DECEMBER 20, 2024

This is the final eTC newsletter of the year.

We’ll be back on January 10th with our next edition.

Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Please mark your calendar for these major events:

Junior Class Mass and

Ring Blessing Ceremony

Monday, January 27th


Grandparents Day

Sophomore & Senior Classes

Thursday, February 13th


Cross & Shield Gala

Saturday, March 8th


JW Marriott Tampa Water Street

Junior/Senior Prom

Saturday, April 12th

Class of 2025 Graduation

Monday, May 19th

Be sure to check our school calendar for all events taking place in the new year:

School Calendar

Mother Church gifts us with such beautiful Scripture readings all throughout the Advent season. She invites us in and retells the stories of our past so that we can rejoice in our present time and remain in joyful hope for the future. In the same way that Jesus came to us as our Infant King, he will return to make all things new. What joyful news! When you think of Christ’s second coming, does Christmas joy stir in you? Let’s pray to cooperate with the Holy Spirit of God the way our Lady did at the Annunciation. Let us leap for joy in our hearts the way John the Baptist did in the womb of St. Elizabeth. Let us eagerly anticipate the second coming of Christ the way St. Joseph anticipated his birth in that stable over 2000 years ago.

Fourth Sunday of Advent Readings

Reminders & Announcements

Support the French Honor Society

Support Tampa Catholic's French Honor Society by dining at Culver's on Hillsborough Ave. on Monday, December 23rd, from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM! Mention Tampa Catholic when you order, and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to our school. Merci for your support!

Don't miss this limited-time opportunity to show your Crusader pride! Click the button below to view and order your spirit wear.

Shop Now

*Shop closes Friday, December 27th

Tennis Parent Meeting

Mark your calendars! There will be a tennis parent meeting on Tuesday, January 9th, at 6:00 PM in the gym. This is a great opportunity to learn about the upcoming season and connect with the coaching staff. We look forward to seeing you there!

Please contact Coach Donna Zambito with questions.

Auditions for Spring Theater Performance: 

Raise Your Voice

Interested in being part of the spring theater production? Auditions for Raise Your Voice will be held on January 14th from 3:30 to 5:00 PM in the Amex.

To audition, or if you have any questions, please contact

Performing Arts instructor Joyce Mayhew.

You can also request an audition application from her.

Join Us for Trivia Night and

Support Our Students Heading to Peru!

Come out on Saturday, February 1, for a fun-filled evening of trivia and community spirit, all to help support students traveling to Peru. The event will be held in the cafeteria, with doors opening at 6:00 PM and trivia kicking off at 7:00 PM.

Don't miss your chance to be part of the fun—reserve your spot today! 

Sign Up Here

Grants/Financial Aid


  • The FACTs grant/aid application for the 2025-26 school year is now OPEN.
  • Tampa Catholic tuition assistance awards must be reapplied for each year
  • The committee will begin to review applications the beginning of February 2025.
  • TC assistance is awarded on a rolling basis until the budgeted amount is depleted.
  • For more information, please visit our website here.

Please contact Director of Finance, Grace Comello with questions.

The weekly newsletters are distributed by the Office of Communications.

If you have a student you'd like to highlight or have any questions about the newsletter, please contact Allison Munden, Director of Communications.

Tampa Catholic High School l 4630 N. Rome Ave l Tampa, FL 33603 l

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