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CONNECTIONS: August 28, 2024

Greetings, Church!

Today marks the 61st Anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, the largest gathering for civil rights at its time. An estimated 250,000 people attended the event that focused on employment discrimination, civil rights abuses, and support for the Civil Rights Act that had yet to pass Congress. Maybe some of you were in attendance?

While Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s, "I Have a Dream" speech was probably the most widely known, and quoted, message from that day, the list of demands from the march's organizers (Matthew Ahmann, Reverend Eugene Carson Blake, James Farmer. Reverend Martin Luther King Jr., John Lewis, Rabbi Joachim Prinz, A. Philip Randolph, Walter Reuther, Roy Wilkins, and Whitney Young) included a fair living wage, fair employment policies, and desegregation of school districts. You can take a look at their Organizing Manual here. As you know, the march was instrumental in passing the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

As Labor Day approaches I invite you to take a moment to reflect on this march, it's legacy, and the work that is still ahead. If you own your own company, or are the lead of an organization, do you have a fair living wage for your employee(s)? What about those who provide services like cleaning your home, gardening, pet grooming, child care, elder care, etc.? This summer, the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors approved a resolution that increases the base for regular County employees to $30/hour. "Due to the high cost of living, the County convened a task force to determine a base wage a County worker would need in a two-income household with one child. They arrived at $29.76 an hour, rounded up to $30, by evaluating the cost of food, child care, health care, housing, transportation, taxes and other costs." The Personnel Committee at CCSM has been working hard to evaluate and update our own policies, labor practices and hourly wages- including bringing all regular employees up to that living wage mark. We aren't there yet, but are extremely close.

Why should churches care about a Living Wage? Because a living wage is essential for ensuring all individuals have the opportunity to meet their basic needs and live with dignity. Advocating for a living wage reflects a compassionate understanding of the challenges faced by many members of our communities, and is a direct way to "love thy neighbor" and work for the new community Jesus invited us to build, the community we have been reflecting on during our summer worship series on Ephesians.

This Labor day, let us give thanks for the countless workers who have labored tirelessly in fields, factories, classrooms, and offices- they have shaped who we are and who we are becoming. Let us pray, with words and actions, for those who continue to face challenges in finding work, keeping work, and being treated fairly at work. May God bless all people who labor- the paid, underpaid, and unpaid. And may God open our hearts to the workers around us, open our minds to the power we hold: to join together, to do right by those in our employ, to speak up. Let us remember that we are accountable to one another, because we belong to each other.

With gratitude and hope,



Deadline for Leadership Nominations is August 31.

Leadership Nomination Form 
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CLICK HERE for last Sunday's entire service.

CLICK HERE for Rev. Jessica's sermon, "Making Peace"


Wednesday, August 28

  • 4:00 - 6:00 PM — Samaritan House Meal Service, Kloss Hall
  • 7:15 - 8:45 PM — Bilingual (Spanish/English) Worship and Potluck, Kloss Hall

Thursday, August 29

  • 10:15 - 11:30 AM — Women's Coffee Group, Hillsdale Mall Food Court (contact Linda Skromme)
  • 4:00 - 6:00 PM — Samaritan House Meal Service, Kloss Hall
  • 7:00 - 9:30 PM — Sound Bath with Chuck Rosenthal, Sanctuary

Friday, August 30

  • 4:00 - 6:00 PM — Samaritan House Meal Service, Kloss Hall

Saturday, August 31

  • 8:30 - 10:30 AM — CC Riders Weekly Bike Ride (contact Peter Held)
  • 10:30 AM — Coffee with CC Riders, Village Hub in Woodside (3154 Woodside Road)

Sunday, September 1

  • 9:45 - 10:15 AM — Joyful Noise, CE building Community Room
  • 10:30 - 11:30 AM — Worship Service in person and online
  • 10:45 - 11:15 AM — Youth and Children's Programs, CE Building & Memorial Garden
  • 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM — Coffee Hour, Kloss Hall
  • 7:00 - 8:30 PM — Grupo: Los desafios de la crianza (hybrid), Buckham Room


