Site clearing began today on the Cell Tower/Access Road Improvement project west of Town Hall. The Town proposes roadway improvements to the road and construction of twenty-three (23) additional parking spaces to support activities at the Town Hall and Community Center. The work generally includes but is not limited to: removal of the existing stone road and rebuilding the road with concrete ribbon curb, a coarse aggregate subbase and an asphalt surface, along with additional asphalt parking spaces and concrete sidewalk along the road. Landscaping and lighting will also be incorporated into the project with a completion date of late February 2025.
The project was initially budgeted at $550,000. However, given the competitive bid environment, with three bids received, it is now expected that the total project cost may come in under budget.
** Please note this construction will not interfere with activities, current parking, or the entrance/exit at the Town Hall/Community Center complex. **