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Week of Nov. 18, 2024

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Construction Activities

Northbound MacArthur Boulevard On-Ramp Closure

Southern California Edison (SCE) is scheduled to perform utility work along the northbound SR-55 MacArthur Boulevard straight on-ramp. This will require the following daytime closures tomorrow, Nov. 16 from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.:

  • Northbound SR-55 MacArthur Boulevard straight on-ramp
  • Outside lane on westbound MacArthur from the on-ramp to just east of the MacArthur Boulevard bridge

Sound Wall Construction

Crews are expected to install piles for a sound wall that will be constructed along the northbound McFadden Avenue off-ramp, adjacent to the Kenyon Pointe community. This work will begin as soon as Monday, Nov. 18 from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m., and continue through the end of November.

Coming Soon!

Dyer Road Bridge Barrier Demolition

In mid-December, crews are planning to demolish the concrete barrier along both sides of the SR-55 bridge over Dyer Road to accommodate the freeway improvements. Additional information will be provided in future communications.

Keep Orange County Clean

Crews are scheduled to sweep the outside lanes in both directions of the freeway on Friday, Nov. 22 beginning at 9 a.m. No traffic impacts are expected during this work. Look out for a cleaner corridor!

Closures and Detours Map

Bookmark the closures and detours map for quick access to real-time construction information. Click on the construction icons to view activities and closures.

About the Project

OCTA, in cooperation with Caltrans, is improving 4 miles of SR-55 between I-405 and I-5. The project will improve traffic flow and reduce travel time by adding one regular lane and one carpool lane in each direction. Also, the project will add merge lanes between several interchanges and stripe carpool lanes for continuous access, augmenting safety on the freeway by making merging easier. These enhancements are expected to create a better, smoother driving experience for motorists.

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