and solidly UCC. Labels are challenging. Small Town and Rural Churches are not monoliths. Census and Voting data show that rural areas lean more conservative than liberal. This reality highlights one of the real strengths of STAR churches: they have learned to live together amid social and political diversity. Community relationships are vital. Community matters. Relationships matter. This is the wisdom that the STAR Coalition desires to share with the UCC National Setting by being recognized and being granted voice and a permanent place at the table in hopes of informing and shaping the future of the United Church of Christ. (Shared by Amelia Price, Penn Central Conference)
Please take the time to read the STAR Church Coalition resolution HERE
“How to Church” video 5 is now live: https://youtu.be/6RpQYIGkGx4
In this episode of the "How to Church" video series being produced cooperatively by the Local Congregational Support Working Group and the Congregational Vitality Team, we explore the purpose and benefit of utilizing ministry coaches as a helpful resource to congregational life and decision-making.
A Timely & Important Offering from the Institute for Youth Ministry
We’re pleased to share that we’ve designed an accessible, affordable training event that seeks to help youth workers, parents, teachers, coaches, and senior leaders navigate these critical questions, and we hope you will share this news with the people in your community. On Saturday, October 5, from 12-5pm Eastern Time, the Institute for Youth Ministry is hosting our second annual Online Forum on Youth Ministry. This year’s theme is “Blessed are the Peacemakers,” and we’ve invited some of our favorite peacemaking theologians and pastors to lead us in this daylong training event: Rev. Dr. Montague Williams, Dr. Elizabeth Corrie, Dr. Stephanie Mota Thurston, and more. Please see the attached flyer that you are encouraged to distribute to the people in your networks. Individuals can register for $79 per person, and groups of 3 or more get a discounted rate of only $40 each! (See our website’s FAQs for transparency around the financial model for this self-funded event, and please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions.) Please note that the entire event—including every workshop—is recorded and will be available for people who’ve registered, whether or not they are able to attend synchronously.
Registration closes on October 1. Don’t miss out on the opportunity for us to learn together!
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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
9am – 3pm (in person and via Zoom)
St. John’s UCC, 575 Grape Street (Fullerton), Whitehall
Listening When it Hurts: Talking Through Differences in Love
Cost: (in person) $35 (Zoom) $20
(Attendance for the day will count as either the Cultural Competency requirement or 4 hours of continuing education.)
Schedule for the Day
8:30 Registration & Breakfast
9:00 Welcome & Devotions
9:30 Presentation – Dignity
10:30 Break
10:45 Small Group Conversations
11:30 Large Group Discussion & Questions
Noon Lunch & Fellowship
1:00 Presentation – Keystone Project (Questions & Discussion)
2:00 Closing Worship with Communion
(for those joining us remotely, please have your communion elements prepared.)
CLICK HERE for Registration flyer
To Register on tithe.ly click on the link: https://tithe.ly/event-registration/#/9189764
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UCC National Setting - UCC Webinars
These webinars are designed to help you enhance your local church ministries. Most are free to attend. Check out the calendar here.
Living Our Extravagant Welcome, A Two-Part Series
Sep 26, 2024 | 3:30pm - 4:30pm
Community Safety Training Series
Sep 30, 2024 | 8:00pm - 9:00pm
Race to the Polls: Preparing the UCC for the 2024 Election
Oct 1, 2024 | 3:30pm - 4:30pm
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Theology with a Twist: Faith & Upcoming Elections Revisited
The next Theology with a Twist, Oct. 1 at Kutztown Tavern, will feature Dr. Lee Barrett on the topic "Faith & the Upcoming Elections Revisited." The passions generated by the presidential elections are intense and notoriously polarizing. The strength of such passions is fueled by deep-rooted convictions about nothing less than the meaning of life. We will explore the religious sources of these seemingly political commitments, tracing the ways that they manifest themselves in specific policy proposals and electoral strategies. Click here for more information.
