RCHP September Newsletter

Dear Church Family,

We are coming off an incredible Summer together.  I am quite sure that this Summer the sanctuary was the most packed of any year since Pastor Stephanie and I started here.  The newest members have been contributing greatly to the community—hosting coffee hours and joining bible studies.  Long-time members have been just as active as ever, and rejoicing in what they are seeing as a post-covid ‘revival’ of sorts.  

South River flourished on Sundays and mid-week (with Summer Zone).  Vacation Bible School was packed again, with wonderful children and teens enjoying an incredible week.  Special trips for youth occurred to the Adirondacks, and North Carolina, and even to a Broadway show.    

All that activity…and yet, Summer was restful.  I have come to deeply appreciate the fact that our church community has one season a year where the pace changes a bit and where the ‘reset’ leads to different activities, different conversation partners and gives new opportunities for flourishing.

You know how farmers let a field lie fallow for a season in order to give the soil time to recover and recharge? That’s what Summer feels like here.  

And now, it’s time to plant seeds! I hope that as we begin the Fall you are ready for Sunday school classes, for choirs, for study groups and fellowship groups, for Justice and Mercy engagements. I hope you are considering inviting friends to join in the joy of our worship and engagement in the world.  

I imagine that there will be lots of people who need a place like RCHP in the coming months.

These next few months will be complicated ones in our nation, as the national election unfolds and a new president is sworn in. I’m glad that we’ll be back in full swing as a church—standing together, praying together, serving together, during this time. The kingdom of God is our home on this Earth, even as we are also residents of this particular country called the U.S.A. And the kingdom of God isn’t looking for a new leader—it has had Creator, Christ and Holy Spirit forever—elected forever (not really a democracy I guess?), and we have been invited in as citizens forever too.  

I’m happy here in the Kingdom of God. I hope you are too.  

The Peace of Christ to you,

Pastor Seth

Check out the photo gallery at the end of this newsletter for highlights of the Work Trip and VBS!

Upcoming September Events & Happenings

Saturday, September 7th, 11am:   There is a Sunday school Teacher’s Meeting with Ms. Meghan and all teachers on Saturday at 11am.  Join us in the parlor!

“The Table” Mid-Day Sunday (instead of Sunday evening):  This year, instead of holding The Table on Sunday night, we will hold it on Sunday, early afternoon.  This will happen either twice a month or weekly, depending on the number of people who offer to assist!  

This summer’s coffee hour was such a hit. It is our hope that we can continue to have a mid-day fellowship meal that deepens our relationships. Whether you come to first or second service, or if you are a person in the community with no church affiliation you are invited to stay (or come back for) The Table.  

Our first Mid-Day Table will be September 15th, with the meal served around 12:30pm.  Join us!  If you’d like to help with this financially (to help purchase groceries, or to order occasional pizza) you are invited to do so.  

Pastor Seth is hosting a zoom meeting (30 minutes long) to discuss The Table ’24-’25 on September 8th at 8pm.  Here’s the link.  

Seth Kaper-Dale is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: A Meeting to Plan out THE TABLE '24-'25 (midday Sundays at RCHP)

Time: Sep 8, 2024 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Confirmation Class (Starts in October, planning meeting September 10th)

RCHP cares deeply about giving young people a chance to begin to articulate their understanding of God.  We care deeply, too, about young people and people of deeply developed faith growing together.  All of this happens in Confirmation Class.  In our tradition we baptize babies (God says “YES I LOVE YOU” before we need to say anything to God).  Then, after we are at an age to recognize God’s ‘Yes’ we have a chance to say “Yes, I love you” back to God!  We encourage young people, between the ages of 7th grade and High School (but especially middle school and early-high school age) to go through this 7-8 month process with your pastors and mentors!  

A meeting to discuss confirmation will be held on Tuesday, September 10th, at 7:30pm, via zoom.  This meeting is specifically for parents.

