This Week's Highlights

📢 WPN 25-1 & WAP Memo 139: Program Year 2025 Weatherization Grant Application Information

📢 WAP Memo 141: Approved Use of T&TA Funds to Attend NASCSP 2025 Winter Training Conference

📢 DOE Webinar: WAP BIL Final 50% Release of Funds

📢 NASCSP Exclusive Resources: Webinars, Success Stories, Templates, and More!

📢 Workforce & IREC Updates

NASCSP Updates & Trainings

NASCSP Winter Training Conference

February 3–7, 2024 | Arlington, VA

The NASCSP 2025 Winter Training Conference is a five-day, immersive experience offering valuable opportunities for state administrators, state associations, local eligible entities, and other professionals from around the country to come together and discuss strategies for meeting new challenges in improved performance, innovation, and accountability in the fight to change the face of poverty across the nation.

Early-bird registration should open the first week of December. We hope you will join us as we think through some of the biggest challenges facing our network, share ideas, and collaborate on solutions that work well for everyone.

The hotel block is open so be sure to reserve your room now by clicking here. For more information, please visit our conference website for the latest updates!

NASCSP 2025 Service Awards

Deadline to Nominate: 11/22

We are seeking nominations for individuals who have demonstrated extraordinary commitment to NASCSP and to the programs we represent. Whether through advocacy, innovative leadership, or a significant positive impact on the lives of low-income individuals and families, these awards recognize those who go above and beyond in advancing the mission of NASCSP.


Award Categories:

  • The Marjorie J. Witherspoon NASCSP Award will be presented to a current or former NASCSP member for significant service or support of NASCSP and/or length of service to NASCSP.
  • The Ann Kagie CSBG Award will be presented to an individual involved in CSBG activities at the national, state, or local level and for significant technological or program contributions and/or tenure with the program.
  • The James Gardner Weatherization Award will be presented to an individual in the Weatherization Program at the national, state, or local level for significant technological or program contributions and/or tenure with the program.
  • The Jean Diggs WAP Champion Award is presented to individuals who are true champions for the cause of Weatherization. Though not awarded annually, we are always happy to collect nominations for future consideration.

Recognize a deserving colleague by nominating them today! Nominations must be received by November 22, 2024. You must be a NASCSP member in good standing to nominate.

Nominate a Colleague for NASCSP Service Awards

NASCSP Exclusive Webinars

NASCSP Training: PY 2025 State Planning

December 11, 2024 | Register Here

Join NASCSP and DOE to discuss updates in the Annual Plan process. We will share planning templates that will help Grantees plan for their process. Please bring any questions you have for the Q&A session with DOE.

NASCSP Fiscal Training: Significant Changes to OMB Guidance

November 19, 2024 | Recording | Slides

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) updated and revised guidance for federal financial assistance, including revisions to 2 CFR Part 200 Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (the federal regulations surrounding single audits). The changes are intended to strengthen and streamline administration of federal financial assistance and to help recipients of federal funding “focus more on the people they serve and to deliver results for their communities.” In this presentation we learn how these changes may impact your organization’s grants management policies and procedures.

At the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Recall the upcoming changes to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) updated and revised guidance for federal financial assistance.
  • Recognize how to update grants management policies and procedures in response to the changes.

WAP Operations & Policy Manual Updates: Best Practices

November 7, 2024 | Recording | Slides

This training webinar will cover WAP Operations and Policy Manual Updates: Best Practices and the process for annual updates.

Banishing Burnout: Building Resilience and Well-being in the Workplace

November 6, 2024 | Recording | Slides

Burnout is a growing concern among professionals in the weatherization assistance program and the community services network, yet it often goes unnoticed until it's too late. This webinar will address how to spot the signs of burnout, implement strategies to prevent it, and manage it effectively when it occurs. We’ll dive into the impact of work culture and environment on burnout, highlighting the importance of a supportive and inclusive workplace. Attendees will leave with practical tools to boost personal resilience, build positive workplace relationships, and create a culture where employee well-being comes first. With interactive discussions and real-life examples, this webinar offers actionable strategies for fostering a healthier, more sustainable work environment.

