Dear All Saints Community,
The Wardens and Vestry of All Saints are excited to announce that the Reverend Tim Rich has been appointed as Priest-in-Charge by Bishop John Taylor.
Tim will begin his ministry at All Saints on Monday, August 12, 2024. He will preach Sunday, August 18 at the 7:30 am and 10:00 am services, and will speak in the Forum at 9:00am, where you will have an opportunity to meet him. Tim brings such a wealth of experience having served with large parishes and at a Diocesan level. Coming from an “un-churched” background, he is passionate about forming faith communities that are inclusive, multi-generational, curious, caring, joy-filled, and committed to “proclaiming” the Gospel with integrity and action beyond the church walls.
A little bit about Tim…
Arriving in Los Angeles the summer of 2024, Tim comes to All Saints after serving as the rector of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in East Greenwich, Rhode Island. Prior to his time at St. Luke’s, Tim was the Canon to the Ordinary for the Rt. Rev’d. V. Gene Robinson, the 9th Bishop of New Hampshire. In his thirty plus years of ordained ministry, Tim has served on a wide variety of diocesan bodies, including the Commission on Ministry, the Congregational Development Committee, and Diocesan Council. He also was a contributor and national faculty member for Fresh Start, a church-wide program designed to support clergy and congregations in transition.
When not at church, he enjoys adventuring with his wife, Diane Rich (the recently-hired Head of School at St. James’ Episcopal School in Los Angeles), and their two dogs, Brinkley and Findley. Not to overlook their “two-legged children,” Diane and Tim also are the parents of four young adults, all living scattered around the country.
In quieter moments, he is an avid reader of fiction, particularly loving the works of Louise Penny, whose books feature the wisdom of Chief Inspector Gamache and the charm of Three Pines Village, where one can find a bench inscribed with the words, “Surprised by joy.”
A little bit about Tim’s role as Priest-in-Charge…
As Canon Melissa McCarthy shared, the Priest-in-Charge (PIC) is appointed by the bishop in consultation with All Saints leadership. The duties of the PIC are the same as a rector with two exceptions. First, the PIC does not have tenure. They serve for an agreed length of time and that agreement can be extended if necessary. Second, the PIC is also responsible for doing the interim work necessary to prepare the congregation for their next rector. The time frame is dependent upon the congregation, but in the case of All Saints we expect a two-year agreement. As an appointee of the bishop, the PIC reports to the bishop but this is truly a mutual ministry between the PIC and the Vestry. As such there will be mutual ministry reviews on annual basis facilitated by a member of the bishop’s staff.
This is a time of great possibility in the life of All Saints, and we look forward to Tim’s spiritual leadership as we move into our future journey with care and courage.