  • NO Samaritan House Meal Service

Tuesday, September 3

  • 10:00 - 11:30 AM — Men’s Coffee Group, Hillsdale Mall Food Court
  • 4:00 - 6:00 PM — Samaritan House Meal Service, Kloss Hall

Wednesday, September 4

  • 4:00 - 6:00 PM — Samaritan House Meal Service, Kloss Hall
  • 7:00 - 8:30 PM — Chancel Choir Rehearsal, Sanctuary
  • 7:15 - 8:45 PM — Bilingual (Spanish/English) Worship and Potluck, Kloss Hall

This Sunday in Worship

Instead, be filled with the Spirit in the following ways: speak to each other with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs; sing and make music to the Lord in your hearts; always give thanks to God for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

—Ephesians 5:15-18b

This Sunday we're excited to welcome flautist Antoinette Kauffman to worship as we conclude our summer series on Ephesians with Rev. Álvaro Durán preaching "Love that Overflows." As the body of Christ, we are no longer strangers, but a community responding together to the wonderful things God has done. It's often difficult, not often glamorous, but as we live these ordinary days together, we can be filled to overflowing with the gracious, powerful, loving Spirit of God.


The Petfinder Foundation

For 20 years, the Petfinder Foundation has worked to improve outcomes for

animals in shelters across the country. Petfinder fundraises and grants cash and

products to adoption groups so that they can feed, medically assist, and rehabilitate

the animals in their care. Anyone can log onto and answer questions

about a pet that they’d like to locate. Since it’s founding, Petfinder has helped

thousands of animals find fur-ever homes.

Make a Gift



Our Samaritan House meal service will NOT happen on Labor Day! It will resume again on Tuesday next week.

To learn more about how to volunteer with Samaritan House at CCSM, click HERE or contact Jim Granucci at You are also welcome to swing by any day of the week and see how things work! We are still looking for people to serve as a CCSM Host on Thursdays and Fridays. You can serve once a month, or as your schedule permits. Contact Jim G to learn more.


We are excited to welcome Rev. Sheryl back to CCSM this Sunday, September 1st! Our CYF Ministry team invites you to help them welcome her back by sharing a card, note, or drawing.

We’ll continue collecting cards and drawings for Sheryl (and Kelly and Andie) through Sept. 1. You can put them in a basket at the front desk or at the Welcome Table. 


Are you or a loved one embarking on a college or post-high adventure this fall? We want to stay connected with our students as they begin this exciting new chapter! Please fill out the "Students Away" form online to share your contact information. We'll send you words of encouragement and keep you updated on church events and send a little love from home. If your student/young adult has moved recently or has updated information, we encourage you to fill out this form as well. Let's stay in touch!

Reclaim Our Vote is a national non-partisan, non-profit organization which works to encourage primarily Black voters in voter suppression states to vote. One effort is sending hand-written postcards with voter information to registered but inconsistent voters, and post-carding has been shown to increase turnout by almost 3%!

For the next few Sundays we will have a table where you can get a packet of postcards, addresses, and voter information stickers to send off in mid-September.

For more information, contact Krista Hanson (650-773-7276; or Susan Lake (650-576-4092; Join us in supporting our democracy!


English Together – The Latino Ministry is introducing a pilot program in partnership with English Togethera Palo Alto-based nonprofit that brings together adult Spanish speakers (learners) with English speakers as practice partners. The program addresses a two-fold benefit of building community and providing opportunities. The learners become more confident in using English for everyday practical needs and with the practice partners they come together breaking down barriers and building trust. Important to know - this is not an ESL course! It is structured, conversational practice. English Together will meet with each learner to baseline their language proficiency and goals for the program. This will be shared with the practice partner ahead of the sessions. We intend to form 5-6 pairs of learners + practice partners for this pilot.

