Tristen Groff leads the guys' summer Bible study in Marshall. He and his wife, Maddy (you read about Maddy in the story above) help lead the FCA Huddle for Marshall area high schoolers. This summer Bible study is so sweet for Tristen to lead as he recalls the Holy Spirit using scripture and fellowship to catapult his own personal relationship with the Lord. As he looks back on his life he can see how God was engaging, equipping, and empowering him with the tools needed to be a mentor to these young men.
I did not develop a love for scripture, or to be quite honest, a genuine love for the Lord until I was involved in a Young Adult Bible study that God used to transform my heart. It was the first time in my life that I had studied scripture intentionally with people who were not only studying it with me, but living it out themselves. I remember being amazed at the consistency of God's Word and then noticing evidence of its truth in my life. God used scripture and some very faithful people to mentor me and it completely changed my understanding of who God is.
Bible study groups are important for everyone, but especially for guys as we have a biblical calling to be faithful leaders. I believe God works through Bible study groups to equip us to be great leaders in our schools, sports, families, churches, and careers.
The guys' Bible study is reading through the book of James this summer. Our study operates by intentionally studying scripture from scripture. That means that we simply open up our Bibles to read and discuss what we've read, verse by verse. Questions are asked, connections are formed, and an understanding and appreciation for scripture is cultivated.
It's important for guys to read from the Bible themselves. Much of what we understand about God as young boys comes to us in very in-direct ways, each of which are definitely beneficial to our faith, but when we open our Bibles and simply read, we experience the consistency of God's Word for ourselves.
The book of James talks much about life's trials and how those trials are an opportunity for us to lean on the faithfulness of the Lord. These guys are coming up on transitions in their lives where they will face some challenging trials. My hope is that they can look back on the conversations had and the relationships formed in this summer study to help them through those times. I pray that this study encourages these guys to take ownership of their personal relationships with Jesus, to know Him to be the loving Father that He is, and to seek to live out their lives for Him.
This summer study has been such a blessing to me. These guys encourage me so much in my own walk with the Lord. It's a unique group of young men that I can see God working through in mighty ways. I'm reminded of Proverbs 27:17 "As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend" (NLT). Sharing their faith with each other will be the norm in their friend groups, not the exception. Praise God!
-Tristen G.