November 2024


Happy Thanksgiving!

November is easily our busiest month starting early with an official blessing at both our new location at 11055 North IH5 and at 4103 North IH 35 by the Tibetan Buddhist Monks. If you’ve ever had the opportunity to attend one of their blessings you know how ethereal an experience it can be. I encourage everyone to join us in sharing in their blessings at one or both of our locations this Sunday.

November is also the time when we get to show our customers how appreciative we are for your ongoing support with our Customer Appreciation Sale (11/23-12/1). Come in and grab a gift box from our treasure chest and receive anywhere from 15% to 50% discount on all your purchases throughout the sale. The perfect opportunity to start your holiday shopping and check some names off the Christmas list early.

We’ve got all kinds of events happening at our new event center all month and, if your going to be north that first weekend in the month, grab the the kiddos and come by our booth at the Annual Fossil Fest at Old Settler’s Hall in Round Rock. Lots of Dino stuff plus fun and games for the whole family.

Some highlights in this newsletter include:

  • Read about Agatized Gastropods and how they can aid in over coming body and emotional blockages
  • Check out our free intuition workshop
  • Review Scorpio’s astrological guidelines and moon energy for the month
  • Learn about Lake Superior Agates and their formation 1 billion years ago
  • Come hear Yolanda from Natural Grocers explain how good nutrition and healthy habits can support our memory throughout our lifespan.

The next two months will be filled with bursts of energy and expectations, both from ourselves and others. You’ll probably be feeling intense energy draws on your mind and body, especially with Mercury going retrograde November 25-December 15. Tis the season to be jolly, consume volumes of food and find lots of patience. Consider adding a little ritual right after you wake up, or just before going to sleep. Take 3-4 deep breaths and stretch your whole body its full length. Think about at least one thing that made you smile yesterday or today. Now, go ahead and enjoy the feeling. Bet you smile again! If you can start or end your day this way you'll be amazed how much more you will enjoy the next two months.

Please everyone, continue to stay safe and healthy.


Karen and the Staff

The Big Move - Updates

Build-Out of New Rock Depot & Retail Showroom

Our petition to remain at our current location has been approved, so our 4103 N IH-35 store will stay open through the Holidays! Please let your friends and neighbors know so that we can continue to sustain ourselves until the Move happens! Word of mouth has always been our best marketing tool, so we cannot do it without YOU!

Our plans have also been submitted to the City for permitting and we have begun the portions of our build-out that we can (mostly putting up the drywall scaffolding, minor alterations to the existing building, and taping out/marking layouts for the bigger build). It's amazing to be able to walk through our new space and see the layout, so we can't wait to share more with you on the build progress once our permits are approved. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers, and send protective energy to our new building at 11055 N IH-35 as we have already experienced at least one break-in attempt.


Our New Event Center has been fully moved to our new property, and we have events and practitioners lined up basially every weekend, so be sure to go check it out! Look for the DARK BLUE events HERE to see what's scheduled at our New Event Center:

Tables, room dividers, chairs, greenery and beautiful crystal adornments are now available to accommodate any workshop, lecture, class or private event. E-mail for information on how you can benefit from this 5,000 sq ft venue.

November In-Store Sales & Special Events

4103 N. IH35, ATX, 78722

Nature's Treasures Presents

Gaden Shartse Monastery Tibetan Buddhist Monks

Please join us in welcoming this traveling group of Tibetan Buddhist Monks as they bless our new store on

Sunday, November 3rd.

New Event Center 3:30

Store Location 5:00

In the Community

Fossil Fest 2024

November 2-3

At the 2024 Fossil Fest, hourly prizes are up for grabs, and three Grand Door Prizes take center stage: A replica pygmy mammoth femur, a striking carving of a mammoth on a fossilized mammoth bone stand, and the First Prize—an awe-inspiring Stegodon tooth and jaw! This enormous fossil, over a foot wide, belonged to a massive relative of modern elephants that once roamed the plains of Indonesia during the Pleistocene era. 