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Lehigh Conference of Churches
There is so much happening here at the Conference! I wanted to pass along details of upcoming events as well as some opportunities to get involved. Please feel free to share with anyone who may be interested.
Sacred Spaces Interfaith Action Pop up Event is October 3-4, 2024 https://touchstone.org/festival_unbound/twilight-with-touchstone/ and we are looking for volunteers! We are searching for 8-10 people to assist with set up/clean, greet guests, facilitate art, conversation starter, performance presenters, and general support. I have much more information about the volunteer roles. Even if you cannot volunteer please plan to stop by the Bethlehem Rose Garden Oct. 3 or 4 to show support.
National Week of Hunger & Homelessness Awareness is November 17-23, 2004. The Conference for the third year has a week of events in place and I personally invite each of you to attend. If you are interested in sponsoring now is the time. Information is attached and can be found on the website https://lehighchurches.org/hhaweek/
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Peace Island, Kakata, Margibi County, Liberia, West Africa
The motto is “Education is the Key to Success.” And indeed, that’s what’s happened in the 11 years since our school was founded through our Wipe the Tears, Inc., a 501(c)(3) ministry of Jordan United Church of Christ, Allentown.
Wipe the Tears is the result of the vision of Robert and Teelah Momolu, members of the church, with US citizenship but deep roots in their native Liberia. Every trip they took “back home,” they felt the pain and heartache of children whose families could not afford school fees, those whose illness or death could have been prevented with a simple vaccination, and so many who didn’t feel the result of massive international government relief efforts in their communities. In order to assure accountability and non-profit status, we formed parallel organizations in both counties, and traveled to Kakata in March 2013 to register and launch the NGO there. Click Here to Read More...
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“Fractured Lives, Fractured Churches” Saturday, October 12 - 9 AM to 3 PM Church of the Good Shepherd UCC, Boyertown
This workshop is being presented through the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center and is designed to address the estrangement we’re experiencing from each other in the world that has now filtered down to our local churches, and how the church can be a place that heals and restores rather than a place that simply mirrors our divided world. The basis of the workshop is family systems theory, something I learned briefly about in seminary, but was introduced to more thoroughly by a lovely Lutheran couple that befriended this new pastor in the late nineties. I often say that two things changed my life for the better – Jesus and GPS – but it’s really three things: the third was understanding that churches are like families, with all the positive and negative dynamics that happen with those we love and struggle to love. Knowing this truth changed my personal life, and it forever changed my ministry with the churches I served. Whether your church knows how to handle the estrangement and division well, or is struggling to do so, this workshop is for you, both laity and clergy. It’s free and you can bring as many people as we can fit into the room. Join us! You can register yourself and a group from your church right here.
Rev. Kevin McLemore, PSEC Associate Conference Minister for Search and Call
Kirkridge Retreat Center, Bangor, PA
White Antiracist Practice Group:
Election Series
Wednesdays, noon-1:30pm, Oct.6-Nov. 20
Timed to unfold just before, and then just after, the 2024 U.S. Presidential election, this series will help participants grapple with all of the ways that racism and white privilege are likely to be playing out this fall. Come gather with other white people as we come into greater alignment with our highest selves to act with integrity this election season and beyond.
Register by clicking on this link..
October 22-24, 2024
Playing and Praying with Clay
with Denise Griebler
December 6-8, 2024
Queering Spirituality
with Maki Ashe Van Steenwyk
Scranton Stories - Fall 2024 Update
Oct. 21 at The Geisinger School of Medicine Main Auditorium (6:30 pm)
Hispanic/Latinx Voices: Screening and Panel Discussion
This event will highlight the Hispanic/Latinx oral histories with a screening of three of the videos followed by a panel discussion. This program is at the Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine. Special thanks to Alejandra Marroquin for her leadership in coordinating this event and to the interviewees and Byron Maldonado for participating in this program. Flyer attached and RSVP at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Hispanic-LatinxVoices.
