August 2024

937-426-3988 /

A Message from

Pastor Laurie Steele

Well, by the time you are reading this I will have been taking some much needed time off to recharge. That means I’ve been to the Outer Banks and put my toes in the sand. OBX is an amazing and unique place and known for its shifting and changing sands which have caused many a shipwreck. Even boaters today still get into trouble if they are not familiar with the inlets and sandbars that are constantly shifting.   

So, on December 16, 1870, just 154 years ago and in its short lifetime, the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse has served as the guiding light to seafaring ships and has kept them safe from disaster the changes to the barrier island we call the Outer Banks. The changes over time have been so extreme that the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse, my favorite place on the planet, had to be moved in 1999 away from its original spot next to the ocean.  

The engineers were tasked to move “The Light” some 2,900 feet to the southwest to protect it from shoreline erosion. They did this using steel mats. The lighthouse was originally built in 1870 and back then was about 1,500 feet from the ocean, but a century of tides had washed it closer to the water's edge, putting it in danger. This move took 23 days and cost $11.8 million. If you’ve never seen this amazing structure then you’ll have to just imagine what an impossible task this seemed to be when faced with the challenge. But it was sure worth it. 

We all see challenges differently, sometimes just from the visual image presented, sometimes from the statistics and sometimes just from the lack of information we have. The ships and boats for years have had to navigate what seemed to be impossible and certainly dangerous waters. Which had me thinking about the light we have in Christ. Always there for us if we just look. Psalm 121 asks, “where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth, indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep, the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.”  When we look to the light we are guided safely through all obstacles and changing life tides. The Cape Hatteras Lighthouse is a long-time reminder of that for me. But this world and its shifting sands, political stances and views, religious differences and so much more are reminders that this world is going to try and draw us away from the light-giving grace and love of God. We can easily find ourselves believing the discourse. Not because we’re right and somebody else is wrong, but because we start looking at the wrong light. Here’s how I navigate this.  

Let me tell you about one of my other favorite places on the Outer Banks. There is a big pile of sand, a sand dune actually called Jockey’s Ridge. This is the largest living sand dune on the east coast and yes it gets the name from horse racing before you ask, but that part of the story here is for another day. We’re talking about light. So what does a sand dune have to do with light you might ask? Well, pirate’s back in the day, would climb to the top of Jockey’s Ridge and pretend to be a lighthouse guiding, or in this case mis-guiding ships closer to shore. The ships would run-aground and the pirates would pillage and steal all the cargo. There are some 3,000 shipwrecks off the coast of the barrier island and is known as the shipwreck graveyard of the Atlantic. 

But here’s the thing, that’s a lot about a lighthouse and some sand, but how will you know you are being guided by the right light, God’s light? I would say the easiest answer for me is to be able to know what God’s light looks like. Prayer that creates an intimate relationship, time in God’s Word listening not just reading it, experiencing community in worship and service are great places to start.  

Maybe I’m so connected to the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse because I have family roots on the Outer Banks, maybe my amazing childhood memories, but I think it is because when I see it I recognize it. Like when I see God in each day and the people I encounter and even in the differences, I recognize my grace giver, the one who calls me wonderfully made. I pray you will spend time this month and the days beyond, seeking the good light of God… God will guide you safely to shore.   


Serving an Awesome God! 

Pastor Laurie 


Movie Nights

This month's Movie Night is August 11. This will be the last Movie Night of the summer. We will be showing the movie The Bad Guys . Join us at 6pm for dinner and yard games outside in the pavilion (weather permitting) and we'll begin the movie around 7pm. Bring a chair and/or blanket to enjoy the movie.

All Church Mission Opportunity

Aley’s Mission team is excited to offer our third quarter all church mission opportunity to serve in mission together. On August 31, 11am-3pm we'll help with their community meal, clothing closet, laundry ministry, and possibly a few other areas. The Dream Center is a great local mission that serves Dayton and is "dedicated to providing support and resources to the people of Dayton affected by poverty, addiction, abuse, joblessness and educational opportunity gaps." Go to to learn more about what they do. Students under 14 must have an accompanying adult. Please sign up on the 'Get Involved' page. 



