Better Together

By Dorothy Wilkinson

What is the West Side? Is it the Northwest part of Albuquerque or is it more? West Side Dems have long contended that the West Side is all of the west side of Albuquerque including The Southwest part of the city, and we have always said the South Valley is part of us.

But we've held most of our meetings and parties in the Northwest we have not really made much effort to reach out to the South Valley or to the Southwest part of Albuquerque. 

We can be more effective with policies and politics in Albuquerque if we work together. 

We recently began reaching out to the South Valley and to the Southwest corner by inviting leaders of those communities to share lunch at Abuelita's Kitchen on Isleta Boulevard and to discuss the concerns and issues most important to them.

From left: Dorothy Wilkinson, Marisol Enriquez, Rep. Patricia Roybal Caballero, Ricardo Caballero, Nicole Olonovich, Karlyne Nordholm, Terry Rich, Pajarito Neighborhood Association President Robert Trujillo. Missing from photo: County Commissioner candidate Frank Baca

We decided to continue our discussion with South Valley leaders in the near future. BernCo Dems Chair Marisol Enriquez offered to arrange for the get-together.

Democracy is on the line.

We can save it by electing Gabe Vasquez

How many times have you had a chance to save democracy? 

We have that chance right now by working to help Gabe Vasquez win. It is up to us on the West Side and in the South Valley to bring this election home. 

Right now, it is very tight. We know that we must have a Democratic majority in the U.S. House if we are to preserve our democracy.

The Vasquez campaign will be canvassing every Saturday and Sunday at 10 a.m. and at 1 p.m., launching from the South Valley office at 1448 Bridge Blvd. and on another location the West Side. The location will be provided when you RSVP.

Canvassing will be launched from the South Valley office on weekdays starting at 5 p.m.

The campaign also will canvass Nov. 4 and 5 to solidify votes.

Sen. Martin Heinrich, D-N.M., and Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., will be at the South Valley office on Tuesday, Oct. 24, at 3 p.m. to launch a canvassing drive.

You also can phone bank Tuesdays through Saturdays from 6 to

8 p.m. 

You can secure a link to the phone banks and RSVP to canvassing by volunteering at

Remaining Timeline through Nov. 5 

We have a short time left before the election is over. Here are the remaining important dates:

Oct. 19 – Nov. 2 Early voting and same day registration at all polling places, Monday – Saturday 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.

Same day registration at the County Clerk's Annex

Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Deadline to request absentee ballots from the County Clerk’s office: Oct. 22.

Election Day: Nov. 5, 7a.m – 7 p.m. at all polling locations. 

Absentee ballots must be received by the county clerk by 7 p.m.

Nov. 5

Calendar Notes

The October general meeting would fall a few days before the election so we will not meet. Instead, members can work though the Democratic Party of Bernalillo County to canvass and call for candidates who have asked for help.

November will find us in a victorious mood.

We are celebrating Thanksgiving for all the work we've done and all the candidates we've elected. We have tentatively scheduled December 14th at West Mesa Community Center from 12:00 to 2:00.

If you know of a more flexible time and a place that could accommodate approximately 100 people please email me at

We will not meet in December.

You Are Invited to Attend Executive Committee Meetings

 As a member of WSD you are invited to attend Executive Committee Meetings. The Executive Council meets on the first Monday of each month (no meeting in December) at 1:00 on zoom. If you wish to attend, request a link at 

Dues are $10.00 per calendar year.
You may donate any amount.
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