NASCSP Exclusive Resources

BIL WAP Contractors RFQ, Technical Monitoring & QCI RFP Templates Now Available!

NASCSP has added new templates to our fast-expanding BIL Resources library! This addition includes:

  • WAP Contractors RFQ Template: to be used by Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) grantees and subgrantees to acquire contractors to perform audits, retrofit installations, and/or inspections for WAP projects.
  • Technical Monitoring & QCI RFP Template: to help grantees and subgrantees to solicit services for conducting technical monitoring and quality control inspections in weatherization projects.
View BIL Procurement & RFPs Resources

Help Us Tell Weatherization Client Success Stories!

We are reaching out to gather and celebrate the inspiring client success stories and promotional materials from Weatherization Assistance Programs & Training Centers across the United States. Your experiences, whether large or small, are incredibly valuable in showcasing the positive impact of your efforts. Whether you've transformed a community, empowered individuals, or achieved milestones through your training, your stories have the power to inspire and uplift others in the field.

How to Share:

  • Written format: You can share your story with us via the link below. No pressure to write a thorough description - we are most interested in getting ideas with potential into the pipeline!
  • Video format: If you have a video you'd like us to feature on our website, please send us an email.
Submit a Success Story
View Weatherization Video Map

BIL Success Story: COAD (Ohio) Leverages Solar Power to Brighten Appalachian Futures

The Corporation for Ohio Appalachian Development (COAD) is taking a significant step towards a more sustainable future by integrating solar power into its weatherization programs. This innovative approach will not only reduce energy costs for Appalachian residents but also create new job opportunities and promote clean energy solutions.

Click Here to View Full Story

NASCSP Member-Only Events

2024 Quarterly Member Webinars

We are pleased to share the dates for our 2024 WAP Quarterly Member Webinars! Please use the links below to register for the webinars ahead of time. For your convenience, the registration links have also been added to the NASCSP website in the member portal here.

February 22, 2024 | Recording | Slides | Poll Summary

May 9, 2024 | Recording | Slides | Poll Summary

August 15, 2024 | Recording | Slides | Poll Summary

November 14, 2024 | Recording | Slides | Poll Summary

DOE Updates

Webinar: WAP BIL Final 50% Release of Funds

November 21st | 2:30 - 3:30 ET

The Office of State and Community Energy Programs Weatherization Assistance Program Deputy Director David Gipson invites you to join a webinar on Thursday, November 21st at 2:30 – 3:30 pm eastern to hear updates on the WAP BIL Final 50% release of funds.

WAP Grantee program managers and fiscal staff are encouraged to attend.

Register Here

WAP Memo 139: WAP Formula Update for Program Year 2025

The U.S. Department of Energy's Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) Memorandum 139 provides critical updates on the formula and planning estimates for Program Year (PY) 2025 Grantee allocations. It outlines the factors used in determining allocations, updates to key data sources, and interim planning guidance as the program operates under a Continuing Resolution.

Key Updates:

1. Allocation Formula Updates:

  - Annual WAP allocations are determined using the formula outlined in 10 CFR 440.10, which incorporates the following updated factors:

  • Population Factor: Derived from the U.S. Census American Community Survey (updated every 5 years) and supplemental data for U.S. territories (updated every 10 years).
  • Climatic Factor: Based on NOAA's 30-year population-weighted averages of heating and cooling degree days and EIA's Residential Energy Consumption Survey (updated every 3-5 years).
  • Residential Expenditure Factor: Represents total and per-household residential energy expenditures for low-income households, sourced from EIA's RECS (updated every 3-5 years).