This is a commitment for a 10-week program (Sept 9 - Nov 14) starting with a Zoom training session on 9/9 and then meeting with paired learner for subsequent weeks - Mondays from 7-8pm. Live, in-person interaction will be highly encouraged. If interested or want additional information, please contact Katherine at


The Logos Method Sound Journey is an immersive somatic experience. Our nervous systems need to be recalibrated on a regular basis. Each experience builds on the next and supports us to be more connected to the liminal space, sharpen our intuition, and experience deep peace.

Join Chuck and experience this yourself on Thursday, August 29, 7-8:30pm. Click on the image above to register.



Celebrate Together Again – or for the first time – as we come home to CCSM on September 8 following worship. Enjoy food, games, music, and connection. Bring a dish which means “home” to you and join us for a potluck meal on the lawn after worship. (And don't worry if you can't bring a dish; please come and enjoy the celebration.)   Please RSVP to and label your dish with your name. CCSM will provide the meat, veggies, and drinks.  


Do you need a ride or are you able to offer a ride to a fellow church member?

CCSM is considering finding ways to connect the two. Scope, details, and logistics are being worked out, so please stay tuned. In the meantime, if you have wheels or need wheels, or have ideas/want to participate in helping to set this up, please contact Melodie Lew at or 650-573-9765.


Church Friends, which is part of our Congregational Care Ministry, has been created to serve people who are seeking additional emotional support as they navigate through a current challenge. These unique CCSM friendships are confidential and will always strive to be based on mutual respect.

If you WANT TO BECOME a Church Friend volunteer, please contact Carol Henton. If, on the other hand, you are interested in HAVING a Church Friend, please contact the CCSM clergy (Rev. Jessica or Rev. Álvaro).



The majority of our clothing today (approximately 60%) is made from plastic. Just take a look at the tag on the clothes you’re wearing now.

Plastic fabric is commonly listed as polyester, rayon, acrylic, spandex, and nylon — among other names. Every time we wash our clothes in the washing machine, tiny microfibers are released in the hundreds of thousands. They infiltrate our rivers, lakes, oceans and soils. (source: Surfrider Foundation)

Solution: buy natural fibers whenever possible.


Don't forget to check out the latest issue of the Pine Tree newsletter!

Click HERE to view or download your copy.



The "Blessing Box" outside of the entrance of CCSM is a project of the Ministry of Service and Justice, responding to the need for families in our neighborhood to access food and an expression of our call to be the "hands, feet, and face of God" in our community.

  • The container will be in the narthex to collect the following food items:
  • canned, dried and boxed
  • no fresh food please
  • donations must be full UNOPENED containers
  • no fruits, vegetables, or bread

  • We also collect individually wrapped plasticware!

Thank you for your continuing generosity!

CCSM Council of Ministries

Email to connect to any ministry!

Kay Harris, Council of Ministries Lead

Jim Schwandt, Building and Grounds

Kim Rey, Troy Grabow, Children, Youth and Families

Melodie Lew, Congregational Care

Sandy McNabb, Connect and Celebrate                       

Gary H. White, Environmental Justice

Alison Schwandt, Engagement/Communications 

Julien Phillips, Latino/a Ministry       

Pam Ridlehuber, Liturgical Arts

Sue Bell, Katie Bylander, Music        

Genel Morgan, Sharon Tobin, Service and Justice

Dave Olsen, Spiritual Life/Adult Ed.

Ivan Raikov, Stewardship

Email Kay Harris to get connected to a Ministry Lead anytime!

Click Here for a Full List of Staff and Leadership

Submit an Announcement

If you would like to submit an announcement, please send it to:

The weekly deadline is 10am on Tuesdays.

All submissions are subject to editing.

Regular Office Hours:

9:00am - 4:00pm

Monday - Thursday

Contact Us

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