Understanding the New Testament class – The Journeyers Bible Study class is beginning a new study with "Understanding the New Testament".  This study consists of 24 videos approximately ½-hour each with discussion afterwards.  These videos don’t go through the New Testament in the order that the books appear, but rather by when they are thought to have been written.  The narrator is Dr. David Brakke, a Professor of History at OSU. There is no study workbook required.  The Journeyers meet on Monday mornings from 9:30 to 11:00 in room 201/203. For further information concerning this class please contact either Charles Sexton,, or Bill Noble,

New! Dinner Church Group Night

The Adult Ministries team would like to extend an invitation to every Aleyan for the first Dinner Group/Dinner Church Night. This will start with a catered meal on August 11th at 6PM. Our current Dinner Groups are invited to attend, as well as, take the opportunity to extend invitations to others that might be looking to join a new dinner group as a way of connecting with others and experiencing an informal worship. We will have a time of worship followed by information regarding existing and new dinner groups. Please go to the Aley UMC website under 'Get Involved' and RSVP so that we can make sure there is food for all.


School Bag Assembly

Ladies... Mark your calendars for 

August 26 at 7PM

The UWF Evening Circle invites you to join us for filling School Bags for less fortunate children. Fifty bags will be given to St. Paul's UMC in Dayton and the remainder of the bags are given to Church World Services to be sent wherever needed. 

Please check the Sign-Up Genius on the Aley Website under 'GET INVOLVED' for supplies needed. You may want to take advantage of school supplies on sale closer to when school starts for discounts and NO TAXES. 

You may leave supplies in the Box marked "School Supplies" downstairs by the Elevator. 

Questions? Call or text Susan Lehneis 937-901-4398.



Thank you for your generous donation! As spiritual and physical needs of people around the world continue to rise, God uses gifts like yours to meet those needs and advance His Kingdom.

We are so grateful for your partnership in the Gospel. Your investment in God's Kingdom is eternal.

Your friends at Lifeline,



August 4, 2024 - "Faith & Movies through the Decades 2010's" - Pastor Abby

August 11, 2024 "Faith & Movies through the Decades 2010's" - Pastor Laurie

August 18, 2024 - "Questions that Jesus asked". This week: Questions about desires, "What do you want me to do for you" - Pastor Laurie

August 25, 2024 - "Questions that Jesus asked". This week: Questions about healing, "Would you like to get well?" - Pastor Abby


Music Opportunity

Join the Choir!

Have you been feeling the nudge to use your musical skills for the glory of God? Chancel Choir rehearsals begin Thursday, August 15, from 5:45PM -7:15pm. We meet weekly in room 201/203, and sing at the 8:30am service Sundays starting September 8 through the month of May. We sing all weeks except the third Sunday of the month (when the bells perform). In addition to Sunday services, we take our ministry out to area nursing homes a couple times a year, to share the good news with those who cannot get out to church services. You do not need to be able to read music to sing in the choir. Rehearsal links are sent out for individual practice. If you have questions, or are interested in joining, please reach out to Pam Rauch at or call or text (937)760-3222.


Celebration Ringers Bell Choir will resume rehearsal on Thursdays 6:30PM - 7:45PM starting August 29, in the Sanctuary. No experience necessary! If you've always enjoyed handbells come join us! We Will be glad to teach you how to ring! Reach out to any current ringer or Director Cheri Warner at if interested.


Bells of Praise has been on hiatus for a few years and we would love to see a return! This is a children/youth age chime choir ages 6 and up. We learn ringing basics and play special music 3-5 times a year in the Traditional Service. Rehearsal time TBD. Please email Cheri Warner at if interested.

Care Ministry at Aley UMC is here to journey with you. If you need help, please call Karen Engel and she will contact our volunteers. 937 426-3988.

Volunteers Needed

Caring Ministries needs some willing volunteers to help some of our older ladies and widows with yard work. You don’t have to join “Hearts and Hammers”, we just need a one time commitment to do some yard cleanup; mostly, we need weeds pulled and in some cases we need grass cut and sticks picked up. If you are willing to help your fellow Aleyans in this way, please contact Karen Engel at 937 426-3988.



Aley’s 6 month financial check-up – It is time again for another update on Aley’s finances. This data is for the first 6 months of 2024. YTD income is $373,158.71. This is slightly above YTD budget. YTD expenses are $355,624.73 which is slightly above YTD budget. The finance committee believes that our finances are on-track for the first 6 months. However, Aley has a trend of income falling below what is needed in the summer months. June, July, and August are typically below budget for income. The summer months is often a very challenging time for the finance committee. Aley’s finance committee is very thankful for the congregation’s financial contributions.

Breakthrough Data

Breakthrough Goals 2024 Where are we?

The Administrative Council reviewed Aley’s progress toward accomplishing the 2024 Breakthrough Goals as of June 30 (half way point in the goal cycle) at our July meeting and noted the following trends.

