Village of Winthrop Harbor

Department of

Public Works

Message From Public Works

Snow and ice control is the single most visible and short-term important task performed by Public Works. It is also a task that has no room for failure; timely response and effective execution against variable conditions are essential.

We wanted to send this reminder and ask for the community to assist us in keeping our streets clear and safe this winter season.

Snow and Ice Control Policy

Winthrop Harbor’s formal snow and ice control policy is reviewed and approved every (3) three years by the Village Board. The policy outlines the levels of service depending on the weather forecasted. Contact the Public Works Department by phone at 847-872-5275, email at or by sending an eService request to report any concerns or complaints.

Winter Parking Restrictions

The Winter Parking Ordinance begins on November 1st and continues until March 31st from 2:00am – 6:00. This ordinance states it is unlawful to park your vehicle on any village street during this time. The Winthrop Harbor Police Department enforces this ordinance, and your vehicle may be towed without warning at your expense


Every year before the snow flies, it's a good idea to take a look at your mailboxes and posts. Check for obvious damage such as cracked boards or posts, missing screws, etc., but also look below ground level to make sure your post is still in good condition. A rotted post will not stand up to winter storms, and repairs are more difficult after the ground has frozen. In addition, the Public Works Department cannot be responsible for mailboxes knocked down as a result of 

snow thrown off a plow onto a weak post. 

Garbage Cans

The Public Works Department also asks residents to refrain from putting trash cans in or right next to the street during plow season. Snowplow drivers want to clear the streets for your safety, and obstacles such as trash cans need to be out of the way.

Put Snow in Its Place

The Public Works Department's equipment and drivers make sure the streets of our village are as safe as possible, but we need property owners to help by blowing, shoveling, or plowing their snow onto their own property; not in the street.

Snow on Streets

It is a violation of village ordinance 52.017 to deposit snow into or across a public street. Snow deposited or left on roadways creates a hazard to passing motorists and can cause serious accidents. Even heavy snowplows have been damaged when hitting compacted and frozen 

snow deposited on roadways. 

Make a Service Request

The Village of Winthrop Harbor has implemented a system of response to resident non-emergency service requests. The Online Service Request Program allows residents and businesses to request information, submit requests for service, or submit general comments. Residents may also call village hall to request service 847-872-3846 ext. 1014 or use this online form.

These requests are not monitored 24-7 For emergency service call 911

Make Service Request