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2024 | December


Dear John,

While most of our work is done in Texas prisons*, we were delighted to receive this card addressed to our volunteers at the Western Correctional Center for Women in North Carolina. Despite the recent havoc wrought by Hurricane Helene, this group was able to complete the Bridges To Life program and experience its life-changing impact! The following note accompanied this card:

"I am an inmate at Western Correctional Center for Women. As you know, Hurricane Helene devastated our area and the prison was evacuated to the other side of the state. The week of the hurricane was to be the last week of our Bridges To Life class. We all wanted to send this letter of thanks for your program.

I speak for the whole group when I say we loved Bridges To Life! It changed our lives and healed relationships with our families. We had the most loving and non-judgmental volunteers, and we never got to tell them goodbye or thank you or, most importantly, that we love them all!

Keep us and Western North Carolina in your prayers. May God bless you and the Bridges To Life program for generations to come!"

We hope you will join us in keeping this and all BTL facilities and graduates in your prayers. With your support, Bridges To Life will continue to offer truth, transformation, and healing to all those we can reach, both now and for generations to come.

With best wishes for this Christmas Season and the New Year ahead,


John Sage, Founder & CEO

Jim Buffington, COO

*North Carolina is one of nine other states where BTL has been offered this year!


For those of you who may never have the chance to join us at a BTL graduation and see the impact of our program for yourself, here is an inmate testimonial from inside the prison walls (click the image to watch video):

As this BTL graduate has come to understand, taking responsibility extends beyond his act of crime. The ripple effect of crime extends to family, friends, and community, and the Bridges To Life program heals those effects for victims and offenders alike.

You can be a part of what BTL accomplishes in thousands of lives each year! With a gift of financial support to BTL, you will help us meet our goals for 2024 and pave the way for even greater impact in 2025. Thank You!



Do you have the desire to change lives?

If you do, then Bridges To Life needs you!

The only requirements to be a BTL volunteer are a willing heart and listening ear. Check out our Volunteer page for how to get started!

If you are a current or past BTL volunteer, please make sure you have completed your re-certification requirement so that you can volunteer in 2025!

Reach out to your Regional Coordinator if you have questions.

We can't wait to see all of your bright and shining faces

(and hearts!) in the new year!