The goal for faith development is our top priority for 2024 and states that we will have an average of 12 small groups each week with 100 people participating/week. The number of groups remained constant at 10 groups/week for both the first and second quarters however the number of participants decreased from 83 to only 70 per week in the second quarter. This is trending in the wrong direction and far below our goal of 100 people/week participating in small groups. Gail Simpson has put together an Adult Ministry Team that is developing strategies to increase participation in small groups and will be hosting a Dinner Church Group Night on August 11 – please sign up on the webpage to join in the fun! As we settle into a post-summer routine, please look for opportunities to join existing or new small groups.

 Our mission and service goal is our second priority but we just started to collect data on this goal in April. During the second quarter we had an average of 16 people participate in mission and outreach each week which is below our goal of 30 people/week but a good start for our first time trying to measure this goal. Pastor Abby leads the Mission Team at Aley that is trying to provide various opportunities for individuals and groups to be a part of attaining this goal by hosting events like the meal packing day that was held in May and the day helping at the Dream Center in Dayton on September 31. Sign up to participate on the Aley webpage.

Participation in worship is another priority with a goal of having 95 people in attendance at each Sunday worship service and starting a fresh expression type service. There was an average of 77 people in attendance at the traditional service each week and 61 at the modern service for the first half of the year. Attendance increased from the first to the second quarter for both services in 2024 and an increase in total attendance from 115/week in the first half of 2023 to 133/week in 2024. Pastor Laurie started a fresh expression service at The Ridge in the Beavercreek Memory Center in March with services every two weeks that are averaging 27 people in attendance at each service.

Our goal for generosity is broken down into smaller ones that include average weekly giving to cover the budget, total giving to missions, and paying our apportionment to the UMC. Average giving toward the budget decreased from $14,025 to $7,886 from the first to second quarter (a normal trend) but out first half giving is currently only at 86% of what is needed to cover the budget. The Finance Committee monitors our financial status and any questions should be directed to Garth Cooke, Chairman of the committee. There has been $6732 given to missions so far with the goal of $20,000 for the year. We have paid 60% of our apportionments through June which is ahead of schedule. 

Hospitality is our final goal where we have had 5 professions of faith this year (goal is 12) and 3 baptisms (goal is 5).  

One of the functions of the Administrative Council is to envision, plan, implement, and evaluate the mission and ministry of the church. Working with the pastors to establish priorities and set goals is one way the Council tries to carry out this function as described in the UMC Book of Discipline. You can get a copy of the goals, data, and/or direct your questions to Nancy Williams, Council Chair.

Family Ministries at Aley

Youth Ministry

YAA Pool Party

Students entering grades 6-12 are invited to join us for a pool party at Idle Hour Swim Club, Sunday August 11, 3-5pm. Please RSVP to Pastor Abby by August 8. 

Kids' Ministry

Kids Ministry is Growing!

We have a new Aley Kid's space that is "Under Construction!" Please take a short trip down the hallway off of the Hospitality Room to see the newly inspired Kids Ministry areas. It is exciting to be able to expand and grow the kids Ministry program with dedicated rooms and programming space.

Every Sunday, kids are offered several different experiences to encourage their faith journey.

Please contact Susan Grinkemeyer (

Mini-Camp Celebration

August 11 at 6PM we'll be celebrating remembering all the fun we had with summer mini-camps! Come check out a sampling of what happened at each mini-camp, try out some things hands-on, and enjoy dinner in the parking lot/pavilion. Stick around for a family-friendly movie after the celebration. To help ensure we have enough food for dinner, please RSVP on the 'Get Involved' paged.



We have returned from a great week at Tar Hollow Church Camp,

thank you for your prayers and support!


Summer is in full swing for kids at Aley. There have been lots of kids-based mini-camps that were very fun and allowed us to connect with members of our community in a new way.

Next up: FALL!!

Keep your eyes out for dates in August that will usher in a new season. There will be another Family Movie Night on August 11. We will kick off a new year of Sunday School with a promotion event on August 25 with fun for the whole family.

Also, don't miss the new look for our dedicated Kids Zone. this fall will bring updates to the downstairs classrooms with new colors, new brand messaging, and new wall decorations. We will better define the areas for Kids Church and our Sunday School to make them inspiring and safe spaces for our kids.

Both the Kids and Youth Ministries are looking to increase their teams that enrich the lives of Aley's young people. If you are interested in working with kids, youth, or nursery-aged children, please let us know. You can be a part of a fast growing and always exciting part of the Aley experience!

We would like to celebrate all of those whose birthdays are in AUGUST

this month. You are special to us & deeply loved by God...

Have a great You day!

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