Seth Kaper-Dale is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Confirmation Class Info Session

Time: Sep 10, 2024 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

D.E.P.T.H. - Thursday, September 12th from 7-8pm

Mark your calendars for a special DEPTH (Discussing and Exploring Personal Theologies Honestly) meeting on Thursday, September 12th from 7-8p. We'll meet over Zoom for a special conversation with Elizabeth Pallitto, who will share her experience of a trip to France that became a spiritual homecoming. If you're not already on the DEPTH emailing list, please email Austin at  for the Zoom link.

Men’s Fellowship Ministry meets Saturday, September 14th and September 28th from 12pm - 1pm

All who identify as male are invited to this new group which will meet every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month for a prayer breakfast and more! For more info, contact Justan at

Celebrating the Renovation of the Women’s Restroom

This past August, the Women’s room got a long awaited “makeover”. Many thanks to Harry, Anthony, David, Monica, and all the others who lent a hand or two to make this happen. Photo courtesy of I-RISE Executive Director, Diana Bowen, who happened to be leaving her office at 8:30pm one night and saw Harry hard at work. See the photo gallery for “before” and “after” pics!

GG Farm - Saturday, Sept. 14th

Global Grace Farm will have a special morning with two distinct fun tasks on Saturday, September 14th, from 9am-Noon.  We'll be digging up Sweet Potatoes and also working to utilize the new Ground Coverings purchased by the children of Vacation Bible School.  Come and be part of the action!

Rutgers Protestant Campus Ministries

R U Spiritual is ready for you!

Are you a Rutgers student on the New Brunswick campus?

If so, Rutgers Protestant Campus Ministries would love to meet you.

We recently met many students at the Involvement Fair.

Visit our Facebook page to connect with Chaplain Matt.

We would love to meet you!


RPCM is a progressive voice supported by donations from the Reformed Church of America, the United Church of Christ, and the Presbyterian Church USA. RCHP is in conversation with Rev. Matt Murphy about planning some activities involving our congregation. 

Fall Grief Support Group

This Fall, as we approach the holiday season, we are reminded that this is a time we spend with loved ones. This season of celebration has been engraved into our hearts and into our families from a young age. Holidays are one way we mark the passage of time. They are one of the many milestones we share with each other, and they often represent time spent with family and friends. For many of us, this is the hardest part of grieving our losses. Together in our support group we create a circle of healing to hold each other up during our most difficult times.


Our group is a safe and welcoming space that allows us to explore our thoughts and feelings related to grief and loss.  It is a place to receive and provide support and understanding, while finding new ways to approach the challenges presented by grief.  Come and meet others who seek meaning, offer perspective, and lessen the sense of isolation so many of us have felt as we walk through this process.  Our group will provide you with emotional and spiritual support in a safe and non-judgmental environment.

Please join us at 6:30pm beginning Monday September 30th, 2024, in the Parlor at RCHP. Following that meeting we will continue to meet the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month. If you would like to be part of our group, please contact Pastor Stephanie at RCHP,  Kathleen Malkiewicz at or Nicci Spinazzola at  

Another year of VBS successful fundraising!

VBS and Global Grace Farms

During our wonderful VBS program the children raised funds to support the work of Global Grace Farms. Those who work there spend 80% of their time weeding the recently expanded farm. So the children collected an offering designated to purchase weed prevention tarps. Each day they brought in coins and dollar bills and they inspired others to contribute, too! The grand total raised was $1,642.72. Kids, you should be very proud of your work! That is just wonderful!

Check out our photo gallery for more VBS pics!

Crafts and Conversation

Once a month (usually on a Wednesday) a small group of adults get together to do a craft. The crafts are simple and fun, the materials are provided, and you'll leave with a cute gift for yourself or someone you love! It’s a great way to meet new people. No artistic ability is required, and there’s no charge for supplies.

If you'd like to be included in the monthly invitation, please text Wendy Nussman at 732-715-9025, and you'll receive a text message each month with date, time, and other details. 