2. Fiscal Year 2025 Context:

  - The DOE is operating under a Continuing Resolution (CR) for FY 2025, expiring on December 20, 2024. As a result:

  • WPN 25-2, detailing final Program Year 2025 allocations, will only be issued after Congress passes and the President signs the budget.
  • For planning purposes, estimated allocations will be based on PY 2024 funding levels but with updated formula data.

3. Action Required:

  - Grantees are advised to use the PY 2024 allocations and corresponding annual application instructions for preliminary planning.

  - Final allocations and updates will follow once the FY 2025 budget is approved.

4. Additional Information:

  - Contact your DOE Project Officer for any questions.

  - Reference materials, including planning estimates, are attached to the memorandum.

Attachment: PY 2025 Planning Estimates

View WAP Memo 139

WPN 25-1: Program Year 2025 WAP Grant Application

Weatherization Program Notice (WPN) 25-1 provides detailed guidance for WAP Grantees and Subgrantees regarding the development and submission of their Program Year (PY) 2025 Weatherization Grant Application. It establishes the framework for administering congressionally appropriated funds, highlights program updates and priorities, and outlines administrative and legal requirements necessary for compliance.

Key Updates and Instructions:

1. Purpose and Scope:

  - WPN 25-1 outlines grant application requirements for WAP formula funds, leveraging DOE’s Performance and Accountability for Grants in Energy (PAGE) system.

  - Grantees are to align their plans with updated federal priorities and the PY 2025 planning estimates shared in WAP Memorandum 139.

2. Legal and Policy Updates:

  - Legal authority is rooted in the Energy Conservation and Production Act (ECPA), with updates reflecting new administrative priorities such as revised thresholds for equipment and program income under 2 CFR 200.

3. Program Priorities and Initiatives:

  - Emphasis on participation in program assessments, workforce development, and equity through the Justice40 initiative.

  - Grantees are encouraged to utilize Weatherization Readiness Funds for structural repairs and to track deferrals using DOE-provided tools.

4. Funding Details:

  - Adjusted Average Cost per Dwelling Unit (ACPU) is set at $8,547 for PY 2025, incorporating flexibility to accommodate inflation and renewable energy measures.

  - Budgeting guidance includes limitations on categories and leveraging resources like LIHEAP funds and Petroleum Violation Escrow (PVE) funds.

  - Program income must be reinvested in weatherization activities and treated as an addition to program funds.

5. Application Requirements:

  - Applications must include detailed plans, budgets, and compliance with reporting requirements (e.g., client file documentation and NEPA adherence).

  - Grantees should use planning estimates provided in Memorandum 139 and adjust plans as needed once the final FY 2025 budget is approved.

6. Additional Resources:

  - Attachments include Administrative and Legal Requirements Documents (ALRD), NEPA determinations, and application instructions.

  - WPN references and DOE’s online resources support compliance and access to ongoing updates.

For questions or further assistance, Grantees should contact their DOE Project Officer.

View WPN 25-1 & Attachments

WAP Memorandum 141: Approved Use of T&TA Funds to Attend 2025 NASCSP Winter Training Conference

The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) encourages Grantees and Subgrantees, and Weatherization Training Centers staff and contractors to attend the 2025 National Association for State Community Service Programs (NASCSP) Winter Training Conference, scheduled for February 3 - 7, 2025, in Arlington, Virginia.

View WAP Memo 141

DOE Good Jobs in Clean Energy Prize Via the American Made Challenge

The Good Jobs in Clean Energy Prize is a multimillion-dollar prize competition designed to encourage coalition-building in communities across the country that focus on creating quality jobs and fostering an equitable and inclusive workforce in clean energy sectors.

The Prize consists of three phases, where Competitors in the Prize must be selected as a Phase One winner to compete in Phase Two, and competitors must win in Phase Two to compete in Phase Three. The Prize will conclude after Phase Three. DOE-provided training will be available in Phase Two of the Prize. Technical assistance and peer learning opportunities will be available in Phase Three. 

