Climate Resiliency in New Hampshire’s Coastal Communities
On Thursday, July 18th, SRPC’s newest staff member, Mike Polizzotti, attended the biennial Coastal Adaptation Workgroup (CAW) Climate Summit, held at Strawberry Banke in Portsmouth, NH. CAW is a collaborative group of organizations that works to plan for, and address, the increasing climate impacts experienced in communities across New Hampshire’s coast. This event brought together over 90 researchers, practitioners, and advocates from backgrounds representing municipalities, non-profits, academia, and more. The summit included nearly a dozen presentations highlighting ongoing and recent projects, and included critical collaboration and partnership building time.
SRPC has led and collaborated on several projects with CAW members in the past, including The Great Bay Living Shoreline Project, analyzing Social Equity and Resilience and Urban Trees and Stormwater in Dover, mapping Durham’s Groundwater Rise, and assisting Durham develop a Coastal Adaptation Chapter to their master plan.
Climate resiliency is a key component that must be considered throughout coastal New Hampshire communities, and SRPC’s work will continue to highlight this important piece of regional land use, transportation, and economic development planning. More of our Climate Adaptation and Resilience work can be explored here.