Game Day

Do you like getting together with friends to play board games? About one Saturday morning per month, a small group gathers at church for non-competitive fun with board games. Lately, it's been Rummikub, but suggestions are always welcome, and there are many games available to choose from.

If you'd like to be included in the monthly invitation, please text Wendy Nussman at 732-715-9025, and you'll receive a text message each month with date, time, and other details. 

Movie Mondays - Join us!

On most Mondays at 10:30 am, a small group gets together in the church parlor to watch a "feel-good" movie that the group has decided on. All are welcome! Examples of movies that have recently been seen are The Perfect Game, Mamma Mia (Both 1 & 2!!), Hidden Figures, Big, and Fly Away Home. Your suggestions are also welcome!  

If you have any interest, please contact Cecilia with your cell phone number. You will be included in the text invitation, which is on a week-by-week basis. Bring your own snack and drink, and join whenever you'd like to hang out for a casual Monday morning with your church friends! Cecilia: (732) 809-2638, 

Online Chronic Pain & Illness Support Group - New Members Welcome

Has your life has been changed by physical pain or chronic illness? Are you willing to share your experience, strength and hope with others on this lonely journey? Drop in to a Weekly Support Group on ZOOM that meets throughout the summer on Tuesdays from 5pm-6pm. Contact Facilitators: Carla Epstein-Teliha, or Pat Kaufman,  for additional information and for a Zoom Link

Save the Date!

Saturday November 23rd. 2024


Reformed Church of Highland Park

Annual Holiday Bazaar

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Worship and Education Opportunities

Sunday, September 8th, we go back to 2 services in Highland Park - 9am and 11:15am

Assisting in the Growth and Outreach of First Reformed Church of South River (a congregation of RCHP)

It has been two years since RCHP made a full-time commitment to growing and supporting a faith community in South River. Seeing the church with 20+ participants each Sunday, enjoying the creativity of different voices…it’s all been pretty wonderful this summer!  

We encourage church members to build regular engagement in South River into your routine. It is so uplifting to the church to have special music, additional readers and participants etc…

Please keep the South River ministry in your prayers!

Sunday, September 8th, 6:30pm: On Sunday, at 6:30pm, join us in the RCHP sanctuary for our monthly worship service in Spanish. Pastor Amanda is preaching.  

Wednesday Nights are Music Nights (Starting in September) 

Kids Choirs Start on September 4th, 5pm-5:30pm…followed by Pizza!  If you are 3yrs-6th grade join us for one of the two choirs offered to kids at RCHP.  Pastor Amos leads “Voices of Praise” for the older kids, and Pastor Seth leads “First Voices.”  These opportunities are so much fun! 

Gospel and Chancel choirs meet on Wednesday evenings


Gospel choir meets at 6pm

Chancel choir meets at 7pm

Come out and give one or both choirs a try!

If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Amos at

Children and Youth

Fun Zone - Gathering Opportunity for Youth RETURNS - Every Wednesday Evening!

Every Wednesday in the Cave from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. all kids ages 9 through 12 are welcome to join us for an hour of Billiards, Board Games and more!  Questions?  Please reach out to Justan Mitchell at 732-621-6064 or 

Who Is My Neighbor, Inc.'s after school center for middle schoolers, The Cave, begins on Monday, September 9th!

The Cave Afterschool Center is held in the RCHP basement and runs from 3-5pm Monday - Friday (Cave closings are announced well in advance). This is a FREE program for youth in 6th-8th grades and the kids are supervised by Jewel "Ducky" Soroka and interns from the Rutgers School of Social Work. The kids can play X-Box, pool, air hockey, board games, cards, and more, and they can also get help with their schoolwork from the interns. They can paint, do other arts and crafts, build with Lego, play gaga ball when it's nice outside, and do a whole lot more! Or they can just hang out and talk with friends. Snacks are provided. The Cave is a safe space for the kids to spend an hour or two unwinding after school before heading home for the evening. (Special guests will be joining the Cave throughout the year, leading creative projects, giving interesting presentations, or talking to them about topics relevant to middle school-aged youth.) Email for more info.

