Who can apply for a Social Security number (SSN)?
Social Security numbers are issued for tax purposes only. They are used to identify you within the government’s tax and pension system. Only those with authorized employment are eligible for Social Security numbers.
Visit our ISSS website for detailed information on how to get a Social Security number.
Use the Social Security Office locator to locate offices in your area to see operational times.
Applying for Social Security requires a government agency to verify your arrival in the U.S. and your immigration status--you must wait fourteen (14) days after you entered the US. In addition, you must wait 3 business days after you receive confirmation that your SEVIS record has been activated. Part of the SEVIS activation process includes completing the mandatory online F1/J1 videos and submitting your documents check. Do not apply too early or it will require secondary verification, resulting in longer delays.
You must apply for the SSN in any of these cases:
- You have a Graduate Research Assistant or Teaching Assistant
- You have on-campus job
If you will apply for a Maryland Driver's license and do not have a job, you are required to obtain a letter of ineligibility from the Social Security office
For those students who are not eligible to apply for an SSN at this time, do not worry. Not having a SSN does not prevent you from renting an apartment, opening a bank account or utility account (gas, electric, etc.), getting a cell phone plan, etc. If a business representative asks you for a SSN, simply inform them that you are an international student and do not have a Social Security number.
For more information, please attend our session (January 25 @11pm) on Social Security during the ISSS Welcome activities.