“Oh, we are actually needing to find a new church. We found out we’re not really welcome at the one we had been going to when we asked to have our baby dedicated. They said they wouldn’t pray over a marriage and family that wasn’t a man and a woman.”
This is a conversation I had with a couple of moms who were enjoying the day with their son at Come out With Pride last Saturday. I’m sorry to say, it’s not the first conversation I’ve had like that. But you know what I got to do? I got to tell those moms that St. Luke’s is a church where they would be welcomed just as they are, and that we would be honored to baptize their beautiful son.
Last weekend, a few dozen St. Lukers spent the day sharing that good news at our booth in the marketplace and in the parade where thousands of people got to see signs that said they are beloved by God and by us. And even better – we were far from the only church present at Pride this year...