The Family Den, Who Is My Neighbor, Inc.'s, enrichment and activity program for 0-4 year-olds and their parents/caregivers, starts on Thursday, September 12th. The Family Den is located in the RCHP basement and is held from 9:30-11:30am Thursdays and Fridays. (Family Den closings will be announced well in advance.) The Family Den staff is supported by interns from the Rutgers School of Social Work and together they lead the children (and their parents/caregivers) in arts and crafts activities, sing-a-longs, and more. The children can play with toys and on the soft gym equipment and the parents/caregivers can find support in each other through stories of shared experiences. A special guest joins the Family Den each week to read a story to the group and a musical guest gets the kids singing and dancing on Friday mornings. Snacks are provided. The Family Den is a safe place for the children to learn, play, and develop new skills and for the adults to relax and connect with other parents and caregivers. (Parents/caregivers are encouraged to donate $5 each time they come to the Family Den.)  Email  for more info.

Connecting With God

Opportunities for Daily/Weekly Spiritual Growth, through discussion, study and prayer

Morning Prayer, 9am-9:30am, Zoom: Each morning, Mon-Sat, since the pandemic started in March of 2020, RCHP has held a daily morning prayer. Different church members and pastors share for 10 minutes or so and then there is a time of prayer and sharing. All are welcome. pwd=cTBQT2xwWWpOL3UrM0t2emRlUzU0Zz09#


Wednesday Morning Bible Study in Full Swing, 7:45am (RCHP)

Weekly bible study is amazing right now.  Join 12-14 of us on Wednesdays to discuss 2 Corinthians and to apply it to our lives!  This study is led communally, but facilitated by Pastor Seth

Friday Morning Bible Study in South River (twice a month): 

On September 13th and 27th (and the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month) join us for morning bible study in South River!  It is our goal for this to be a bilingual study group (Spanish/English) but let’s make it a bible study for all languages!  This is co-led by Pastor Amanda and Pastor Seth.

Contemplative Spaces

We are continuing our practice of creating space for contemplation and meditation, journeying in reflection groups through the traditions of Christian mysticism. We now offer two separate times for gathering:

  • Every other Thursday evening, from 6:00 to 7:00pm, we meet in the community room above the social hall (Room 201). This group is exploring a book and podcast with Richard Rohr.
  • Every other Friday at noon, we meet in the RCHP sanctuary to reflect on a collection of letters and memoirs of Etty Hillesum.

Contact Carrie Dirks for more information, or visit this webpage.

Connecting With One Another

"LitLovers" Reading & Culture Group

If you love talking about media and arts, and would like a lightly structured format for sharing, give LitLovers a try on Tuesdays from 12:30 to 1:30pm. Each week, participants are welcome to share about books, movies, TV shows, music and culinary delights. For more info, contact Cecilia Rowedder Please email to receive the Zoom link.

Weekly Virtual "Drop-In"

All are welcome to drop-in for an hour of friendly, free-wheeling conversation on Thursdays from 12:30 to 1:30pm. Contact our host, Carol Perry for more information and for a Zoom link.

Opportunities for Spiritual Growth through Sewing & Knitting/Crocheting

On Thursdays, from 10am-1pm, the Women’s Sewing Circle meets to create beautiful items that are incorporated into the annual bazaar.  This group, meeting year round, also is a wonderful form of support and encouragement for all who are involved.

On Tuesdays, from 7pm-9pm, the Prayer Shawl Ministry creates beautiful shawls that are then distributed to church members and to others who are prayed for in our worship services.  All are invited to learn this craft and to contribute in this way.

Serving and Working For Justice & the Beloved Community

Lower Raritan Watershed Project

Clean-up of the Green Brook at Mountainview Park in Middlesex!

September 21 @ 9:00 am – 1:00 pm

Celebrate International Clean-up Day with the LRWP and Middlesex Borough DPW on Saturday September 21 for a clean-up of the Green Brook at Mountainview Park in Middlesex Borough!

