A prayer for those suffering from grief and/or trauma.
This week, we're doing something a little different. It is on my heart to offer this prayer for those suffering from grief and/or trauma as we near Thanksgiving. Please join me in this prayer:
"Lord God, we thank You that, into this pain-filled world which rejected You, You still sent Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. We offer up all burdens to You --including the heartbreak we see/feel as a result of this fallen world. We thank You that You love us beyond words. We thank You that this world is not "it" but that You, Lord Jesus Christ, will return and make all things right. We thank You that You see everything perfectly and love everyone perfectly regardless of feelings. Please comfort the shattered. Hold close those who are hurting in any way. We ask for healing of all kinds of wounds. And we ask, most of all, that You would make Yourself known to all as in John 14:23, which says 'Jesus answered, If a person [really] loves Me, he will keep My word [obey My teaching]; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home (abode, special dwelling place) with him.' We believe You. We welcome You. We adore You. Please deliver us from evil and grant us Your protection, wisdom, and favor to point all to You in the process. We love You, Lord. Thank You that You always keep Your Word. In Jesus' Name, Amen."
Stacie Ruth Stoelting Hudzinski
P.S. Is this type of content new to you? Learn more about how to know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord by reading our testimony by clicking here.