Think Differently About Church, Unlock Community Transformation
Read More
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Crossroads Lay Leadership Program: Compass with Jeremy Lau Begins Oct. 17
At Compass, discern your gifts, passion, and style. Explore, articulate and hone your personal sense of call as a lay person. Click Here for Full Information
Pennsylvania Academy of Ministry:
Theology: Leadership and Community
Tuesdays, 6:30-8 pm
Oct. 15, 22, 29, Nov. 5, 12, 19, 2024
Held online via Zoom for real-time distance learning. Taught by Eric Seibert, PhD
This class examines church, missions, and ministry, exploring how theology impacts the community. Focuses on the human condition, Christian hope, the church, ministry, and mission.
Enroll Today
Massachusetts Council of Churches
Resources for Ministry
Click Here
2024 Financial Ministries Webinars
4th Wednesdays of the Month – 7:30pm Eastern (6:30 Central)
October 23 – End the Year Strong: Making the Most of Year End Giving
November and December can be the strongest months for giving in charities. How can we make the most of this generous time in our culture? The conversation will lift up ideas and messages to promote giving to congregations.
PATHWAYS offers online theological education that is inclusive, open-minded, and welcomes your doubts and questions. If you are sensing a call to authorized ministry, here is a route you can take while keeping your home and work life intact. If you want to deepen your theological understanding or develop new leadership skills, there is a course for you.
A short 4-week course, Singing the Bible, begins October 9, 2024.
New 6-week courses beginning on October 16 include: Understanding the Bible, Intro to New Testament, Old Testament Hermeneutics, Intro to Storytelling, Preaching, & Proclamation, Writing about Faith & Religion for the Public, Variety of Beliefs within Christianity, and Ecological Theology.
The next UCC History and Polity course begins January 8, 2025.
For more information, go to the PATHWAYS Theological Education website, pathwaystheological.org
A National Summit: Guns, Race, and America's Love Affair with Killing
Saturday, October 5, all-day
At the Historic Metropolitan AME Church in Washington, DC and Online
Click Here for Details & Registration
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Workshops on the Problem with Plastics
In less than a week the first of 3 Workshops on The Problem with Plastics will take place. It is a problem we created and we can do something about it.
Please register for one of the three workshops. The insight and awareness this will bring you will change how you see things and how you can make a difference everyday to reduce the use of plastic.
Pick One of the Three Tuesdays in October 2024 and JOIN US!
• Tuesday, October 1, 2024- 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM Register at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1022002997477?aff=oddtdtcreator
• Tuesday, October 8, 2024 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM Register at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1022046828577?aff=oddtdtcreator
• Tuesday, October 15, 2024 – 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM Register at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1022050098357?aff=oddtdtcreator
Learn about the industry that is making single use plastics and its health risk to all- with Dr. Ned Ketyer, Founder of Physcians for Social Change will discuss the industry continuing to make single use plastic and its health risk to every living thing. Ms. Krsitin Shevis and Deborah Burns, from the Speakers Bureau of Beyond Plastic offer ways we can advocate for change in community, state and nationally. Making her third year of presentations and awareness on simple ways to reduce the use of plastic in your home, work and life, Ms. April Clisura from the Pittsburgh resistance to plastics. Strong advocates who are taking a stand against plastics in our air, land and water.
Sign up for The Plastics Reduction Challenge October 22-November 29 with April Clisura. Register separately for the “Challenge" by emailing bdavidsmith2@gmail.com with a note saying you will commit to reducing plastic.
Thank you for taking action to preserve and protect all of life. Together we can take steps to make for a healthier environment.
B. David Smith, Founder, Crossroads and Connections, Building Relationships and Community with programs on the environment, racism, gun violence and mass incarceration.
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Disaster Ministries
For information on available resources to protect places of worship, please visit:
September ReadyPA Monthly available online now... Click here for the newsletter. Please share this information with your congregations to help keep everyone safe and prepared.
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