December 2024

New Name, Same Commitment to Excellence

We're thrilled to share that Instructional Technology & Research Support is now officially Learning Technologies & Innovation. This new name more accurately reflects the full range of support and services we provide, as well as our dedication to keeping Loyola at the cutting edge of technology for teaching and learning. Our team of seasoned experts will continue to deliver the same outstanding support you've come to rely on. You can still direct 'how-to' questions through the ITS Service Desk at 773-508-4487 or, and individual consultations can be scheduled via our online booking site. Regular walk-in support is available at the Lake Shore Campus in Information Commons 204 and at the Health Sciences Campus in Cuneo Hall 180. Spring 2025 hours will be posted soon. We are excited about a dynamic and highly collaborative year ahead!

Sakai 23 is Almost Here

Loyola will upgrade to Sakai 23 on Thursday, December 19th, 2024. This latest software release provides you with a new interface for accessing courses, a new Dashboard tool, improvements to the Assignments Grader, options for managing course access, and more. For further information, review the full Sakai 23 Release Notes, watch the promo video, or register for one of the upcoming information sessions below.

What's New in Sakai 23 for Faculty

Get a sneak peek at Sakai 23, including highlights of new features and improved functionality. This session provides you with demonstrations and hands-on experience that focus on the faculty perspective. Students and staff are also welcome to attend.

Tuesday, December 17th, 12:00-12:30pm CT

Register Now

Tuesday, January 7th, 2:00-2:30pm CT

Register Now

What's New in Sakai 23 for Students

Get a sneak peek at Sakai 23, including highlights of new features and improved functionality. This session provides you with demonstrations and hands-on experience that focus on the student perspective. Faculty and staff are also welcome to attend.

Thursday, January 9th, 1:00-1:30pm CT

Register Now

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