November 5, 2024 ~ Newsletter
One Community One Family
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Dear Christ the King Catholic School Community,
Today, we pray for unity/peace/blessings with regards to national elections. In addition, we will acknowledge and celebrate Veterans Day on Monday, November 11th, in honor of the dedicated men and women, past and present, who are/were U.S. military veterans. We thank them for their service to our country’s ideals of liberty and justice for all.
As we begin to see the light of Thanksgiving, celebrating Christ the King Week, blessing our seventh graders and their families for the transformative Camp Caritas Trip, our annual book fair, and supporting hurricane efforts — we thank God for the immense blessings that He has placed upon our amazing community. During this awesome month of November the virtue of gratitude leads our days!
A shout out to Caroline Carey and Brenden Cline for holding our school’s first spiritual council meeting this past week with student members. Spiritual Council (generally occurring at the high school and college level) now is vibrant and alive here at CTK, and is a group of dedicated middle school students and moderators that nurture and enhance the spiritual life of our school community. As representatives of Christ the King Catholic School, council members will take an active role in leading prayer, organizing spiritual activities, and fostering an environment where faith is practiced and celebrated. The council will meet at least once a month to discuss upcoming initiatives, share reflections, and strengthen our community through prayer and fellowship.
We look forward to Father Paulson and 1st grade and their fifth grade buddies leading us in another wonderful mass this Friday as planned. A special thank you to Heidi Nuti who plans our liturgies with such care, creativity, and spiritual acuity each week. Likewise, a special thank you to our student choir led by Mrs. Halstead, and to the ministers and servers who guide us each mass.
Today at the morning assembly we experienced a Catholic gratitude prayer that holds us this month of November – together as One Community One Family. In closing, Saint Pope John Paul stated, “Let us remember the past with gratitude, live the present with enthusiasm, and look forward to the future with confidence.”
Much gratitude, respect, and joy for our special Christ the King community and each of you,
Joseph M. Silveira Ed.D.
Christ the King Catholic School
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Offsite Christ the King Catholic School Events | |
Here at CTK, the safety and well-being of our students is always of the utmost priority and concern. However, CTK cannot assume responsibility for the conduct, safety, or supervision of its students when participating in events that occur off school property. | |
Dear Heavenly Father, we are blessed to be a part of our CTK community. Let us remember to be thankful for all that You have provided for us. Help us to show respect to those around us and truly believe that we are one community one family. As the days get colder let our hearts become warmer to those in need. Please hear the intentions we carry in our hearts.
We pray for Manny Granillo (dear friend of Mr. Silveirra) and his family as he recovers from a medical matter.
If you have special intentions please email Mrs. Meran here so we can include them in our next newsletter.
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Loyalty in the eyes of a child - the quality of being faithful and committed to someone or something, even when faced with temptation to betray or desert
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Wednesday, November 6 - Scholastic Book Fair 7:30am - 5:30pm, CTK Spirit Wear, 12:00pm Dismissal
Thursday, November 7 - Scholastic Book Fair 7:30am - 5:30pm, HL - Chicken Broccoli Alfredo
Friday, November 8 - 8:00am Liturgy Grades K - 8, Dress Uniform, 8:45am Donuts with PTG
Saturday, November 9 - 2:00pm Reconciliation Sacrament Enrichment Day
Monday, November 11 - Veteran's Day, School Holiday
Wednesday, November 13 - CTK Spirit Wear, Ice Cream Sales Grades 1 - 8, 2:15pm Dismissal
Thursday, November 14 - HL - Pizza, 6:00pm Reconciliation Sacrament Enrichment, 7:00pm Charlies Sonf Parent & Middle School Night
Friday, November 15 - 8:00am Liturgy Grades K - 8, Dress Uniform. Shop Dine & Donate (White Barn Home and Rancho Cantina)
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Real Talk About Fake Pills
Illicit Fentanyl is dominating the drug landscape and causing record numbers of drug deaths in America, particularly among our youth. Learn the facts about fentanyl and take empowered action to protect yourself and your loved ones.
Please join us on November 14th at 7:00pm in the Church at CTK. We will be hosting the Song for Charlie Organization for a presentation to discuss ways to keep our children safe and educate them about the danger of illegal drug use in our community.
We highly encourage parents and students for grades 6, 7 & 8 to attend this very important awareness presentation. We are encouraging 100% participation from our middle school parents and students. K -5 parents are welcome to attend without their students based on age.
For more information on the Song for Charlie Organization, please click here.
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Thank you to the Argenal, Hamilton, Marchiano, Mirijanian and York families for providing lunch for our faculty and staff. We appreciate your generous heart and caring ways. Thank you for making CTK the best community it can be!
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Jesus calls us to help those who aren't as fortunate as us and the ones affected by the hurricanes. The 8th grade project this year is to raise money and awareness for people affected by the two Hurricanes. Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton which affected states in the south. Our goal is 500 dollars and if we achieve this the whole school will receive a free dress day. We can accomplish this by having everyone bringing 2 dollars. Whichever class raises the most money will get a popsicle party. We can't wait to help the hurricane victims. With your help we know we can achieve our goal.
Let's go CTK.
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St. Vincent de Paul Dinner Baskets: This holiday season, we will continue the longstanding CTK school tradition of collecting food for the parish St. Vincent de Paul food program. For many years students have gathered food and then helped assemble dinner baskets for many local families less fortunate than ourselves. Please consult the list below for the items you are asked to send to school with your child/children.
Please bring your items by Wednesday, November 13th and no later then November 15th.
Many thanks for your generosity!
