If you are like me, you are probably a bit wary of the upcoming year. It will surely have its challenges, ups and downs. But here we are, so let’s get going.
Mark your calendars, Wednesday, January 22, for our first monthly meeting at the Plymouth Regional Senior Center. We will be having a full pot luck, like in the past, followed by a speaker (TBA). This meeting date is just two days after the inauguration, so a gathering of like-minded folks could be a much-needed and appreciated remedy.
Our February 26 meeting, at the same location, will feature the combined town caucuses to set up Democratic town committees in each of our seventeen towns. Some of our towns have just a skeleton crew, and we'd like to fill them out. For the meeting, we hope to have someone from the NHDP office in Concord launch the caucus. It would be helpful if the current town chairs could let us know if you’ll be participating.
On March 26, in addition to the potluck and a speaker, we will have an election for the PAD board and changes to our bylaws.
Three of our dedicated and valuable board members are calling it quits this year, so we are looking for new people to serve on the board.
We are sad to see the following folks leave the PAD board: Vice Chair Val Scarborough; Communications Chair Jay Scarborough, and Technology Chair Gunnar Baldwin. We will be setting up a Nomination Committee, which will be searching for committed Democrats with skills in website management and communications in various media.
We also need people to help with visibility, outreach to maintain and expand our mailing list, and hospitality (meeting prep and cleanup).
Our ground game here in Plymouth is well-respected state-wide, and we want to continue the work that has made Grafton County one of the strongest Democratic counties in the State. To do this, we need everyone to step forward to meet the challenge of our national and state political climate. What are your skills? How can you help us grow even stronger? Let us know.
And see you on January 22!
Joyce Weston, Chair