This could be a useful source of non-WAP funding to leverage to support some of the workforce development efforts underway across the network.

Coalitions must include at least one entity from each of the following organization types:

  1. Labor organization,
  2. Clean energy employer,
  3. Community-based organization,
  4. Public agencies, and
  5. Education and workforce provider.

The deadline for Phase 1 submissions is January 31, 2025

Learn More about the Prize

Workforce & IREC Updates

Green Workforce Connect Goes National: New States & Resources Added

The Green Workforce Connect platform now connects users with over 100 organizations across nine states—Arizona, Colorado, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin—with more to come! Explore career opportunities in the Weatherization Assistance Program and visit the Connect Now page to browse employers and training providers.

Resources for weatherization and workforce development have been updated and expanded, including:

  • Weatherization Coloring Book: Check out the new coloring book for students and families to explore home energy performance. Follow Maya, an Energy Auditor, as her team weatherizes a home in this fun, educational resource showcasing career paths in home energy performance. Download your free copy here.
  • Updated Outreach Toolkit: The updated Outreach and Engagement Toolkit offers templates, graphics, and content to help you promote weatherization job opportunities.
  • Recruitment Resources: Find editable job descriptions and tips for expanding your recruitment efforts in the Resource Hub.

Visit Green Workforce Connect today and connect with the exciting world of weatherization!

Support and Share: "Contractors of the Weatherization Assistance Program" NASCSP Blog Series

We need your help to shine a spotlight on contractors in the Weatherization Assistance Program!

Our upcoming blog series, "Contractors of the Weatherization Assistance Program," will feature stories from energy efficiency, insulation, HVAC, electrical, plumbing, and other contractors. These stories will highlight successes, showcase contributions, demonstrate vital impacts, and emphasize the transformative work happening every day to help ensure the program’s continued success.

Please take a moment to share this opportunity with contractors you know. Together, we can amplify the stories that make this program so impactful. Here’s how you can help:

  1. Encourage contractors in your network to share their stories using the messaging provided below or share this link to the form: Share Your Story Now
  2. Share this opportunity widely to help us capture as many voices as possible.

Download and share this flyer with your contractors to spread the word: Join the WAP Contractors Blog Series

BPA Updates

Advance Your Career with the Jon Siemen Memorial Scholarship

The Jon Siemen Memorial Scholarship supports individuals passionate about improving home energy efficiency, health, and safety by covering costs for a BPI certification or certificate program.

  • Eligibility: Open to those working in weatherization assistance programs or U.S. military veterans seeking a new BPI certification (not for renewals). Applicants must meet prerequisites for certain certifications.
  • Deadline: Applications are accepted year-round, with a cutoff of November 30 for consideration in the following year (e.g., apply by November 30, 2024, for the 2025 scholarship).
Learn More about the Scholarship & Apply

NASCSP Job Board

Manager of Federal Government Affairs


Washington, DC

Technical Weatherization Trainer


Hybrid - Lansing, MI

Program Manager, T&TA Programs

Association for Energy Affordability (AEA)

Bronx, NY

Construction Project Supervisor I

Baltimore City, Department of Housing & Community Development

Baltimore, MD

Building Science Trainer

Community Housing Partners (CHP)

Christiansburg, VA & Baltimore, MD

Program Specialist 4, Bilingual in Spanish & English

New Jersey Department of Community Affairs

Trenton, NJ

Have an opening at your State office or in one of your local agencies? NASCSP’s job board allows us to showcase career opportunities in our network! NASCSP members can submit jobs to be posted on the site by emailing the posting to Bryce. Please include a closing date at which point the posting will be removed from the site. 

Photo credits clockwise from top left: Werner Slocum for NREL #72246, Dennis Schroeder for NREL #28642, Dennis Schroeder for NREL #28709, Werner Slocum for NREL #72234, Werner Slocum for NREL #72251, Dennis Schroeder for NREL #28592

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