I'm telling you to love your enemies. Let them bring out the best in you not the worst. When someone gives you a hard time, respond with the energies of prayer, for then you are working out of your true selves, your God-created selves. This is what God does. God gives God's best— the sun to warm and the rain to nourish— to everyone, regardless: The good and bad, the nice and nasty…
In a word, what I’m saying is, Grow Up. You’re Kingdom subjects. Now live like it. Live out your God-created identity. Live generously and graciously toward others, the way God lives toward you. Matt 5:43-45,48 msg
Hello Beautiful Beloveds,
Most days in order to pray sincerely for those who stereotype me or those I love, or who persecute those who are weaker or have less power than the persecutors, and for those who believe themselves to be doing what's morally right even though I find their morals to be practiced in error, I first have to think about that last line in the scripture above. I have to remember God’s love and spaciousness and grace toward me. Just as God in love, always always meets me where I am, praying for those whom I deeply dislike, distrust, or with whom I vehemently disagree, is God's opportunity for me to meet some of God's children where they are, in the power of God's Holy Spirit.
And sometimes that praying is easier in somebody else's words. This week for me, it’s in the words of Jim Cotter, in his book Prayer at Day’s Dawning, pages 185-186…. It’s not even the whole prayer; enemies take up only one verse of this intercessory practice, nestled between the majority of verses that lift up those in need. Maybe, when I am obedient and able to love enemies through prayer, that’s what makes it more palatable and more possible for me to pray for those who believe things opposed to my beliefs and take actions I hope to never have any desire nor reason to take. And that's okay. I’ll take any help I can get.
Thanks, God. Thanks to all those authors and other angels who help us pray love for those we don’t even like.
Tender Blessings,
Mother Nikki+
By Jim Cotter
For people forced to travel…
Those seeking asylum or refuge, those suffering homelessness, those who are as wayfarers on the earth;
Be present to them.
For people beset by danger…
Those who live in war zones, survivors and victims of violence and crime, those who work on the front lines of public safety;
Be with them in their anxiety:
Be present to them.
For people lacking direction…
Those who suffer confusion, or listlessness, Or despair,
Show them the way:
Be present to them.
For people whose way is barred…
Those who suffer hunger, people in prison, and those seeking work,
Set their feet on the road:
Be present to them.
For people who want to turn back…
Those who suffer persecution, failure, discouragement,
Encourage them and strengthen them:
Be present to them.
For people who refuse to move…
Those satisfied with their smugness, who value their comfort over others needs, Those unbothered by self righteousness,
Shed your light upon them:
Be present to them.
For people who wander in shadow…
Those who suffer depression, those who are bereaved, those suffering the process of death,
Shed your light upon them:
Be present to them.
For people choosing to travel…
By land, by air, by sea
Be a pillar of fire for them:
Go ahead of them.
For people on pilgrimage…
Including myself as I journey with you, O God;
Walking to the ancient places, facing the hazards of the road, journeying deep within;
Be the cairns on their path:
Be the staff that supports them.
*prayer slightly amended to adjust for ‘identity with dignity’…i.e. ‘people suffering homelessness’ rather than ‘the homeless.’ Also amended to include the person praying the prayer.