On behalf of We Save Lives and myself I would like to thank all the organizations who have helped make our campaigns a success. They work hard year-round to prevent motor vehicle crashes and they deserve everyone’s appreciation. I would like to especially thank, The Guido Memorial Foundation, Youth of Virginia Speak Out (YOVASO), Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD), Impact Teen Drivers, the Christopher King Foundation, the Florida Teen Safe Driving Coalition, and the Washington Regional Alcohol Program (WRAP) for their participation in our 100 Safest Days of Summer Campaign. I also want to thank the Governors Highway Safety Association and all those many other organizations who helped make our National Passenger Safety Week Campaign a resounding triumph. The campaign (recognized by the National Highway Traffic Association, NHTSA) is the last week in January.
But my biggest appreciation goes to the National Road Safety Foundation whose help, support, and belief in saving lives is critical when accomplishing the impossible. They do so much good educating teens and adults about numerous safety issues that no one else does. If they hear of a problem, they look to educate everyone on how to solve the problem. They have tools, videos, and brochures to share so if you need anything for your school, organization, or yourself, just go to their website.
I also want to wish everyone a safe and peaceful holiday season. May your new year bring you joy and contentment. And may your new year's resolutions include driving safer than ever!
Candace Lightner, President and Founder
We Save Lives.org
PS Still looking for last minute Christmas gifts. Donate to We Save Lives on behalf of your friends and relatives and we will let them know.
Thank you.