Online@JSU this Week | 7.22.24 | |
Upcoming Professional Development Calendar for Fall 2024
Online@JSU will be sponsoring or presenting the following workshops/presentations in Microsoft Teams for the Fall 2024 semester:
OER: Getting Started with Open Educational Resources (OER) - Presented by Dr. Mark Sciuchetti, Associate Professor, Chemistry & Geosciences (September 3, 2024, 10:30 am to Noon) - This session will detail how instructors can begin earning an OER digital badge/credential through Canvas Credentials at JSU.
Mastering the Art of Meaningful Feedback: A Workshop for Online Course Instructors - Presented by Dr. Khadeidra Billingsley, Assistant Professor, English & Jacksonville State Writing Center Director (September 10, 2024, 11:00 am to 12:15 pm)
Accessibility for ALL Students - Presented by Dr. Christopher Inman, Assistant Professor of Education, Senior Instructional Designer, Online@JSU (September 17, 2024, 11:00 am to 12:15 pm)
Hands-On Question Generation Using New Quizzes - Presented by Carrie Kirk, Instructor, Learning Skills, Learning Services and Analytics and Dr. Christopher Inman, Assistant Professor of Education, Senior Instructional Designer, Online@JSU. (September 24, 2024, 10:30 am to 12:00 pm)
Preparing Your Online Course for Review and Certification - Presented by Dr. Christopher Inman, Assistant Professor of Education, Senior Instructional Designer, Online@JSU (October 1, 2024, 11:00 am to 12:15 pm)
Canvas Tools – Gradebook & Assignments Page - Presented by Dr. Christopher Inman, Assistant Professor of Education, Senior Instructional Designer, Online@JSU (October 8, 2024, 11:00 am to 12:15 pm)
Canvas Tools – Peer Review Assignments, Assignment Annotation, Canvas Discussion Features - Presented by Dr. Hungwei Tseng, Associate Professor of Education, Senior Instructional Designer, Online@JSU (October 15, 2024, 10:30 am to 12:00 pm)
Please make plans to attend these sessions and be on the lookout for more information and opportunities to register!
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Tutorials, Tutorials, Tutorials!
Online@JSU has created a new tutorials course perfect for all online instructors, from the veteran online instructor to the newly hired online instructor. The course, Canvas 101, includes nothing but step-by-step "how-to" tutorials for Canvas, Canvas Studio, Turnitin, and Honorlock.
You can self-enroll (on the homepage) in the course at any time to add it to your Canvas dashboard. There are no required assignments or discussions.
Deans, program leaders, and department chairs, please encourage your faculty to self-enroll in the course so that this resource will be available to them at all times.
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Flip is Ending!
Microsoft is closing Flip this summer. To overcome this instructional loss, you can use Canvas Studio and Canvas Discussions in tandem to replicate the video discussion feature of Flip. Join one of the upcoming sessions in Teams to learn how to use Studio and Discussions to create video discussions.
- Tuesday, July 30, 3:00 pm
- Monday, August 5, 3:00 pm
- Tuesday, August 13, 3:00 pm
Sign Up!
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Grades to Banner Reporting Period
Please be advised that Grades to Banner can only be used during the open grading period at the end of each semester. Once that period has passed, grade reporting and grade changes must be submitted directly to the Registrar's Office.
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Course Participation Dates and Incompletes
Please note that course participation ends for students at 11:59 PM on the last date of finals for the term. Instructors do not have the ability to manually provide assignment or test extensions to students in Canvas after the course closes. Instead, the instructor must contact the Registrar's Office to request an Incomplete Section of the course.
Once the request has been approved by the Registrar's Office, Online@JSU will create an "Incomplete" section of the course whereby only the instructor and student have access to current course assignments and tests. At that time, the instructor must update any due dates to allow the student to complete the course.
If you would like students to be able to view final exam and/or course grades once a course ends, please uncheck the Restrict students from viewing course after course end date under the Course Settings of each course. This setting is "View Only" - students cannot complete any assignments or tests.
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Before You Copy Your Course
or Request a Course Copy
As new courses appear on your Canvas Dashboard, you may see that content is absent from the course(s). Please allow for 24 hours after you see the course before you copy any content into your course(s). Each course has an associated blueprint that sets the course navigation menu, the homepage, and university-wide course content such as Academic Integrity, the Student Success, the Writing Center, and more.. Please check your Blueprint Course association before you copy.
To check your blueprint course association:
- Click on Settings in the course navigation menu.
- On the Course Details tab, look for "Blueprint Course."
- Check to see that there is a blueprint associated with your course and that the Blueprint Course area is not blank.
In the example image below, the course is associated with the JSU General Template (Fall 2024) blueprint.
- If you see a blueprint association, you may complete a course copy or request a course copy from Online@JSU.
- If you do not see a blueprint association, please allow for 24 hours before completing a course copy.
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Course Copy and Course Merge Information
Fall 2024 Canvas course shells are available. As you prepare your Fall 2024 courses, review the following:
Course Copy: Course copies can be completed by instructors, or by Online@JSU by request. If you complete your own course copy, do not select "All Content." Instead, choose "Select specific content."
- Review the new Course Copy tutorial for details.
- Request a Course Copy
Course Merge: Course merge requests must be submitted three business days before the first day of class. Any merge requests submitted after this date must be approved by the Registrar. Course merges merge course enrollments (instructors and students) but do not transfer content, assignments, student submissions, or student grades. Any merge completed after student submissions have been submitted and graded will destroy all submissions and all grades.
- Review the updated Course Merge Tutorial
- Request a Course Merge
Publish Course & Early Access: Make sure you publish your course once set up is complete. Then, decide whether to open the course early in Preview mode. Preview mode allows students to see and read course content and the course syllabus, but students cannot submit assignments or participate in discussions until the first day of the semester according to the academic calendar.
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