Got a fossil of your own? Don’t forget to BYOF (Bring Your Own Fossil)! Experts will be on hand to identify any specimens that attendees bring in, making this event an interactive adventure in fossil discovery.

Learn More!

Healing Arts Festival and Market

by The Eagles Nest

Sunday, November 3 • 11a-6p

Hilton Garden Inn

8101 Pat Booker Rd, Live Oak, San Antonio 78233

FREE Admission & Parking

Visit our booth at this award-winning event featuring wide range of vendors and practitioners from the San Antonio-Austin metroplex. In addition to our products, there are hand-made soaps, body care products, Feng Shui supplies, and even snack options!

New Event Center

11055 N IH35, ATX, 78753

Customers are invited to drop by on Friday, Oct. 1st to include a small picture of their loved ones to our altar.(We'll have a waiver to sign as we will not be responsible for lost or damaged property) Then you can pick it up after the celebration no later than the close of the day on Sunday Nov. 3rd.

Ricardo Gonzales /Psychic Medium • Anne Berlin /Psychic Medium • Tallulah/Intuitive Reader • Francine Caruso/Intuitive / Reiki • Norma Trevino / Abstract Spirit Artist • Donna Leach/Dream Interpreter • Tabitha McBroom/Tarot • Scarlet Soul/Tarot & More • Stern Hatcher/Pet Psychic • Merlyn /Aura Inspired & Engineered Jewelry • Velvet Buddha /Aura Photos

Vendors: Mad Valentine Creations • Bruja • The Sage Circle Apothecary • Illuminated Images • Alchemies Child 

Traditional Altar provided by Psychic Medium, Ricardo Gonzales with team; Juan Reyes & Mary Jane Garza

The annual Halloween celebration has past, but for those who carry Halloween in their hearts all year round we have something special:

The First Ever UnHalloween Celebration. It's a day long party with shopping, shows, and spooky activities. If you are the kind of person that puts up your Halloween decorations early and is slow to take them down this event is for you! Dress up and join us as we begin a new tradition of celebrating the 364 UnHalloweens throughout the year.

Click here for Free Tickets!

FREE Workshop!

November 16, 2-3pm

In this FREE Intuition workshop, you will explore

mindfulness techniques, practice actively listening to

your intuition, and engage in activities that promote

self-reflection and clarity. The goal is not only to sharpen your intuition but also to empower you to trust yourself wholeheartedly in all aspects of your life.

One key aspect of this workshop is to cultivate self-awareness and learn to differentiate between your authentic intuition and external influences. By becoming more attuned to your inner voice, you will regain the confidence to make decisions that align with your true desires and values.

Register Now!!!

Nov 23 • 1 pm • 11055 N IH-35

Natural Grocers own Nutritional Health Coach - Yolanda Calle, MAcCHM, BA, RM will simplify, tackle, and demystify some seemingly overwhelming topics. Facts are powerful and these next few months you'll be armed with many useful and useable facts to attain a total reset, re-alignment, recalibration and restoration of your radiant self and environments.

Nov: Natural Hacks for Memory Support

While age-related cognitive decline might seem inevitable, it doesn’t have to be! The formula for supporting our brain and our memory is simple. Discover how good nutrition and healthy habits can support our memory throughout our lifespan. In this free class you'll get to try some samples of delicious memory supportive, toxin free samples. This and all of our classes are free, researched and written by our very own R.D.'s to be presented by our expertly trained and certified health coach, Yolanda Calle MAOM, RM

Save the Dates!

Learn More!

Natural Grocers own Nutritional Health Coach - Yolanda Calle, MAcCHM, BA, RM will simplify, tackle, and demystify some seemingly overwhelming topics. Facts are powerful and these next few months you'll be armed with many useful and useable facts to attain a total reset, re-alignment, recalibration and restoration of your radiant self and environments.

Dec: Natural Hacks to Support a Healthy Mood

Don’t worry be happy, lose the ‘tude, turn that frown upside down… all easier said than done, until now. Gain a new understanding of the many complexities that play a role in supporting a healthy mood or hindering it. Nutritional, supplemental, environmental, lifestyle and other key factors will be discussed.

Dec 8 • 11am • 11055 N. IH-35

Power UP Your Intuition

Series I and II

Series: January 12th & 19th - 1:30-3:30pm

Series I $45 | Series I and II- $90

Tara Ventura - Healer, Teacher, Mystic of nearly two decades invites you to join a gratifying and unique experience to awaken and power up your intuition.

Join us in a sacred space for this transformative two part series workshop designed to help you unlock and strengthen your natural intuitive abilities, empowering you to make decisions with greater clarity and trust in yourself. The series are amplified with Rife frequency 852 and Crystal Resonancy to sharpen your perceptions.

In the first experiential course, you’ll meet your Intuitive Guide and explore practical techniques and exercises to connect you connect to you intuitive voice, and interpret the wisdom within.

In the second class, we will dive deeper and learn to harness your predictive abilities to tap into “subtle energies” and harness your ability to “know” what is likely to happen in a personal or professional situation, global situation and enhance creativity. Learn More!


Stay tuned in to our Calendar and Upcoming Events Pages for the latest updates on events being held in our Community Events Center.
Classes | Lectures | Workshops & More
Nature's Treasures has a 2,200 sq ft (56' x 40') Auditorium that seats 150 available for your event. 

Check out our NEW 5,000 sq ft event space at our 11055 N IH35 location. Available now!

Check our calendar for availability.
To schedule events, e-mail

The Treasure Tome: A Trove of Knowledge

Bring Nature Home with
Crystal Wisdom:
Information & News
Learn about crystals, what they mean, where they come from, and how to use them!

Blogs from our Crystal Wisdom: News & Information blog (below) can be read time

The Twelve Foundation Stones

of the Heavenly City: Topaz

by: Adrienne Goff

Topaz shines brightly as the subject of this month’s twelve foundation stones article. It comes in the full spectrum of color, from rich chocolate brown to soft lilac and everything in between. Topaz is like a genie in a gemstone package, with powers to manifest your heartfelt wishes and bring a windfall of positive blessings related to love, wealth, success, luck, and joy.

Many ancient cultures across the globe believed in the healing energy of crystals, incorporating them into their medicine, rituals, and daily spiritual routines. The power of gemstones has been recognized in many religions and religious texts, and Christianity is no exception. You can find references in the Bible to the use of stones, and perhaps the most interesting one is found in the Book of Revelation.


Monthly Astrological Guidance by Julie Reeves

Astrology Overview for November

Welcome to the mysterious season of dramatic Mother Earth energy! Scorpio season—arriving between October 22 and November 21—sticks to its highly transformative and emotional vibes in 2024. Regardless of your sign, you will all be inspired to embody the Spiritual Seeker, searching for deep, spiritual truths as new pathways unfold right before your eyes.

November 1 New Moon in Scorpio, set the intention of shedding your old skin, allowing a new version to develop right beneath it. This is a big month, with elections coming up on the 5th.

Click HERE to read what the stars have in store!

Featured Fossil: Agatized Gastropod

Gastropod in Latin means, “Stomach foot.” These Moroccan Gastropods are related to land snails and abalone. They are nearly 100 million years old, among the longest surviving in their lineage. Their soft bodies are not durable enough to survive fossilization, but their tiny 1” shell is fossilized through a process called agatization. Some feel Gastropod fossils are useful in calming back pain, cramps and headaches; as well as aiding in digestion or stomach related issues. 

On a spiritual or energetic level, they may assist with overcoming blockages from the past allowing one to move forward. For those who simply love collecting fossils, these little shells are a sweet addition to any fossil collection.    


Featured Agate: Lake Superior Agate

Lake Superior Agates come from the shores of Lake Superior in Minnesota where they are the state's gemstone. Lake Superior is the largest surface area freshwater lake in the world! The formation of the agates began around one billion years ago when the North American continent began splitting apart. During a much later glacial period, the agates broke free from the surrounding lava flows and were tumbled by the glacier's movement. One can find them walking along the shore of Lake Superior. The rich iron content in the region produces the red, orange, and yellow colors in the banding. 

Outside of appreciating the natural glacial tumble, individuals showcase this banding by further polishing this agate. A hardness of 7 makes it perfect for lapidary use. We have a small selection of Lake Superior agates available in the Rock Depot.

In Memoriam

Heather Wolfe

Heather Wolfe has transitioned and her funeral was live streamed Saturday morning from her original home, Ireland. Healer and presenter, Heather often offered classes and sessions at Nature's Treasures and was a dear friend to one of our other special guests, Austin's Crystal Whisperer. You'll be missed.

November Practitioners

Available Daily 4103 NIH35 | 11:00a - 5:30p | New Event Center 11055 N IH35, ATX, 78753 (in blue)

Anne Berlin - 2nd 3rd

Denise Nitti - 10th

Deborah Dahmen - 8th, 22nd

Laura Tree - 6th, 20th

Mia Michel - 5th, 19th

Ricardo Gonzales - 2nd, 7th, 21st

Julie Reeves - 9th, 23rd

Tara Ventura - 1st, 15th

Kramer Wetzel - 12th

Deja - 11th, 25th

Yuci Edwards - 14th, 27th

Sheela Goodrich - 24th

Merlyn, Metaphysical Jeweler - 2nd, 9th, 23rd

Sheryl Martin - 29th

Tallulah - 2nd

Tarot of the 9's - 13th, 26th

Saul Ravencraft - 2nd, 4th, 9th, 18th

Stern Hatcher - 2nd

Francine Caruso - 2nd

Linda Snow - 2nd


Velvet Buddha Aura Photos - 2nd,

Update your e-mail subscriptions and remember to subscribe for Practitioner Updates for news!
Our Featured Practitioner

Palmer McLean

Palmer McLean is an Intuitive Guide, certified Reiki practitioner, and has been reading Tarot for over 30 years. In addition, she hand-makes aromatherapy products for intention setting and magical manifestation using recipes and formulas intuited from spirit.

Palmer’s guidance, in all modalities, is designed to help you connect with your innate wisdom and higher self. Her passion is helping others access and re-learn how to trust their intuition, especially after trauma. You can learn more on her website: www.intuitiveguidancecenter.comintments available. Book at

Intuitive Jewelry Services
Call Ahead for Availability, Saturdays Only
Crystal Heart Studio
Ask for Merlyn, a wire-wrapper and jewelry-maker who lets her intuition guide the creation of unique wearable art. Whether you want to bring in your own crystal or have Merlyn help you find the perfect crystal for you in-store, she will then combine the stone with others and harmonize their energies with assorted metals. Available for walk-ins most Saturdays in the Retail Showroom.

Nature's Treasures wants to know...

If Nature's Treasures were to open a second location in South Austin, where would you want us?

E-Mail us at if you have other suggestions!
IH-35 in Buda/Kyle
290/360/Loop 1 Triangle
S. 1st/Congress (south of Ben White)

Featured Products

Pop-Up Store Exclusively at 11055 N IH35

Polished Labradorite Slabs

Priced from $6-$18

Prehnite Clusters

Priced from $16-$73

Citrine Clusters

Priced from $95-$137

In-Store Features @ 4103 N IH35

At the Counter!

Garnet Jewelry

NEW! In the Showroom!

Opalite Cubes

In the Depot!

Lake Superior Agate

Online Store Features

Selenite Angel Carvings


Natural Citrine Tumble Pendants .925 Sterling Silver


Satya Backflow Incense Cones

White Sage


Nature's Treasures ONLINE!

Starting on November 4th - November 27th

20% off select items:

*Lapis Lazuli

*Clear Quartz


*Incense cones

*Apparel & Accessories


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Our Affiliates

Spiritual Life Productions
Contact Information
Phone: 512.472.5015 

Store Hours
Sunday - Saturday 11:00a - 5:50p

Visit for Holiday Hours 
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