St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club

July, 2024

Volume 2023-24 | Issue 9



Trail Conditions

President’s Message

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer and looking forward to the upcoming snowmobile season. The Bo-Boen Club has been busy with fundraisers, planning for next season, and supporting other organizations with their events. Later in this newsletter there will be updates on some of our recent events and news about our upcoming events. I want to add my thanks to all those who volunteer to organize, plan, and work during these events.


Thank you to Bob and Peggy Ausloos for chairing our fishing season opener Brat Fry at Little Saint Mobile Express in May. And, thanks to all the volunteers, those that donated, and patrons that made it successful.


Thank you to John Lindberg and Kyle Szott for chairing our food and beverage sales at the Classic Sled Round Up on Memorial Day weekend. It started very early in the morning with coffee and doughnuts and continued with food and beverages sales throughout the day. Also, thanks to the many volunteers that helped with the set-up, working through the day, and with the take-down and clean-up for this event.


We again took part in St. Germain’s Independence Day Celebration. It gave us an opportunity to display our equipment, talk about our Club, and participate in the parade. Thank you to Greg and Roxanne Platz for planning and organizing this event and providing snow cones for our visitors. Also, thanks to the volunteers who decorated for the parade and a special thanks for the awesome job the candy throwers did.


A new fundraiser this year, Clean Boats, Clean Waters, is well underway. Thanks to those who took the training and are volunteering at the Found Lake boat landing. I look forward to seeing many of you at our newest fundraising event, selling food and beverages at the Chamber’s Lazy Daze of Summer on Saturday, July 20. Following that event is our annual Golf Outing in August. Please consider playing golf, sponsoring a hole, or donating something for raffle baskets or door prizes. Thank you for supporting the Bo-Boen Club and making it the finest snowmobile club with the best-groomed trail system.

Roger Klein, President


The Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club is providing food service for the St. Germain Chamber of Commerce event Lazy Daze of Summer on Saturday, July 20, 2024. This is an important fundraiser for our Club and a new event for the town of St. Germain, offering something for everyone including games & activities for both kids and adults, along with crafts and vendors.

Volunteers are needed to donate baked goods; to work as Grillers/Runners, Servers, Cashiers, Condiments/Floater; and to sell 50/50 Raffle tickets. This promises to be a fun afternoon, and a great opportunity to meet and mingle with other Club members!


Our food service will run from 11 am to 3 pm at the Town Park. If you are interested in helping, please click here to sign up.

Thank you for your support!


~ Shelby Szott, Event Chair 

(715) 614-2240



Register to Golf Here

The Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club needs volunteers to help with our 11th Annual Golf Outing on Sunday, August 25, 2024. Help is needed at different times throughout the day, so you can choose what works best for your schedule!

Sign Up to Volunteer Here 

Classic Sled Round Up

A big thank you to all our volunteers for working this year’s Classic Sled Round Up on Sunday, May 26th. Our efforts managing concessions, grilling the meat, donating cookies and brownies and serving a large crowd made this year’s Round Up another success for the Club. With this being our first-time co-chairing the event, we were a little nervous, but everything came together proving this to be a true team effort! Our cash receipts were strong, and after donating $1,462 to the Snowmobile Hall of Fame, our net income was $4,114. These funds will be applied to our grooming and trail expenses for this upcoming season.

Red Canoe Coffee

Camp's Fresh Market

Kwik Trip

Ann & Terry Pare

Barb Steinhilber

Carla & Roger Klein

Caroline Fender

Dennis & Dianne Dieter

Ed Siergiej

Francine & Wayne Suchocki

Fred & Sue Suchy

Greg & Roxanne Platz

Jake Szott

Judy Schell

Julaine Nampel

Larry Chamberlain

Lyn & Wayne Ax

Mark & Tricia Schmidt

Marla & Paul Vranish

Nate White

Ozzie & Peggy Ausloos

Pat Dorow

Paul Bohnen

Rich Lindberg

Robin Lindberg

Ron Rhodes

Shelby Szott

Steve Benitez

Sue Zauner

Tony Cantele

Val Rybarczyk

As you can see, it takes many members to work this event so if you are looking to get more involved in the Club and want to meet other members, please consider volunteering for next year’s event, or other Club fundraisers.

Thanks again,

John Lindberg & Kyle Szott

Event Co-Chairs



Steve was a longtime member of the Club, served as a Director and President, and worked on countless committees and fundraisers. His friendship and dedication to the Club will be greatly missed and always remembered.

Click for Full Obituary


Thank you to everyone who visited us at the St. Germain Independence Day Celebration on June 30! We could not have done it without these dedicated volunteers and supporters:

715 Vinyl

Rock’s Rent All

St. Germain Fire & Rescue

Tony Cantele

Elizabeth Hays

Evelyn Hays

Vivian Hays

Don Hays

Joe Domenico

Roger & Carla Klein

John & Robin Lindberg

Brad Miller

Aiden Miller

Terry Pare

Greg & Roxanne Platz

Wayne Suchocki

Fred & Sue Suchy

Jim Schuppe

Mark Schmidt

McKenzie Schmidt

Skylar & Nate White

Joe Tegland

Kristin Kronberger


We are in need of some more help fulfilling the Bo-Boen's obligation at the Found Lake boat landing reminding and helping boaters prevent the spread of invasive species. It is easy and fun.

The sheet you get from Peggy has three easy questions to guide the process. Over the next 3 months, almost every Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday is open. 

Please contact Peggy Ausloos 715-892-6467 or email her at if you are interested in helping for a few hours.

If you have any questions, you can call Roger at 715-477-8570. 

Thank you for your help.

Boat Landing Calendar

The Apple Dumpling Gang came out of hiding to decorate and ride a float in the June 30th St. Germain parade. A gift of an oversize red delicious apple to judge Bob Schell was not enough to sway his vote on our behalf.

A huge thank you to Don Osterberg, Tom Stobbe, and Curly and Pam Warner for loading sleds, decorating the float, tossing candy and representing the Dumplings. And we rehydrated at Warners' afterwards.

The Apple Dumpling Gang

Sunshine Report

A sympathy card was sent to James and Linda Leone. His sister passed away.  

Support Those Who Support Us

With or without snow, please patronize our Club sponsors.

We couldn't do what we do without their continued support.

Click here for a list of our 2024 Map Sponsors

We hope to see you around town soon!