This is to notify that the Executive Office of the General Convention has remodeled the 2024 Parochial Report. A PDF of the new form is now available on the general Convention website: Please review the form carefully as it contains new questions along with new financial pages.
In many ways the report has been simplified; it has been reduced in size from eight to six pages. Other important changes are as follows:
No Workbook or Separate Instructions – This year, the form will no longer include a workbook or separate instruction guide. Instead, helpful guidance is embedded directly within each section of the online report.
New Questions, Familiar Topics – While several questions have been updated, they align with information you’re likely already tracking.
Stewardship & Financial Information – The financial section is now covered on pages 4 & 5 and has been reorganized. The new format follows a different order and the form no longer captures the very important Subtotal for Normal Operating Income (previously Line A) that is used to calculate our common ministry assessments. As a result, all the necessary data needed to calculate the NOI must now be provided by each congregation by filling out the Supplemental 2024 Financial Data Form (download as a PDF or Excel file below), to be returned no later than March 15, 2025 to Melanie Stone at:
NOTE: This supplemental form is not filed online with your Parochial Report!
Reports are due online by March 1st – Although a downloadable PDF form is available, please be aware that reports must be entered online to be marked as complete. All reports must be submitted online. If your congregation lacks internet access, your diocese is required to assist. Congregations without internet access can complete the PDF, and diocesan staff will need to enter the information online. If you require assistance, contact Melanie Stone: