Messenger -November 1, 2024 | |
We illuminate our community with God’s grace as we lovingly accept, listen to, and serve all in the Spirit of Jesus. | |
Building the Future Together: Investing in Ministry Today | At the United Methodist Church of Geneva, worship is where we come together to encounter God. It is in worship that we sing, pray, read scripture, and hear the Word proclaimed. We feast at Christ's table, wade in the waters of baptism, and cling to each other during services of death and resurrection. | | | |
Worship Service airs live on our Website , YouTube and Facebook at 9 am.
Go to the Worship Page on our Website to find more information about future services.
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All Saints Sunday, November 3, 2024
What Happens When Friends Die? - 2 Samuel 1:1-4; 11-12; 17-27
Earlier in this series we explored the friendship between Jonathan and David, one of the closest friendships in the Bible. Now David loses his best friend in battle and it nearly wrecks him. Join us for this All-Saints Sunday where we will see how God sustains us in our grief.
This week's Bulletin can be found in the Document Center.
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Submit information for inclusion in Messenger and/or Bulletin Announcements by Wednesday at Noon. Please use the button BELOW or click here for the COMMUNICATIONS submission form -- all requests for communicating an event should be made via this form, including getting items on the calendar and reserving rooms for your event. This form can also be found on the sign-up page on our website. If you cannot use the submission form please email Information sent to this email goes to Carolyn, Lorie and Kimberley, as does the submission form.
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Elevator Upgrade Continues
into November
Our church elevator will remain out of service this Sunday, November 3. For those who cannot take the stairs, we will continue to invite you to join us for worship in the 1st-floor library, where our caring Stephen Ministers will be your hosts. We’ll have Communion and Coffee Hour available, so you won’t miss out on the fellowship and sacred moments that make Sundays special.
If you need any assistance or have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out—we're here to help!
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As Election Day approaches, we invite everyone to come together for a day of prayer and reflection, setting aside our political affiliations to gather in unity.
Join us on Tuesday, November 5, as we seek God’s guidance and renew our shared commitment to the principles of liberty, justice, and peace.
Let this day be a testament to our unity in Christ, transcending any divisions, and honoring our shared responsibility to guard the freedoms entrusted to us. Together, let us bear witness to our call as followers of Christ—to seek justice, mercy, and peace “with malice toward none and charity toward all.”
All are welcome.
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It's stewardship time and we are asking the congregation to let us know your estimate of giving for 2025. We have three options for you to provide us with information:
- Use a physical Estimate of Giving Card found in your pew or delivered to your home this week. Those can be put on the offering plate or turned in to the church office.
Fill out the Elexio Form electronically here:
Use the Elexio App on your mobile device. A video with detailed instructions is here:
If you plan to give us an Estimate of Giving for 2025, please do so by November 10 so we can use the information in our budgeting process.
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UMCG volunteers are FANTASTIC!
A reception for all UMCG volunteers will be held on Sunday, November 24, 2024, in Fellowship Hall immediately following the worship service.
If you volunteer a little or a lot, your contributions to the life of our church are appreciated, and we are grateful for your support. Join us as we say thank you to all UMCG volunteers.
Thank you,
Mary Ann Werman and Linda Tamlyn
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- Mark your summer calendars for ASP on July 19-26!
- Set aside next summer for the service project that will change your life forever!
- Registration will open up at the beginning of January with webpage updates coming soon!
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Church Family,
We have requested help in the AV booth for the past year and have received little response. When Bob or Drew get ill or can't come in we are down to one person and can't produce a quality service with one person doing everything. Plus, they need a break from time to time.
In order to continue this important online ministry we need the help of 2-3 people to work the assistant position once every 4-8 weeks. Most of the responsibility includes showing the slides and adjusting the volume of the microphones. We will train anyone interested, or you can watch and observe first to see if you want to help.
If you can assist in any capacity please reach out to Carolyn Burnham in the office at or call 630-232-7120.
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Well, we were not able to have a rummage sale this Fall (stay tuned for Bake Sale opportunities), but we can still meet the needs of our neighbors with household items that we already have in our homes. Or they could be packed in a box intended for the rummage sale.
Currently, World Relief is placing 12 immigrant families a week in temporary housing, and the need for the following items is great. If you can donate, please place your items under the coat rack in the bins provided on the first-floor atrium by November 25.
The list is not long, but it is a start at helping those immigrants who have come to our country in search of a safe place they can call home. Please ensure that all items are gently used, like new or new (if you prefer to buy):
- Twin comforters – like new
- Kitchen trash cans
- Lamps
- Pots and pans, baking pans, dish sets, cooking utensils (serving spoon, flipper/spatula, rubber scraper)
- Instant coffee, black tea.
Here is a message from Rev. Keith Draper from World Relief:
“Our storehouse has definitely been depleted with so many arrivals after over 150 people arrived last month needing items from our warehouse. We certainly need your help stocking back up! Our services this past month have included helping families get their kids enrolled in schools, tutoring children and adults online and in person, providing English learning and job readiness classes, getting them into the workforce with a job, and finding housing. Thanks for your partnership that helps make all this possible!”
If you have any questions please call Wendy McKeehan (630) 310-9861
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Save the date: Advent Tea & Worship Service will be on December 2nd at 9:30 am and 7:00 pm. Please mark it down on your calendar and plan to attend. It is a lovely tradition to initiate the season with peace and intention. Join us for Inner Christmas and the Holy Nights: Drawing inward and creating a sacred space for the miraculous event of Christmas and carrying it forward within and out into the world.
Can you help?
READERS: We are looking for individuals interested in doing a short reading at the Advent Tea worship service. If interested in participating in the service reading a short excerpt, at one or both services, (9:30 am & 7:00 pm), please contact Kathleen Dytrych at 630-715-2605 or, or on the sign-up sheet in Fellowship Hall.
PREP AND SERVE: We are also looking for help making table centerpieces, as well as preparing before and serving tea, etc., during either session. The sign-up sheet can be found on the Women's Ministry board in Fellowship Hall.
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In the fall, it's important to "Leave the Leaves." When the weather gets cooler, leave the fallen leaves in flowerbeds and yards. This benefits wildlife and the environment. The leaves act as natural mulch, protecting plants and breaking down to fertilize the soil. They also provide shelter, nesting material, and food for wildlife such as turtles, toads, birds, mammals, and snakes during the winter.
Leaving the leaves also benefits garden bugs, as gnats, spiders, and other beneficial bugs hide in them, while moths and butterflies overwinter as caterpillars or in cocoons. When spring arrives, they will emerge to benefit our gardens and feed the birds. So, this fall, leave the rake in the shed and the leaves on the ground!
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Click the above image to get to the online sign-up for Hesed House - we would love to start filling in 2025 dates! | |
The Salvation Army begins its bellringing campaign in November. They are looking for individuals or groups to sign up! Would you like to help? Use this link to go to the website to learn more about registering to participate!
Contact Lt. Joe Alvarez with questions about bellringing:
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Prairie Central eNews is here.
The NIC weekly eNews is here.
Download the NIC Reporter here.
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UMCG has a hidden page on the website for our church family to access called the Document Center. This includes our committee roster, communications submission forms and in the future, our committee agendas, reports and minutes. | |
211 Hamilton Street
Geneva, IL 60134
Phone: (630) 232-7120
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Connect with us on Social Media | | | | |