Items needed per student per grade:
Kindergarten: 3 (6 oz.) packages stove top stuffing mix
1st Grade: 3 (14.25 oz.) cans of corn
2nd Grade: 1 (40 oz. box ) Bisquick Pancake & Baking Mix
3rd Grade: 2 (18+ oz.) packages brownie or cookie mix
4th Grade: 3 (15+ oz) cans of canned fruit
5th Grade: 2 (13.75 oz.) boxes/packages mashed potato mix
6th Grade: 1 (32 oz.) bag of long grain white rice
4 (~.87 oz) packets gravy mix
7th Grade: 3 (14-16 oz.) cans of beans (for example Bush's Baked Beans)
8th Grade: 3 (18-19 oz.) cans of soup (Campbell’s Chunk
Style or Progresso)
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Thanks to all who were able to join us at last night’s PTG meeting. Minutes will be posted to the website in the coming weeks. Our next meeting is on Monday, December 2 on Zoom. Please be on the lookout for the meeting link.
We hope to see you at one of these upcoming events!
- November 8: PTG Coffee after the 8:00 a.m. Mass
- November 15-16: Shop, Dine & Donate at White Barn Home and Rancho Cantina in Lafayette! WBH will give back 15% of all sales for both days and Rancho Cantina will give back 10% for the ENTIRE month of November.
- December 1: Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony after the 4:00 p.m. Mass. Volunteer opportunities will be shared soon.
If you have any questions, please contact Carolyn Della Maggiore at
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Your awesome children and I are so excited to be preparing our 2024 Christmas Program, “Simple Gifts.” The program will premier for an open dress rehearsal on Tuesday, December 10th at 1:00 PM. Our main performance will be Thursday December 12 at 7:00pm. Doors open at 6:30pm. Space is limited at the main performance, and we suggest Grandparents and other loved ones consider attending the Tuesday dress rehearsal instead, where seating is plentiful.
Click here to see a detailed description about what your child needs to wear for the program.
Please, no photos, videos or phones during the program. Cameras and phones distract the children and other audience members, and people moving about during the program cause others to miss out. New this year, there will be two photo backdrop areas outside and in front of the church before and after the program. This will be your opportunity to commemorate the occasion with as many photos and videos of your child as you wish! In addition, we will have our program live-streamed and it will be available live (for those who are unable to attend) as well as after the program. Password information will be provided closer to the program dates.
I am thrilled to be creating this program with the students as we bring joy, give kids a sense of agency, and celebrate Jesus!
Love, Mrs. H.
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Please join us in the Media Center at 7:00 pm for some fun brainstorming and task tackling for our 2025 CTK Auction
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For a refresher on how to get started with RaiseRight, please follow this link for a step by step guide to getting started!
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Now is the time to start stocking up on gift cards for the holidays! Scrip will not be delivered during CTK Christmas break. The last day to order gift cards before Christmas break will be Monday, December 9th by 8am. Visit today to start shopping!
Click here for a copy of our Scrip delivery calendar
Our school submits orders by 8:00am on Monday mornings and the cards are delivered the following week. If you would like your Scrip order delivered in your Tuesday Family Envelope, please click on the link here to sign the Scrip Waiver form.
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Please complete the form here if you are requesting reimbursement for school activities (for example, PTG events). After requests are reviewed and approved, your reimbursement will be ready within 7-10 business days. | |
Thank you to everyone that has signed up to help our teachers and school! Your time and commitments help us to have the best school year possible.
When you are finished with your volunteer service, remember to fill out the google form that records your Family Service Hours. You can find the form here. This form can be completed after each volunteer opportunity or your earliest convenience so that your hours are recorded and not forgotten!
As a reminder, each family is responsible for 17 volunteer hours during the school year in the following categories:
Fundraising - 5 hours
Festival - 4 hours
Personal Choice - 8 hours
All hours must be logged and recorded by May 31, 2025. If you have any questions regarding totals or accumulations please reach out to Kim Anderson at
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On behalf of our CTK SVDP and Hillcrest Church baby supply groups, I want to extend a huge and heartfelt thank you to the school children AND families who helped stock up the necessary supplies for our moms and babies in need. WHAT A BLESSING to receive so many helpful items.
Please know that the women who run the supply room at Hillcrest were overjoyed at the items that flowed in. Every single item was needed, appreciated, and will be put to great use. Thank you all!
Secondly, we want to thank the Student Council students who helped to pull this together, run the drive, and load up our cars to drive the items over!
Thank you,
Mrs. Russi
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Happy Thanksgiving & Merry Christmas from Christ the King - St. Stephen Parish Cub Scout Pack 401!
Our Cub Scouts are planning to sell Christmas Wreaths for our annual fundraiser after weekend Masses on Sat.-Sun. 11/23-11/24, 11/30-12/1 & 12/7-12/8/24, and also after School at CTK (3pm) on Mon.-Tues. 12/2-12/3/24. The cost is $30 for a 22" Wreath. Please stop by and pick out a Wreath from your CTK - St. Stephen Cub Scouts! Merry Christmas!!
Brian Hanley
Pack 401 Cubmaster
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Please click here for the sign up form | |
Have you considered becoming Catholic but are not sure how to proceed? Possibly married to a Catholic or have children in Christ the King School – and interested in sharing their faith? Or possibly just looking to clarify your own faith journey?
Investigate our RCIA program, which facilitates your consideration of baptism or conversion. Learn more by emailing Tom Bobich at
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CTK Parish Newsletter: Please click here for the October 30th Parish Newsletter | | | | |