302 John F Kennedy Dr, Middlesex, NJ 08846. All supplies will be provided. Please wear shoes and clothing that can get wet and dirty.

Please plan to join us for a pizza lunch following the event at 12pm.

Pre-registration required. Click on this link

An Invitation from our friends at Princeton University Concerts 

Thursday, September 26, 2024 | 7:30PM 

Richardson Auditorium, Alexander Hall, Princeton University Campus Tickets:  Syria: Art in a Time of Crisis 

$25 General | $10 Students and qualified members of the Admit All ticket access program 

Experience Home Within, an audio-visual project by Syrian composer and clarinetist Kinan Azmeh and Syrian-Armenian visual artist Kevork Mourad, as the duo reflects on the Syrian revolution and its aftermath. Created with the intention of raising awareness for Syrian refugees, this work features original music by the clarinetist with live illustration depicting specific moments in Syria’s recent history. Following Home Within, the two artists — both members of Yo-Yo Ma’s Silk Road Ensemble — will join award-winning international correspondent Deborah Amos to discuss the impact of war on our sense of “home,” and how they use image and sound to establish a sense of sustained urgency and continued hope for both their homeland and communities around the world. 

To get a sense of the stunning production Home Within, we encourage you to watch this video

HP Food Pantry

Food Pantry needs for September:

During these challenging times the Highland Park Community Food Pantry is currently not taking individual donations. Instead we now have an Amazon Wishlist where folks wishing to donate have several options to choose from as well as an option to donate Gift Cards. We appreciate greatly any donation as we are facing an increase of folks in need. Thank you all so much. You can access the Wishlist here:

Most needed items:



Canned Tuna, Chicken, Salmon

Poise Adult Briefs

In addition to the Amazon wish list, items may be purchased from big box stores like Costco or Sam's Club; contact Kathi for further details:

Supporting Each Other During Difficult Times

Bereavement Calendar

RCHP remembers all those who died in September and all those who still mourn

The following names have been offered for remembrance in September 2024:

Robert Board, Beloved Great-Uncle of Jess Munger

Ann and Fred Caterson, Beloved Parents of Mary Caterson

Tim Downey, Beloved Husband of Luanne Downey,

 and Beloved Brother-in-Law of Illona Faust and Susanne Kucsma

Michael Faust, Beloved Husband of Andrea Faust, 

Beloved Father to Meghan, Ryan, Sean, Michael, Alexis, and Madison, 

and Beloved Brother-in-Law of Illona Faust

Helen and Joe Haluko, Beloved Aunt and Uncle of Illona Faust, Susanne Kucsma, 

and Luanne Downey

Maria Sia Sui Hong, Beloved Mother of Yana Sunarto, 

and Beloved Grandmother of the Pangemanan family 

Carol Spargo House, Beloved Cousin of Carrie and Paul Hudak 

Melinda Knowlton, Beloved Daughter of Roberta Knowlton

Lori Lubert, Beloved Aunt of Madison and Alyssa Fisher,

and Beloved Sister of Diane Wagner

Brittany Novak, Beloved Niece of Cathy Laycock, 

and Cousin of Anna Laycock

Roberta Maxwell, Beloved Aunt of Megan Shook

Janet Tappen, Beloved Grandmother of Mason and Sophia Tappen

If it would be a comfort to include your loved ones in a monthly memory calendar, call Lisa at the RCHP office at 732-249-7349. 


Another Successful Work trip to New Bern N. Carolina!

In total, 14 volunteers (12 youth and 2 adults) did 392 hrs of volunteer work!  The group included newly arrived immigrants from Venezuela, Honduras and Nigeria - now that’s deep newcomer immersion - what a blessing!

VBS - Rooted in Love and Joy

Another fun year of a week of games, activities and learning about God’s Love, culminating in a fabulous musical complete with “corny” jokes and great music!

Before and After - the women’s room looks great!

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